
Quitting mobile phones has become a business?

Quitting mobile phones has become a business?

In order to "quit" mobile phones, Wang Xiaohui, a senior in college, bought a "mobile phone isolation box" on the e-commerce platform last August.

There are four steps to stay away from the phone: open the "phone isolation box", put the phone in, close the isolation box, and set the lock time. It is not until the timer is over and the beep sounds that the phone cannot be taken out.

On the box, there are several eye-catching stickers: "Go all out", "Go out to learn", "The harder you work, the luckier you get", which is given by the merchant when Wang Xiaohui shopping online. It cost more than a hundred yuan to buy this mobile phone isolation box, which was enough money for her to eat in the canteen for several days.

Quitting mobile phones has become a business?

That summer, Wang Xiaohui was particularly busy: internship, preparing for autumn recruitment, practicing English... Obviously, when it is most necessary to do things obediently, Wang Xiaohui is embarrassed to find that the "screen time" in her Apple mobile phone has never been less than 15 hours. And most of the time is spent on brushing vibrato, checking hot searches, visiting Douban and other idle things.

Wang Xiaohui is not alone.

According to the "China Great Security Perception Report (2021)" released by the Internet Development Research Center of Peking University and the 360 Group, 50% of netizens want to escape the Internet and stay away from mobile phones.

Created in 2020, Doubanli's "away from the screen group" attracted more than 30,000 team members, and Wang Xiaohui was one of them. Netizens share their "struggle" experience with mobile phones here: two months of less mobile phone planning, punching in 21 days to record screen time, resolutely not to be a slave to mobile phones... In order to quit mobile phones, young people have done everything in their power.

There is a market where there is demand, and some seemingly funny and even ridiculous "business" has come into being under the stimulation of the demand of young people to "temporarily stay away from mobile phones". However, can these little tricks really keep themselves away from the mobile phone as Wang Xiaohui hopes?


Initially, Wang Xiaohui also tried other methods. She once joined a WeChat group, in short, people of insight who quit mobile phones, and shared their screen usage time in the group every day. The rule is that if the time is more than 5 hours, send a 10 yuan red envelope in the group.

"It was useful at first, but there were a few people in the first group, often everyone didn't send it, and the day passed." Secondly, sometimes playing with mobile phones can't stop, and even feel that paying 10 yuan anyway, tomorrow, tomorrow must be a good person. ”

It's like the famous quit joke: quit smoking, it's easy! I quit every year.

Until she found the mobile phone isolation box, Wang Xiaohui felt that she had found a savior. It's like finding a teaching director for yourself, or the kind you carry with you, and you can't do anything about it.

In Taobao search for the keyword "quit mobile phone", you can already see a string of "mobile phone isolation box" products, the unit price is about 100 yuan.

Quitting mobile phones has become a business?

Liu Yang, the boss of one of the mobile phone isolation box light, said that when he paid attention to this thing in 2020, there were not many such products on Taobao, and at most there was a real box plus a lock, which was very rough and could not be taken out.

Today, the competition is obviously much fiercer. Smart timing is standard, there is a small window that allows users to answer the phone while quitting the phone is also standard, Taobao stores have never lost the ability to develop various "artifacts".

Li Yiyi, who bought another mobile phone isolation box, said that she had long had the idea of buying a mobile phone isolation box, but "the appearance of the previous generations was too ugly", and after the appearance was updated to her satisfaction, she only placed an order last year.

Of course, "God" is not always satisfied, especially the younger one.

Under the post recommending the mobile phone isolation box, someone recalled the good times when they were young: writing homework is not going to write homework, even if you look at the tree outside the window for an afternoon, you will not write.

There are also people who seem to underestimate the degree of indistinguishability between themselves and the mobile phone when placing an order, looking at the mobile phone isolation box, thinking about the baby mobile phone that is locked in the isolation box, and can't help but wonder, this plastic box is still very good to break through, pry open, smash open presumably it is not difficult.

There are even people who directly "smash the field" in the comment area of Taobao. In the buyer's comment area of a transparent mobile phone isolation box, it was surprisingly clever: the thumb of the left hand and the thumb of the right hand, respectively, reached through the two small windows above and below the box, and fought passionately in the canyon of "Glory of Kings".

Quitting mobile phones has become a business?

It also left a good review of yin and yang weirdness: not only bought cheaply, but also played games.

The good thing of the author took this screenshot to ask the store, the store said that to achieve the effect in the picture, you have to open the "Glory of the King" before putting the phone in and keep the screen on: "I believe you should not open the software yourself and then put it in and lock it, there is no need." ”

The store's words make people can't help but ask themselves, after all, buying a mobile phone isolation box itself is not confident in self-control, and it is really uncertain what "unnecessary" things can be done.


The good news is that even if consumers try their best to do something difficult, they can't stop the physical isolation dafa from carrying it forward.

