
The situation in Russia and Ukraine is clear! The Russian army achieved three major victories in two days, and the battle situation has been decided.

author:ZhengJin Vision

As of March 4, President Putin mentioned in his speech that the Russian combat forces have basically completed their objectives, Russia wants to implement the task of "de-militarization" of Ukraine, adhering to the practice of "weapons and people", Russia has fully demonstrated humanitarian assistance in the process of carrying out military operations, and after controlling Ukrainian cities, it has actively consulted with the local government to fully protect the human rights and freedoms of the local people.

The situation in Russia and Ukraine is clear! The Russian army achieved three major victories in two days, and the battle situation has been decided.

Observers pointed out that Russia also achieved important strategic results in just two days, first taking control of important nuclear power plants in Ukraine, and then entering the Kherson region, ukraine's important town, and the capital of Unikolaev Oblast under the control of Russian forces. After the Russian army entered, it also successfully caused panic in the Ukrainian government, and then announced that it would counterattack Russia, and the Russian troops went all the way forward, successfully controlling the capital of Nikolayev Oblast on March 4, and the situation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict became more and more clear.

The Russian government has warned of the shipment of weapons from Western countries

Although the situation is getting clearer, how will Russia think about how to deal with the continuous military assistance of Western countries to Ukraine. Prevent the West from continuing to expand eastward?

The situation in Russia and Ukraine is clear! The Russian army achieved three major victories in two days, and the battle situation has been decided.

In fact, the Russian deputy foreign minister warned NATO countries in a recent interview that their delivery of weapons to Ukraine will further exacerbate the possibility of conflict between the two sides, but the Western countries are not moved by Russia's warnings, and even recently sent 16,000 mercenaries to arrive in Ukraine, these mercenaries have very rich combat experience, and can also skillfully use the military weapons sent by NATO to Ukraine. The next problem for Russia is how to strike at this military force, and use this as an opportunity to strike at the provocative arrogance of the United States and other Western countries, so that they will pay a painful price, but Russia wants to achieve this, but it also needs to find a suitable time for this conflict situation to move in the direction of special operations.

The Russian government says the main goal of its campaign is to fight extremists inside Ukraine

Russia has previously made it clear that the purpose of their operation is to strike at the ultra-nationalists in the Ukrainian Azov battalion, who then destroyed the residential areas of the people after the occupation of Donbass, forcing these people to live in the dark underground for 7 months, and trampling on the lives of the people at will, and when the media exposed the evil behavior of these extremists, the international community did not severely criticize their behavior.

The situation in Russia and Ukraine is clear! The Russian army achieved three major victories in two days, and the battle situation has been decided.

But the Western countries continue to spread rumors about Russia, when the militia of the Donbass set out to fight the extremists, it was smeared by the Western media as Ukrainian soldiers fighting with the Russian army, and recently the Western media also rumored that Russia attacked the Ukrainian soldiers, resulting in the death of 13 soldiers, this false news was also criticized by the Russian side, and then the Ukrainian soldiers also came forward to confirm for Russia, indicating that after they announced that they would not participate in the war, the Russian army carried out humanitarian assistance to them. And they were also released back to their families.

Part of the news reference: National Defense Times

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