
Progress in the Situation in Russia and Ukraine: The Conflict Between Russia and Ukraine Has Triggered a Serious Refugee Crisis Many parties have expressed their positions on the issue of biosecurity in Ukraine

author:China News Network

Beijing, March 12 (China News Service) Comprehensive news: According to United Nations statistics, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has caused thousands of civilian casualties and 2.5 million people have left Ukraine. Under the joint action of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and sanctions against Russia, the global food supply, chip manufacturing, energy prices, etc. have been affected to varying degrees. In addition, on the 11th, many parties expressed their position on the biosecurity problem of Ukraine, stressing that the use of biological weapons is unacceptable.

The United Nations says the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has triggered a serious refugee crisis Both Russia and Ukraine have said that multiple humanitarian channels have been opened

Rosemary DiCarlo, deputy secretary-general for political affairs of the United Nations, said that according to the records of the United Nations, as of the 11th, at least 564 civilians have died and 982 civilians have been injured in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and the actual casualty data may be higher.

The UnHCR said on the 11th that the number of people who left Ukraine due to the war has reached 2.5 million, and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has triggered the refugee crisis with the fastest growing number of refugees since World War II. UNHCR also predicted that 4 million people could leave Ukraine as the situation continues to develop.

According to the news released by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the 11th, the Russian side has delivered about 1671 tons of humanitarian supplies to Ukraine and carried out 212 humanitarian operations. Mizintsev, head of the Russian State Defense Command Center, issued a statement on the same day that the Russian side opened 10 humanitarian passages for Kiev and other 5 Ukrainian cities on the same day.

Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vleshyuk said on the 11th that the Ukrainian side plans to open 11 humanitarian passages in Donetsk, Kiev Oblast and other regions on the same day.

Progress in the Situation in Russia and Ukraine: The Conflict Between Russia and Ukraine Has Triggered a Serious Refugee Crisis Many parties have expressed their positions on the issue of biosecurity in Ukraine

Data map: On March 1, local time, the square of the government building in the center of Kharkiv, Ukraine, was shelled.

The West has once again increased its sanctions against Russia Putin said that sanctions are also an opportunity

The members of the Group of Seven issued a joint statement on the 11th that they will cancel the most-favored-nation treatment imposed on Russia's key products and prevent Russia from obtaining financing from major multilateral financial institutions around the world, while continuing to impose sanctions on Russian-related individuals and entities. Member states are also prepared to further restrict Russia's import and export trade in key commodities and technologies.

According to Reuters, the European Union announced on the 11th that it will adopt the fourth wave of sanctions against Russia, coordinated by the United States and other G7 member states, including suspending Russia's privileged trade and economic treatment, prohibiting the export of EU luxury goods to Russia, and prohibiting Europe from making new investments in Russia's energy industry.

US President Biden signed an executive order on the 11th to further increase sanctions against Russia, including prohibiting the import of Russian seafood products, alcoholic beverages, non-industrial diamonds and other Russian products agreed by the US State Department, the Department of Commerce and the Treasury Department, and prohibiting the export, sale or supply of luxury goods and other agreed products to Russia. Biden also announced on the same day that the United States will work with the Group of Seven and the European Union to cancel the most-favored-nation treatment of Russia.

According to the Russian News Agency reported on the 11th, the Canadian government decided to prohibit the import of petroleum products from Russia within the framework of sanctions against Russia.

Russian President Putin pointed out at a meeting with Belarusian President Lukashenko on the 11th that sanctions are a period of opportunity to strengthen Russia's economic and technological sovereignty. Lukashenko said that the West's attempts to curb the development of Russia and Belarus through illegal sanctions have always existed, but the two countries will certainly overcome difficulties.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict and sanctions against Russia have a combined impact on many areas of the globe

According to Reuters, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations said on the 11th that if the Russian-Ukrainian conflict continues, the uncertainty of Ukraine's crop harvest and Russia's export prospects in the next year will continue to increase, which may cause international food and feed prices to rise again, which in turn will lead to a surge in the global malnourished population.

