
Final decision! Mongua will negotiate with Grand Chalo for the WBC World Champion title

In recent days, former World Champion and Mexican boxer Jamie Monguia has been battling several middleweight World Boxing Titles, though he appears to have made the final decision.

Final decision! Mongua will negotiate with Grand Chalo for the WBC World Champion title

On March 12, 2022, Beijing time, according to the mainstream boxing media BoxingScene in Europe and the United States, Jamie Mongua has officially launched negotiations with the current WBC middleweight world champion Gemar Chalo, hoping to fight with Gemal Charlo for the title of WBC middleweight world champion in mid-June or early July this year.

Final decision! Mongua will negotiate with Grand Chalo for the WBC World Champion title

However, BoxingScene's reporter Keith Edik also revealed that jamie Mongua and Gemal Charlo's negotiations were not going well, and the two sides could not reach an agreement in the short term.

However, since the choice of WBC, it also means that Jamie Monguia gave up his original WBO middleweight World Champion forced challenge (WBO stipulates that when the WBO World Boxer is promoted to the high level, he will directly have the mandatory challenge right to the title of High Level World Boxing Champion). While Jamie Monguia chose to frustrate the WBO organization, with whom he had always maintained a good working relationship, the WBO also had to choose to accept reality.

Final decision! Mongua will negotiate with Grand Chalo for the WBC World Champion title

As a remedy, the WBO has formally ordered Kazakh boxer Janibek Alimkhanuly and British boxer Danny Dignum to compete for the WBO midweight provisional World Champion title, with the winner directly challenging the current WBO middleweight World Champion Demites Andrad.

WBO's tournament committee chairman, Luis Batista Salas, said in an interview with reporters: "Out of respect for Jamie Mongua, we gave him enough time to consider whether to play. But given his lack of interest in playing against the WBO's official forced challenger, Janibek Alimuhanwule, the WBO decided to have Janibek Alimuhanwule and Danny Dignham negotiate. ”

Final decision! Mongua will negotiate with Grand Chalo for the WBC World Champion title

"The teams had 10 days to reach an agreement. If the two teams are unable to agree within this allotted time, then according to WBO's rules, a bidding ceremony for the tournament will be held at WBO's headquarters, and any tournament promotion company can bid on a $200,000 basis. Luis Battista Salas added.

Final decision! Mongua will negotiate with Grand Chalo for the WBC World Champion title

Known as the middleweight former world boxing slayer Janibek Alimukhanwule, Aegis Klimas is in charge of the promotion of the event, and behind them is the boxing giant Top Rank top boxing promotion company. Danny Dignham, on the other hand, is part of MTK Global Boxing Promotion, but he has just signed a contract with professional boxing upstart Robelum. So the negotiations between the two sides are likely to bring bob Arum, the oldest promoter in professional boxing today, and Richard Schaefer, co-founder of Robeum, who has only a few months of boxing promotion experience, to the negotiating table.

Final decision! Mongua will negotiate with Grand Chalo for the WBC World Champion title

As it stands, whether you like it or not, playing with Danny Dignham is the only option for Janibek Alimuhanwule. Previously, Janibek Alimukhanwule had originally planned to negotiate with Jamie Mongua with great hope, but Jamie Mongua's team was very tough, insisting on not playing a game for the right to enforce the power, and repeatedly quoted the relevant regulations of the WBO, claiming that Jamie Monguia, as the former WBO super middleweight world boxing champion, himself has the mandatory challenge to the WBO middleweight world boxing championship title, and will not participate in other negotiations except for the world boxing championship.

Such a reply frustrated Janibek Alimuhanwule, who had been waiting. After all, he is still looking forward to the match against former world boxing champion Jamie Mongua.

Final decision! Mongua will negotiate with Grand Chalo for the WBC World Champion title

Later, Janibek Alimuhanwule also contacted the midweight Brazilian Eskiva Falcao, who was the silver medalist in the 2012 Olympic boxing event (the gold medal was won by the current WBA middleweight world champion Murata Yuta), but the Brazilian was satisfied with the current IBF World Boxing Champion forced challenger and did not want to take too much risks. So the negotiations of Janibek Alimukhanwule once again came to a standstill.

Now, the WBO's orders are not intended to help Janibek AlimuhanUle find an opponent so that Janibek Alimuhanwule does not have to continue to waste time in a senseless wait.

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