
The ban on straw burning in rural areas is "harmful", why hasn't it been canceled? There are 3 practical reasons behind this

author:Selection of agricultural products by agricultural managers

In recent years, the policy of banning straw burning in rural areas has been an important issue in environmental protection and agricultural management. Many people think that straw burning is "harmful", but this phenomenon has not been completely abolished, and there are deep-seated practical reasons behind this.

The ban on straw burning in rural areas is "harmful", why hasn't it been canceled? There are 3 practical reasons behind this

Straw burning is considered to have a number of drawbacks. First, incineration causes serious air pollution. The large amount of smoke and harmful gases produced during combustion, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and inhalable particulate matter, will not only have a negative impact on local air quality, but may also cause pollution to a wider area under the action of atmospheric circulation, affecting people's respiratory health and even causing respiratory diseases. Secondly, it is easy to cause fire accidents. Once the fire gets out of control, it may spread to nearby farmland and villages, threatening people's lives and property. In addition, burning straw destroys soil structure and reduces soil fertility. The high temperature generated by straw burning will burn the beneficial microorganisms in the soil, affecting the ecological balance and water and fertilizer retention capacity of the soil.

The ban on straw burning in rural areas is "harmful", why hasn't it been canceled? There are 3 practical reasons behind this

However, despite the obvious "harm" of straw burning, this phenomenon has not been completely eradicated, mainly due to the following three practical factors.

First, the cost of agricultural mechanized treatment is high. Modern straw processing methods, such as direct crushing and returning to the field during mechanized harvesting, baling and collecting for biomass power generation or other comprehensive utilization, require a large amount of investment in the purchase of professional equipment or the payment of related services. For some farmers with limited economic conditions, this cost is not a small burden. In contrast, burning straw seems to be a "free" and "quick" way to dispose of it. With limited funds and a lack of subsidy support, farmers may choose to take the risk of burning straw.

The ban on straw burning in rural areas is "harmful", why hasn't it been canceled? There are 3 practical reasons behind this

Second, the comprehensive utilization of the industrial chain is not perfect. Although straw has a variety of potential utilization value, such as feed, fuel, industrial raw materials, etc., the relevant comprehensive utilization industry has not yet formed a complete and efficient industrial chain in many areas. There are problems in the collection, storage, transportation and processing of straw, such as poor connection, immature technology, and unstable market demand. Even if farmers are willing to make comprehensive use of straw, they may face the dilemma of having nowhere to send it and making no profits, resulting in straw burning becoming their choice in desperation.

The ban on straw burning in rural areas is "harmful", why hasn't it been canceled? There are 3 practical reasons behind this

Third, the urgency of agricultural time is another key factor. There is a strict time frame for planting and harvesting crops, especially during the critical period of harvest and seeding, when farmers need to quickly clear their fields and prepare them for the next planting season. If the straw cannot be treated in a timely and effective manner, it will delay the agricultural time and affect the planting progress of crops. Under such pressure, some farmers choose to burn straw as a simple but efficient way to ensure the smooth progress of agricultural production.

The ban on straw burning in rural areas is "harmful", why hasn't it been canceled? There are 3 practical reasons behind this

To solve the problem of straw burning in rural areas, we cannot rely only on bans and punishments, but need to start from various aspects and implement comprehensive measures.

The government should increase subsidies for agricultural mechanization to reduce the cost burden of farmers. By providing subsidies for the purchase of equipment and operating subsidies, farmers are encouraged and guided to adopt environmentally friendly and scientific straw treatment methods. At the same time, we will actively promote the development of the comprehensive utilization industry and increase investment in technology research and development, industrial support, and market cultivation. Promote industry-university-research cooperation, research and development of more efficient and practical straw utilization technology, cultivate and expand related enterprises, broaden the utilization channels of straw, improve its economic value, and make the comprehensive utilization of straw a profitable industry, so as to stimulate the enthusiasm of farmers.

The ban on straw burning in rural areas is "harmful", why hasn't it been canceled? There are 3 practical reasons behind this

Strengthening publicity and education is also one of the indispensable measures. By publicizing the dangers of straw burning and the benefits of scientific straw disposal, we will raise farmers' awareness of environmental protection and law, and change their traditional concepts and habits. Carry out agricultural technology training, teach farmers advanced straw treatment and utilization methods, and help them better adapt to the new requirements of agricultural production.

The ban on straw burning in rural areas is "harmful", why hasn't it been canceled? There are 3 practical reasons behind this

In addition, it is also necessary to arrange agricultural time scientifically and reasonably, optimize the agricultural production process, and leave sufficient time for farmers to dispose of straw. By organizing a socialized service team, we provide professional services for straw disposal to solve the problem of insufficient manpower and material resources faced by farmers in the process of straw processing.

The ban on straw burning in rural areas is "harmful", why hasn't it been canceled? There are 3 practical reasons behind this

In short, the issue of banning straw burning in rural areas seems simple, but in fact it involves many aspects such as agricultural production, environmental protection, economic development and social management. Only by fully considering the practical reasons behind it and taking targeted and comprehensive measures can we gradually achieve the goal of banning straw burning and achieve a win-win situation between sustainable agricultural development and environmental protection. We hope that in the future, with the joint efforts of all parties, more reasonable and effective solutions can be found, so that the vast rural land can not only maintain the joy of harvest, but also have blue skies and white clouds and fertile land.


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