
The Chinese women's volleyball team reported the Olympic list, and the situation gradually became clear! Ni Feifei is out! The P card is used in the main attack

author:Love Feng Kanqiu

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In today's women's volleyball world, the competition for the main offensive position is white-hot, and every time the 14-man roster is determined at the Olympic Games, it is like a thrilling battle.

Let's start with the competition for the main offensive position, which is really full of gunsmoke. A number of strong players are eager to take their place in this key position. They sweat on the training ground and fight the field in order to stand out in this limited number of places. Some players are known for their strength, and each smash seems to be able to smash through the opponent's defense;

The Chinese women's volleyball team reported the Olympic list, and the situation gradually became clear! Ni Feifei is out! The P card is used in the main attack

Some players are known for their skill, clever lines and precise landing points to make their opponents unguardable. Among them, there are experienced veterans, who are trying to defend their position with years of competition experience and consistent performance; There are also rookies who are not afraid of tigers with newborn calves, and they have launched a strong challenge to the veterans with momentum and fearlessness.

And the process of determining the 14-man roster for the Olympics is full of twists and turns. The coaching staff should comprehensively consider the technical level, game status, psychological quality, and even the tacit understanding of the team. Every decision is about the country's honour and the future of the team, and they are under a lot of pressure. After internal competitions and data analysis, the coaches studied and discussed day and night, just to select the most effective team.

The Chinese women's volleyball team reported the Olympic list, and the situation gradually became clear! Ni Feifei is out! The P card is used in the main attack

In this fierce competition, Wang Yizhu is like a dark horse, successfully counterattacking and becoming one of the main candidates for the Olympic Games. In the intra-team competition, Wang Yizhu showed amazing perseverance and explosiveness. She is always the first to arrive and the last to leave when training, and she strives for perfection in every technical move. On the field, she was fearless in the face of strong opponents, and her eyes were full of determination and confidence. The decisive smashes and tenacious defenses all made people see her strength and potential.

There are many reasons why she was selected for the Olympic Games. First, her technological progress is obvious to all. Whether it is offensive means or defensive skills, there has been a qualitative improvement in a short period of time. Second, her psychological quality is excellent. She was able to stay calm and perform at her best when it mattered. In addition, the tacit understanding between her and her teammates can quickly integrate into the team's tactical system, adding a lot of points to the team's overall combat effectiveness.

The Chinese women's volleyball team reported the Olympic list, and the situation gradually became clear! Ni Feifei is out! The P card is used in the main attack

Where there are successes, there are regrets. Three young players, Yang Hanyu, Wang Yunrui and Xu Xiaoting, failed to make the 14-man squad for the Olympics. But that doesn't mean they don't have a chance in the future. Yang Hanyu, the young secondary attacker, has excellent physical fitness and strong blocking ability. It's just that there is still a lack of experience and technical stability.

Wang Yunrui has a sharp offense and good scoring ability, but it needs to be further strengthened on the defensive end. Xu Xiaoting, as a setter, has excellent organizational skills and a sense of the overall situation, but she still needs more time to run in with her teammates. Although they missed out on the Olympics this time, they still have a chance to prove themselves in the world competitions in the future.

The Chinese women's volleyball team reported the Olympic list, and the situation gradually became clear! Ni Feifei is out! The P card is used in the main attack

Sports competition has always been brutal. Every opportunity counts, and every mistake can lead to a complete loss. But it is this cruelty that inspires the endless fighting spirit and potential of the athletes. In the midst of this cutthroat competition, hope remains. Young players are like seeds that are about to break through the ground, and given enough time and space, they have the potential to grow into towering trees.

We have a lot of expectations for the future of our young players. Hopefully, they will learn from every failure and gain experience from every success. Constantly improve their technical level, temper their psychological quality, and shine more dazzling in the future competition.

The Chinese women's volleyball team reported the Olympic list, and the situation gradually became clear! Ni Feifei is out! The P card is used in the main attack

Just when everyone was talking about the Olympic roster of the women's volleyball team, some controversial topics also followed. Netizens expressed deep concern about the lack of free people participating in the competition. The role of the libero in the team should not be underestimated, and they take on the important task of defense and passing. Without the participation of free agents, whether the team's back row security can be stable is indeed a worrying question.

Wang Mengjie's back injury has undoubtedly become the focus of everyone's attention. The impact of a stubborn injury, a stubborn injury, on athletes is immeasurable.

The Chinese women's volleyball team reported the Olympic list, and the situation gradually became clear! Ni Feifei is out! The P card is used in the main attack

You must know that the waist is the core hub of human movement, carrying the key functions of the body, such as the transfer of the center of gravity and the transmission of power. For an athlete like Wang, a back injury will not only affect her performance on the field in the present, making it difficult for her to fully use her defensive and first-pass skills, but it may also cast a heavy shadow on her career in the future.

Under normal circumstances, Wang Mengjie is able to move quickly on the pitch with excellent reaction speed and accurate judgment, building a solid defensive line for the team. However, the presence of a back injury makes all this difficult. Every save, every time she gets up, the pain in her lower back can become an obstacle to her performance. Even the slightest deviation in the movement can lead to a mistake in receiving the ball, giving the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of.

The Chinese women's volleyball team reported the Olympic list, and the situation gradually became clear! Ni Feifei is out! The P card is used in the main attack

What is even more worrying is that Wang Mengjie's injury has had a non-negligible impact on the upcoming Olympic Games. This has forced the coaching staff to weigh and consider more carefully in the personnel arrangement. After all, the Olympics are the top events in the world of sports, and every decision is about the country's honor and the team's performance.

If the coaching staff decide to bring Wang Mengjie into the field with an injury, then special tactics will need to be developed to minimize her burden, while also being prepared for possible contingencies. But doing so is undoubtedly a risk, and Wang Mengjie may be overworked and aggravate the injury, which in turn will affect the subsequent matches and even the entire career.

The Chinese women's volleyball team reported the Olympic list, and the situation gradually became clear! Ni Feifei is out! The P card is used in the main attack

And if the coaching staff chooses not to let Wang Mengjie play, then finding a suitable replacement has become an urgent and thorny problem. Whether the new players can quickly adapt to the high intensity and fast pace of the game, and whether they can reach a tacit cooperation with the team, all this is unknown.

There is also a rather controversial topic, that is, whether Zhu Ting is suitable to be a free man. As the core figure of the women's volleyball team, Zhu Ting's performance in the main offensive position is impeccable. But if she was asked to fight a free man instead, would it be a wise choice? Some people think that Zhu Ting's skills are comprehensive and adaptable, and she may be able to play well in the position of a free man; Others believe that Zhu Ting's role in the main offensive position is even more irreplaceable, and letting her change positions may weaken the team's overall attacking power.

The Chinese women's volleyball team reported the Olympic list, and the situation gradually became clear! Ni Feifei is out! The P card is used in the main attack

The world of women's volleyball is full of challenges and opportunities, as well as controversy and expectations. Let's cheer for the girls of the women's volleyball team and look forward to their brilliance in the Olympic Games!

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