
On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

author:The Great Buffalo of Syria

Today is March 12th, the war has lasted for 17 days, the last negotiation still failed to reach an agreement, the situation between Russia and Ukraine or will become more and more intense, Skiddy two sides and three knives once again arched the fire, will directly confiscate all the property of the Russian side and its citizens, yesterday after the Russian-Ukrainian foreign minister's talks, the Ukrainian side said that there are many problems in the conversation, the war is difficult to stop in a short period of time, and said that the Ukrainian side is very strong, it will not bow its head and surrender.

On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

Yesterday evening. The leaders of Russia and Belarus talked and reached an agreement, believing that as long as the Ukrainian side wants to cease war, it can resolve the existing contradictions at any time.

As we all know, the war has been deadlocked for dozens of days, so that all countries in the world have been more or less affected, the front line is still in a scorching battle, at two o'clock in the morning today, the Russian side announced the progress of the front-line troops, the Russian army shot down three unmanned aerial vehicles, in addition, the Russian troops have also destroyed more than 80 military facilities, including bases for assembly, air defense units, weapons fuel depots and so on.

On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

At present, the Russian troops have slowed down the speed of the offensive, the offensive in the northern direction has almost stopped, and the southern front has also slowed down the speed of the march because of logistical problems, and the Ukrainian side is taking advantage of this weakness to block the logistics and transportation of the Russian side in an attempt to contain the full-scale offensive of the Russian army.

On the evening of March 11, local time, Belarus and Russia had a conversation, in which they discussed in detail the development of the current situation, and the leaders of the two sides also agreed that if the Ukrainian side is willing to stop this war, then the existing problems can be quickly solved.

On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

With the continuous escalation of the war, many countries led by the United States have launched sanctions against russia, making the russian side, which is not rich, even worse, yesterday, Russia and Belarus held a meeting, the leaders of the two sides discussed how to deal with the sanctions of other countries, and expressed their willingness to work together to take measures, including strengthening mutual support for energy between the two sides, and the German foreign minister also stressed again that it is not possible to immediately ban the import of gas and other resources to Russia, which will bring major crises to Europe and other places.

On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

Belberg also said that in just a few days, there will be a serious energy crisis in Germany and some European regions, hospitals, institutions, factories or will not be able to work properly, and also said that there is a large amount of energy in Russia for their own use, and Europe is not the same, once the loss of energy supply, it will lead to power outages, heating and so on.

A few days ago, in order to increase sanctions, the United States called on more countries to ban the import of Russian crude oil and gas, but at present, although this will cause russia's economy to be hit hard, it will also face the impact of rising prices caused by energy imbalances. Recently, Ski signed a decree stipulating that all Russian property and assets of Russian citizens in The Territory of Ukraine will be confiscated.

On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

It can be seen that because the war has no bottom line, this also means that all Russian assets in Ukraine will be confiscated, and there will be no compensation for them, such a practice naturally makes people a little caught off guard, if the Ukrainian side wants to confiscate the Russian state-owned assets can be understood, but even the civilian property is not spared, such behavior will undoubtedly anger the Russian side.

In addition to the Ukrainian side, there have also been many countries that have imposed sanctions on Russian personnel in their own territory, one of which has confiscated the property of a Russian rich man, and the United States has collected the assets of Russian personnel everywhere in the country, and the German side has directly confiscated hundreds of millions of dollars of russian rich ships.

On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

Recently, the British side is not willing to show weakness, before it has frozen all the assets of the Russian oligarchs, this time it is a rich man on the Russian side, who will freeze all personal assets, including all the property in the British side, the total amount has reached more than 9 billion pounds, and this rich man is also the owner of the Premier League Chelsea Club, and his love for Chelsea must be able to be seen by everyone, but just a few days ago, because of the sanctions on the Russian side, he could only helplessly list.

On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

In order to avoid being sanctioned, he also voluntarily gave up the £1.5 billion debt owed to him by the British side. I thought that this would make the British side see his sincerity, but I never expected that he still underestimated the British side and eventually froze all his assets. And that's not the end of it, in order to make him unable to make money later, he directly attacked Chelsea.