Even foreigners can't resist the charm of Taobao artifacts, on Twitter, a girl holding a mobile phone isolation box smiled contentedly: "Big Ga good I am Lili, I spent $40 to buy this mobile phone isolation box, I have a monkey brain without self-control, and this box keeps me away from the mobile phone." ”

Quitting mobile phones has become a business?

According to the shared shopping link, it can be seen that this is a product from China, and from the appearance, 80% of the isolation box that was held by the king and humiliated on the other side of the ocean came from the same manufacturer. Quitting mobile phones is not the only annoyance of young Chinese people.

Moreover, the physical isolation of Dafa is good, not only limited to the mobile phone isolation box, but also the ever-changing "netting mobile phone".

In 2019, BlackBerry mobile phones were once discussed because they were used as "quitting network mobile phones", and in the past, BlackBerry had unlimited scenery, but the system could not keep up with the current, but became the first choice for young people who wanted to quit mobile phones.

Using a phone that is not so easy to use is another trick of young people.

Wu Linyi, 29 years old this year, according to her recollection, used this method as early as the end of 2015 when she was preparing for the graduate school. At that time, she set a strict self-study time for herself, but sitting in the study room, she always played with her mobile phone, and originally wanted to buy a non-smart phone as the main force, but she accidentally saw someone using the old BlackBerry mobile phone to quit the network.

Eventually, she bought an "old BlackBerry" on Taobao, the model is BlackBerry 9000, originally produced in 2008, the price is less than 500 yuan. This is a full keyboard phone, the appearance is retro, but the screen performance is good, the sound quality is also quite good, under the guidance of customer service, you can also install WeChat, NetEase Cloud Music and other software.

In this way, Wu Linyi can not miss the WeChat message, but can not be used heavily: "It is still quite a card to use, especially the installation of some software, BlackBerry's adaptation is not very good." ”

To put it bluntly, the essence of this method is "to find yourself unhappy".

In fact, until now, the old BlackBerry full keyboard phone is still active in the e-commerce platform, and the product name will carry the words "quit network mobile phone".

Quitting mobile phones has become a business?

In addition, there are other options for this method, and in addition to using "antique mobile phones", there is no shortage of new products to choose from. For example, Xiaomi's "multi-parent" series of mobile phones are equipped with the Android system, but they are either keyboard phones or small-screen mobile phones, which are used by many young people to make "special machines for exam preparation".

There are also ink screen mobile phones that are also equipped with Android systems, yes, the kind of screens commonly found on electric paper books. WeChat, QQ, and Taobao are installed casually, but the possibility of displaying the effect is greatly reduced.

These post-80s and post-90s looked at the tears, and the post-00s directly called out fresh mobile phones, glowing with different charm under the filter of young people.


A somewhat disappointing fact is that young people's desire to "quit mobile phones" may still be strong, even stronger and stronger, but it is becoming more and more difficult.

At first, the mobile phone was a fresh toy; then, the mobile phone became a tool for making calls and sending messages; and then, the mobile phone became the terminal of the entire mobile Internet, becoming an extension of you.

Quitting mobile phones is somewhat retrograde at the moment, and retrograde is naturally very difficult.

Wu Yiyi, who is now working, once again moved the idea of quitting mobile phones, but she found that compared with 7 years ago, it is difficult to implement the physical isolation method of using physical isolation methods today: punching in and out of work with DingTalk, using Didi to take a taxi, WeChat has work messages at any time and always occupies more than 20G of memory...

Whether it is a BlackBerry antique machine, or a multi-parent student machine, it is difficult to bear this responsibility, and the smart isolation box seems to be the only choice, but when working, you must always look at the debugging effect of the activity page on the mobile phone, this way is not very suitable.

And equipped with the Android system of the "net mobile phone" is easier to "break through", the color screen can play games, the ink screen is used to see the comic "a must", coupled with a small retro appearance, it is even more difficult to stop playing.

Quitting mobile phones has become a business?

"Besides, if you don't want to do the right thing, you can play on the computer." How many young people are not facing the computer in the company? Shrink the video to the small right corner of the computer screen, you can perfectly disguise itself as a garbage pop-up advertisement; open the e-book with word, you can feel at ease from the Mary Sue and the president bumping into each other all the way to seeing the president lift the Mary Sue hijab.

At home, it is more important to play, computers, tablets, Nintendo game consoles... You don't have to worry about the burning eyes of your boss, you just need to numb your conscience and ignore your flag.

There is no point in replacing all of them, and regardless of the effectiveness of the isolation box, if all the harmful machines are locked, it is better to lock yourself up.

It is not difficult to understand why the mobile phone isolation box will be paired with "chicken blood" stickers, and on the sales page of various mobile phone isolation boxes, chicken blood copywriting is also common: grab back their own time! Self-disciplined people deserve success!

In the end, the matter of locking up the mobile phone is actually the self-discipline anxiety of young people.

How many steps does it take to lock your phone? Young people also understand that the answer is actually very simple: just lock the screen. A total of one step.

In the text, Wang Xiaohui, Wu Linyi, and Wu Yiyi are pseudonyms.

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