
Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Duoduo, once national child stars, why can't they stand the test of time?

author:Octopus Entertainment Pioneer

After the millennium, the entertainment industry has quickly entered the era of traffic under the blessing of the Network, and many child stars have emerged under the blessing of the Network, especially the emergence of parent-child programs such as "Where Daddy Goes", which has also greatly lowered the age threshold of stars, so that many children who have not yet gone to primary school can grow into big stars with millions of fans.

Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Duoduo, once national child stars, why can't they stand the test of time?

Among them, many child stars have achieved impressive results at the beginning, and have also become the "hope" of the entertainment industry in the eyes of many people, it can be said that the starting point of child stars is a little higher than the starting point of many adult artists, and the premature contact with industry resources and the acting skills that have been honed earlier make many people feel that they have high potential.

Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Duoduo, once national child stars, why can't they stand the test of time?

However, the fact has not developed in the direction expected by the public, and even recently some child stars have become the focus of everyone's debate, and the rapid decline in image is unexpected. It seems that compared with those artists who have just debuted, netizens are more impatient with these child stars who have been in the entertainment industry for many years, such as Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Duoduo, such as national child stars, why are the images high and low, can not withstand the test of time?

Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Duoduo, once national child stars, why can't they stand the test of time?

As a well-known child star in the Beijing circle, Guan Xiaotong's number of works taken during his underage years exceeds the number of works of many people's entire careers, and the huge number of works also lays the foundation for Guan Xiaotong's every growth period under the gaze of the public.

Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Duoduo, once national child stars, why can't they stand the test of time?

Zhang Zifeng, who debuted from "Tangshan Earthquake", is also the same, and it can even be said that in terms of acting, people's expectations of Zhang Zifeng are much more than Guan Xiaotong, and the screen performance in childhood makes Zhang Zifeng almost the best girl star in the past few years, and she is also a little girl loved by everyone in the entertainment industry.

Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Duoduo, once national child stars, why can't they stand the test of time?

Although Huang Lei's daughter Huang Duoduo is not a film and television star, since becoming popular in "Where Daddy Goes", Huang Duoduo's attention has not lost Guan Xiaotong and Zhang Zifeng, and Huang Lei's "Parenting Classic" often appears on the Internet. To a certain extent, Huang Duoduo has changed from a child star to an "experimental object" of educational methods.

Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Duoduo, once national child stars, why can't they stand the test of time?

Nowadays, all three of them have different controversies, but the same is that all three of them have no aura of being cared for by the public, but have become victims of online public opinion and the object of public questioning and complaining. It was as if the three of them had suddenly lost their "juvenile protection" and initially began to experience the cruel world of adults.

Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Duoduo, once national child stars, why can't they stand the test of time?

Of course, this matter can be blamed on netizens, after all, the number of netizens is so large, Lai netizens are always no problem, but in turn this matter itself has nothing to do with netizens, after all, it is difficult for netizens with a large base to appear to change their minds collectively for no reason, and the real reason and solution to the problem are still in their own bodies.

Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Duoduo, once national child stars, why can't they stand the test of time?

The first thing to say is naturally their own behavior problems, Guan Xiaotong grew up a lot of speech and behavior out of the circle, "Beijing circle grid", "plant meat", "you XX" are constantly consuming the good feelings brought to the audience by childhood. Because Huang Duoduo is still young and has not entered the entertainment circle, he does not have much behavior, but the hot search and constantly changing hair color of the previous almost year have made people question Huang Lei's education.

Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Duoduo, once national child stars, why can't they stand the test of time?

Zhang Zifeng's recent love affair problems have also made him develop from a "well-behaved girl" to a "rebellious girl", and as Zhang Zifeng grows up, he gradually begins to turn to the "mature wind", and this kind of doubt will surely become more and more. The contrast between Zhang Zifeng's "academic hegemony" and the college entrance examination results has also become a booster to tear down the image.

Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Duoduo, once national child stars, why can't they stand the test of time?

The second is the high expectations of netizens, a shallow look at the growth experience of these three people, in the childhood are highly expected by the outside world, exaggerated acting skills, exaggerated ability, exaggerated education, the three are basically all grown up under the "exaggeration" all the way. And the three people also have been called "national girlfriend" period, girlfriend seems to be a kind word, but behind it also contains more control of netizens, so once the three people have bad behavior, netizens are easy to appear elders to educate the younger generations, after all, they are girls.

Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Duoduo, once national child stars, why can't they stand the test of time?

In addition to Huang Duoduo, the lack of satisfactory works by the other two is also a big reason, Guan Xiaotong's works in adulthood are not satisfactory, and zhang Zifeng's subsequent literary and artistic works have not set off too much splash in the market. Both are experienced child stars, but now there is a tendency to be caught up or surpassed by their peers, which also causes the public opinion advantage of the two to be absent, and they lack confidence to help speak.

Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Duoduo, once national child stars, why can't they stand the test of time?

Especially when people find that they think that the simple little girl is actually no different from other entertainment industry artists, this image gap is easy to appear public opinion. But in fact, this kind of problem is not difficult to solve, the image problem is relatively elaborate, no one can always maintain perfection, if Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng can have good works to support themselves, in reducing the exposure of some private life, this image will slowly recover.

Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Zifeng, Huang Duoduo, once national child stars, why can't they stand the test of time?

And Huang Duoduo's own problem is the binding with Huang Lei's education topic, many people have always taken Huang Duoduo as a benchmark for modern education, it can be said that the image is closely related to Huang Lei, itself can only be regarded as half of the entertainment circle, so in the future, as long as the exposure is reduced, more publicity at the right time, the image will slowly warm up, of course, the most critical is that the three people must sincerely face the audience.

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