Seeing this bottomless behavior of Western countries, the Russian side naturally will not sit still, and then made a strong counterattack, which will control the foreign enterprises that have withdrawn from Russia, and strictly review and redistribute their assets, because once these enterprises are withdrawn, they will cause a large number of unemployed people to the Russian side, so these enterprises want to evacuate, but they need to be prepared to be confiscated.

On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

This also means that those enterprises that respond to the sanctions against Russia will be confiscated and confiscated, and the Russian side is forced to make this move, and Western countries have repeatedly declared that personal assets are not infringed, but now they are committing such bottomless behavior. Recently, the Belarusian foreign minister held a press conference, in which he said that there is no substantial progress in the conversation between Russia and Ukraine, and the reason why the war cannot be stopped quickly is mainly due to the obstruction of the West, which has repeatedly tried to provide weapons and equipment to the Ukrainian side, and even sent a large number of mercenaries to fight in Ukraine.

On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

Moreover, the main problem is that some Western countries have been ignoring Russia's emphasis on regional security, and NATO has repeatedly expanded eastward in spite of warnings, which will undoubtedly deepen the contradictions between the two sides, and if we want to reach a consensus quickly, this requires the Ukrainian side to actively solve the existing problems with the Russian side without interference from the outside world. Nato once promised the Russian side that it would not continue to expand eastward, but now it has been attacking the city strategically, and even set its sights on the Ukrainian side, and the region is of great significance to the Russian side, once it is completely turned to NATO.

On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

This will undoubtedly make Russia suffer from NATO pressure for a long time, on March 11, local time, the US leader had warned that if NATO and Russia clashed, this would undoubtedly usher in World War III, and he believed that the United States currently has only two choices, the first is to start a third world war with Russia, and the second is to continuously strengthen sanctions against Russia.

On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

Subsequently, Russian diplomacy said that if a third world war breaks out, it is likely to be a nuclear war that the world fears, so all parties need to exercise great restraint to ensure that such things do not happen, and the United States may increase sanctions against Russia. At present, Russia's largest economic source is oil and natural gas, etc., so it was announced a few days ago that it would ban all energy imports into Russia in an attempt to completely crush the Russian economy, because Russia not only has huge crude oil reserves, but also becomes a major exporter in the world in terms of gas.

On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

At present, the proven gas reserves in Russia are more than 37 trillion cubic meters, and the reason why Russia has so many resources is because it occupies an important geographical location and has a vast land area, and energy supply is crucial for each country, and it is also closely related to people's lives.

On the 11th local time, the European Union once again opened the fourth sanction, mainly by the United States and seven other countries jointly implemented, and will suspend all trade and economic loans to Russia, including will not export luxury and other goods, in an attempt to hit the elite in Russia through this act, you know, the EU and Russia's economic exchanges are very close, if completely divided with Russia, it is bound to be hit hard.

On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

At present, the situation in Russia and Ukraine has not made obvious progress, but it is becoming more and more dangerous under the deception of the old United States, there are a large number of soldier casualties on the front-line battlefield every day, the two sides of the previous conversation have not obtained the desired results, but have reached an agreement on opening the civilian transfer channel, and the others have not made substantial progress,Ski has always hoped to join NATO, but at this critical moment, NATO does not want to have any conflict with the Russian side, otherwise it will trigger large-scale wars.

On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

At present, the most important thing is to reduce the contradictions, to ensure that the two sides can solve the problem through dialogue, do not let the war last more time, otherwise there will be more refugees, and at present, Russia and Ukraine are also talking many times, which is a good development, but it also needs international support and encouragement, rather than constantly arching fire on it, and at present, It also needs Ski to be able to make certain concessions, in order to stop this war, and to avoid more civilians from being hurt again.

On March 12, the latest news from Russia and Ukraine shows that the situation in Russia and Ukraine may become more and more intense, and the two sides and three knives will once again arch the fire

Moreover, during the military operations of the Russian army, it was found that the Ukrainian side used to study biological laboratories, but also many times got the assistance of the old United States, all kinds of problems made the war unable to stop, just as the White Russian Foreign Minister said; the biggest obstacle at present is the interference from the outside world, and the Belarusian and Russian sides have reached a consensus, if the Ukrainian side is willing to stop, you can suspend military operations at any time, the existing contradictions can also be negotiated through conversation, then when will Ski be able to see the facts? Several conversations have failed to make progress, and there is also a lot of uncertainty in the situation.

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