
What are the sources of Kurosaki's Ichigo abilities in Grim Reaper? Why do you friend Harbach call him "Wu'er"

author:Ancient style men love anime

In Grim Reaper, the protagonist Kazuichi Kurosaki is just a bug-level presence. People who can't be beaten by others can be fought by a guard, and a battle that others can't win, and a guard can win. Whether it is just learning to be able to resist sword eight hard, or everyone is helpless to collapse jade blue big, Ichigo can always win in the end.

What are the sources of Kurosaki's Ichigo abilities in Grim Reaper? Why do you friend Harbach call him "Wu'er"

The question is, what are the abilities of the moment, and what is the source of these abilities? In the last issue, the small partner had a message asking about the source of the ability of a care, and this issue will explain it well.

1. Death Power - Use the Chopper

What are the sources of Kurosaki's Ichigo abilities in Grim Reaper? Why do you friend Harbach call him "Wu'er"

The power of the Grim Reaper comes from Kurosaki's father, Kurosaki Ichigo. Kurosaki Kazushin's real name is Shiba Kazushin, and the Shiba clan is one of the four major families in the corpse soul world. More than ten years ago, Shiba was still the captain of the Juban team in the Death God Realm, and Xiao Bai was still the third seat of the Juban team. Later, Shiba ran to the present world and settled down for special reasons through Urahara's help.

What are the sources of Kurosaki's Ichigo abilities in Grim Reaper? Why do you friend Harbach call him "Wu'er"

At the beginning of the Broken Face chapter, the Black Rider yixin saved the soul that was chased by the Broken Face through a crescent sky charge, indicating that the skill of the chopping knife was also in the same vein.

2. The Power of Emptiness - Void White (White One Protection)

What are the sources of Kurosaki's Ichigo abilities in Grim Reaper? Why do you friend Harbach call him "Wu'er"

Kurosaki's void power comes from the void white, and is an experimental subject of the blue dye and the Higashi-sen Death God Virtual Experiment. When Shiba Ichishin was still the captain of the Juban team, Matsumoto told him that many members of the Juban team had disappeared inexplicably, and Shiba Ichigo went down to the world alone to find out.

What are the sources of Kurosaki's Ichigo abilities in Grim Reaper? Why do you friend Harbach call him "Wu'er"

The person who killed the Juban team is Void White, and when Shiba fights with Void White, Blue Dye sneaks up on him from behind and makes it impossible to understand. At this time, Ichigo's mother, Kurosaki Masaka, arrives and uses her body as bait to make The Void attack and kill the Void, but the Void Force enters Kurosaki's body and makes it virtual.

3. Destroy the power of the Master - Kurosaki Masaka

Kurosaki Kazugo's power to destroy the master came from his mother, Makoto Kurosaki. Before Kurosaki Masakazu encountered the Void, he was known as the purest extinction master of the bloodline, and in order to maintain the bloodline of the extinction division, he would later marry Ishida Ryushin, the father of Ishida Yuryu. Due to the power of the void in his body, Kurosaki's bloodline was no longer pure, and he left the Ishida family after graduating from high school.

What are the sources of Kurosaki's Ichigo abilities in Grim Reaper? Why do you friend Harbach call him "Wu'er"

Because Kurosaki Ishi is now the Annihilation Division that possesses the Power of the Void, and in the Thousand Year Blood War we know that everything in the Void is poisonous to the Annihilation Division, so it is necessary to have a human restraint with the power of death to continue life. Shiba, because he likes Kurosaki Masakazu and wants to repay the favor of saving his life, resolutely agrees to come down and put on the skeleton of righteousness and live in seclusion.

What are the sources of Kurosaki's Ichigo abilities in Grim Reaper? Why do you friend Harbach call him "Wu'er"

Everyone still remembers Uncle Chopper Moon, the image of Uncle Chopper Moon is the same as that of Youhabach, what has always been taught is the power of the Destroyer in the body. Because all the destroyers are the flesh and blood of Yuhabah, Yuhabah is similar to The Chopper Moon, which is why Yuhabah shouts "Wu'er".

4. The power of the completion of the art - the day after tomorrow to learn

What are the sources of Kurosaki's Ichigo abilities in Grim Reaper? Why do you friend Harbach call him "Wu'er"

In the Battle of Kuzamachi Blue Dye, in order to defeat Blue Dye Ichigo, he used the "Last Crescent Tencho" to defeat Blue Dye, but at the same time lost the power of death. At this time, the Silver City Void Emperor found Ichigo and taught Ichigo the ability to use the Present Technique.

According to The Power of The Void Force, according to The Silver City Kōgo, all the Power of the Void Technique is caused by the fact that one of his parents has been attacked by the Void, causing the Void Power to remain in his body and then pass it on to the baby. Therefore, the completion of the manifestation is also a kind of virtual power.

5. Hell Fusion Ability - Hell means

What are the sources of Kurosaki's Ichigo abilities in Grim Reaper? Why do you friend Harbach call him "Wu'er"

In the theatrical version of Death: Hell, Ichigo enters hell to fight, and Hell lends Ichigo the power of Hell's will in order to organize the black knife escape, giving Ichigo the ability to fuse with death. However, if the fusion form is disarmed, it will be attacked by the Hell Meaning as an enemy.

The above is the explanation of all the sources of kurosaki's power, everyone has no clear where, welcome to leave a message in the comment area ~

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