Reuters also reported on the same day that two major neon gas suppliers in Ukraine have stopped operating due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and about 45% to 54% of the world's semiconductor-grade neon gas is supplied by these two companies. Neon gas is a key raw material for making chips, and the shutdown of these two suppliers may lead to an increase in the price of neon gas and exacerbate semiconductor shortages.

Since the United States announced on the 8th of this month to stop importing oil, natural gas and coal from Russia, domestic oil prices in the United States have continued to rise. According to the data released by the American Automobile Association on the 11th, the average gasoline price in the United States rose to $4.331 per gallon on the same day, hitting a record high. The average price of ordinary gasoline in the United States is up nearly 13 percent weekly compared to a week ago. Compared with a year ago, the average price of gasoline has risen by more than 50% in the past year.

German Foreign Minister Berberk warned on the 11th that Europe cannot immediately ban the import of natural gas from Russia, because this will have a huge impact on the European economy. European Commission President von der Leyen said on the same day that the European Commission will propose a specific plan before May this year to ensure that the EU is free from dependence on Russian oil, gas and coal by 2027.

Progress in the Situation in Russia and Ukraine: The Conflict Between Russia and Ukraine Has Triggered a Serious Refugee Crisis Many parties have expressed their positions on the issue of biosecurity in Ukraine

On March 11, local time, the United Nations Security Council held a meeting at the United Nations Headquarters in New York to consider the biosafety of Ukraine. Photo by Liao Pan, a reporter from China News Service

Many parties expressed their views on the biosecurity problem of Ukraine, stressing that the use of biological weapons is unacceptable

The United Nations Security Council held a meeting on the 11th to consider the biosafety of Ukraine, and many parties spoke on related matters.

U.N. Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs of the UN Secretary-General Nakamanzumi said she had taken note of reports that "Russia claims that biological weapons exist in Ukraine," but that the United Nations does not have any information about Russia's alleged biological weapons. She noted that Both Russia and Ukraine are parties to the Biological Weapons Convention and have committed themselves to "never acquiring or possessing biological weapons under any circumstances" and that States parties should use existing means to resolve issues in accordance with the provisions of the Convention.

Nebenja, Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations, said documents in Russia's possession showed that Ukraine had a network of at least 30 laboratories for the study of deadly pathogens, which were funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, and that the results were sent to several U.S. research institutes, including the U.S. Military Research Institute.

In response to Russia's statement, Kislitzya, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations, said that Ukraine's health system is fully in line with its international obligations and cooperates with all relevant international organizations, and the Russian allegations are groundless. Thomas Greenfield, the U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations, explained that the United States funded Ukraine to build a "fully public" system to deal with infectious diseases.

Zhang Jun, China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, said that biological weapons are weapons of mass destruction, and any information clues on biological military activities should arouse great concern from the international community. China urges the parties concerned to earnestly implement their obligations under the Biological Weapons Convention, provide comprehensive clarification and accept multilateral verification.

Other Council members stressed that the development, stockpiling or use of biological weapons was unacceptable under any circumstances.

Russia said it would not rule out the possibility of a meeting between the Heads of State of Russia and Ukraine, and all parties called for a cooling down of the situation

Russian presidential press secretary Peskov told the media on the 11th that the possibility of a meeting between the Russian and Ukrainian heads of state is not ruled out, but the meeting between the two heads of state should be for the sake of results, and the negotiating delegation and ministers should first do their part. Peskov also said that as long as the Ukrainian side meets the Russian side's demands on NATO's eastward expansion and the security of the people in the Donbass region, the crisis around Ukraine and the tension between Russia and the West will end.

NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg said when meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Cavushoglu on the 11th that turkey was welcome to carry out good offices between Russia and Ukraine. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on the same day that in the face of the current situation in Russia and Ukraine, "adding fuel to the fire is not good for anyone" and "hopes that weapons can be silenced as soon as possible."

According to the Finnish presidential office, Finnish President Niinistö had telephone calls with Russian President Putin and Ukrainian President Zelenskiy on the 11th. Niinistö expressed concern about the humanitarian situation in Ukraine to Putin, discussing with Zelenskiy the evacuation of civilians and the safety of nuclear facilities. (End) (Participating reporters: Ma Delin, Wang Fan, Su Jingxin, Zhang Huandi)

Source: China News Network

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