
Smart technology in Shule County boosts high-quality economic development

Smart technology in Shule County boosts high-quality economic development

On March 11, employees rushed to make orders for smart watches on the production line. Xinjiang Zhongke Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. stayed in Qilu Industrial Park in southern Xinjiang, Shule County in 2019, mainly producing smart products such as children's positioning watches, adult smart watches, and elderly health watches. At present, the company has set up 5 automated assembly lines, producing 200,000 children's smart watches and 50,000 smart education tablets per month, effectively promoting the high-quality economic development of Shule County. Photo by journalist Joticl Nigatti

Smart technology in Shule County boosts high-quality economic development

On March 11, employees of Xinjiang Zhongke Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. rushed to make smart watch orders on the production line. Photo by journalist Joticl Nigatti

Smart technology in Shule County boosts high-quality economic development
Smart technology in Shule County boosts high-quality economic development

On March 11, employees of Xinjiang Zhongke Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. were packaging smart watches. Photo by journalist Joticl Nigatti

Smart technology in Shule County boosts high-quality economic development

On March 11, customers experienced smart electronic products at the product display center of Xinjiang Zhongke Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Photo by journalist Joticl Nigatti

Smart technology in Shule County boosts high-quality economic development

On March 11, employees of Xinjiang Zhongke Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. inspected smart watches in quality. Photo by journalist Joticl Nigatti

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