
The situation in the Asia-Pacific region has changed, and the US commander has issued a letter of challenge that the new troops will be deployed to Guam to deal with China by name

author:Ah Qi said history

"The situation in the Asia-Pacific region is about to undergo new changes"

As soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted wide attention from the international media, and we must know that the United States has exhausted all its conspiracies against China in recent years.

However, the recent plan revealed by the commander of the US Marine Corps to reporters still shocked many media, and the US military will strengthen its deployment in the Guam area, and bluntly said that this is aimed at China.

What will be the impact of the increased U.S. deployment in Guam on China? And how will China respond?

The situation in the Asia-Pacific region has changed, and the US commander has issued a letter of challenge that the new troops will be deployed to Guam to deal with China by name

Deployment in Guam

In 2009, U.S. President Bill Clinton introduced a bill, the Asia-Pacific Strategy, which aims to expand U.S. influence in the Asia-Pacific region.

In fact, the deeper reason for the introduction of the Asia-Pacific strategy of the United States is to suppress China's development in the Asia-Pacific region.

After all, with the continuous increase of China's military strength, the island chain blockade plan set up by the United States in the early stage has failed.

Therefore, the US government had to re-establish a new plan to block China's development in the Asia-Pacific region.

And one of the most important points in this plan is Guam, mainly because the strategic location of the Guam region is crucial to the United States.

The situation in the Asia-Pacific region has changed, and the US commander has issued a letter of challenge that the new troops will be deployed to Guam to deal with China by name

Guam is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and is a necessary transit point for international trade and military operations.

Not only that, but Guam is able to take into account the movements between North Korea, China, and Japan at the same time, so it can be said that it is an outpost.

Therefore, the United States also put a lot of effort into Guam in the early stage, fully armed Guam, and said: "The United States will absolutely not allow any country to act that threatens the security of the Asia-Pacific region." It can be said that the hegemonist ideology is full.

Recently, the United States has moved on Guam, increasing troops in the Guam area, and plans to establish a team called the Littoral Combat Group in 2027.

It is reported that this is already the third Littoral Combat Regiment unit deployed by the United States, the first two of which are deployed in Hawaii and Okinawa in Japan.

The situation in the Asia-Pacific region has changed, and the US commander has issued a letter of challenge that the new troops will be deployed to Guam to deal with China by name

The reason for the increase in troops in the Guam area is obvious, because the friction between China and the United States is becoming more and more obvious, and the United States must make some adjustments if it wants to maintain its hegemonic position.

In an interview with reporters, the commander-in-chief of the U.S. Marine Corps claimed that the U.S. move was intended to protect the interests of allies Japan and the Philippines and counter the threat that China might pose.

This makes it clear that the United States is no longer as secretive as before, and this time its remarks are full of provocations and threats.

Later, the reporter continued to ask, "Can these measures effectively stop China." ”

The situation in the Asia-Pacific region has changed, and the US commander has issued a letter of challenge that the new troops will be deployed to Guam to deal with China by name

The commander-in-chief of the U.S. Marine Corps even went out of his way, claiming that "if China does not want their ships to suffer, then of course these measures can stop them." ”

It can be said that the US containment plan has been carried out in an all-round way, and recently the Japanese side said that it will adjust the establishment of the Self-Defense Forces because the US troops stationed on Okinawa will be transferred to Guam in order to reduce the burden on Okinawa.

In addition, the Japanese side also claimed that the United States was moving to maintain security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, which is completely nonsense.

This is just an excuse for the United States to suppress China, and the United States has also relatively lightened restrictions on Japan's Self-Defense Forces, which means that Japan's Self-Defense Forces are likely to be expanded.

The situation in the Asia-Pacific region has changed, and the US commander has issued a letter of challenge that the new troops will be deployed to Guam to deal with China by name

It is understood that the US Littoral Combat Regiment is able to move quickly between various islands, has flexible mobility, and has participated in the "shoulder-to-shoulder" military exercise jointly organized by the United States and the Philippines, and has also shown good combat effectiveness in the exercise.

The helplessness of the United States

In fact, the reason for increasing the number of littoral combat regiments is precisely a helpless move of the United States, because the United States is now unable to effectively intercept the missiles of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

It can only be stopped by strengthening the defense between China and the United States, and at present the United States has set up two military bases on Guam, and it can be said that the Guam base is definitely among the best in the ranking of advanced bases in the United States.

At present, we can see that the two littoral combat regiments deployed by the United States are in Hawaii and Okinawa, respectively, and the third one that will be established is in Guam.

The situation in the Asia-Pacific region has changed, and the US commander has issued a letter of challenge that the new troops will be deployed to Guam to deal with China by name

It corresponds to the three island chains established by the United States, and each island chain can be interconnected.

Objectively speaking, because of its high mobility, it will be very difficult for the US littoral combat group to be locked down and eliminated.

Therefore, the mainland PLA should improve its rapid reaction capability and situational awareness, and only by improving these aspects can it restrain these littoral combat regiments that are quick to fight and retreat.

In addition, the United States cannot effectively intercept China's missiles, which is also a fatal wound for the United States, after all, even the United States cannot withstand the power of missiles.

Including the unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned patrol boats that our army has been paying attention to developing, they can also be effectively countered.

Some experts have analyzed the situation between China and the United States before, and experts said that there will definitely be a vicious war between China and the United States, and it is very likely to be in the South China Sea.

The situation in the Asia-Pacific region has changed, and the US commander has issued a letter of challenge that the new troops will be deployed to Guam to deal with China by name

It can also be seen from the recent military operations of the United States that the United States seems to have this idea, after all, these combat units can be stationed on their respective island chains in peacetime, once China and the United States go to war.

It can all be transferred to the first island chain, directly blockading the waters of the mainland, and then cooperating with Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force to strike.

Of course, the mainland has long seen through the mind of the United States, and with the expansion of China's Marine Corps, the aircraft carrier industry is booming, and it can be said that it already has a very powerful maritime force.

The situation in the Asia-Pacific region has changed, and the US commander has issued a letter of challenge that the new troops will be deployed to Guam to deal with China by name

All this done by the United States is in vain, and a foreign spokesman from the mainland made a statement on the matter: "China resolutely opposes the United States in provoking and intensifying contradictions, strongly condemns the words and deeds of the United States that harm the strategic security and interests of other countries, and resolutely opposes the creation of a closed coterie in the Asia-Pacific region." ”

The spokesman of the mainland Foreign Ministry spoke loudly and loudly, fully revealing the hypocritical mask of the United States, and not only that, other countries should also be more vigilant, because it is an old tradition that the United States likes to betray its teammates.

For example, in the recent conflict between the Philippines and China, we can see that the US aircraft carrier did not even dare to approach China's waters and ran away, which proves that the current United States is also very jealous of China's strength.

The situation in the Asia-Pacific region has changed, and the US commander has issued a letter of challenge that the new troops will be deployed to Guam to deal with China by name

Those countries that have pinned their hopes on the United States should be soberly aware that continuing to follow the United States in its misdeeds can only lead to self-destruction.

The People's Liberation Army on the mainland has the ability and confidence to face the threat of the United States, and no matter what the littoral combat regiment or the Marine Corps is, in the eyes of our military they are just paper tigers.

Besides, the third littoral combat regiment deployed by the US military will not be fully equipped until 2027, and the mainland's naval strength will be upgraded to a higher level by then.

Therefore, the remarks of the commander-in-chief of the US Marine Corps are undoubtedly just to cheer up the declining US military, and if they are really to be implemented, they will not achieve the desired effect.

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