
Israel confronted Russia and assisted the Ukrainian army in 8 sets of Patriot air defense, and the Russian army had no choice but to intervene in the situation in the Middle East

author:I look at the world with a hard time

The Ukrainian army has no protective umbrella, it is like running naked, and can only be bombed by the enemy. Western countries can't stand it anymore and hurriedly send the Patriot air defense system, but this aid is a drop in the bucket, the Russian army's missile offensive is ferocious and abnormal, and Ukraine's air defense network is still full of holes.

Israel confronted Russia and assisted the Ukrainian army in 8 sets of Patriot air defense, and the Russian army had no choice but to intervene in the situation in the Middle East

At a critical moment, Israel stepped forward and decided to send its old Patriot air defense system to Ukraine. These systems have been renovated and upgraded by the United States, and they are like being beaten with chicken blood, and their combat effectiveness is full.

Ukraine is now bad, it has 12 sets of Patriots at once, the safety factor of the capital Kyiv and several other large cities has been improved in an instant, and even the soldiers on the front line can feel the light wind above their heads.

However, Israel's move is a bit confusing. You know, they don't agree with Allah in Lebanon, so why do they want to sell patriots at this time? It turns out that Israel's air defense system has long been upgraded, what "Arrow" series anti-missile system, "David's sling", "Iron Dome" ...... These are their own treasures, and in their eyes, patriots are like outdated toys, and they don't feel distressed to give them away.

Israel confronted Russia and assisted the Ukrainian army in 8 sets of Patriot air defense, and the Russian army had no choice but to intervene in the situation in the Middle East

Israel's move may have deeper political considerations behind it. They may want to take the opportunity to curry favor with the United States in exchange for support in the Middle East.

After all, Israel has many enemies in the Middle East, especially the recent humanitarian crisis in Gaza, which has brought the Arab countries together to prepare to give Israel a threat. Iran, on its part, is even more eyeing and is ready to gather a million-strong army at any time to teach Israel a lesson.

Israel's assistance to Ukraine seems to have helped the Ukrainian army a lot, but it may also attract retaliation from Russia. Russia could have increased its troops in Syria, given the Israeli garrison in the Golan Heights a threat, and even sent weapons to the resistance forces in the Middle East, so that Israel's life would be difficult. In this way, the powder keg in the Middle East has a few more leads, and the situation becomes more delicate.

Israel confronted Russia and assisted the Ukrainian army in 8 sets of Patriot air defense, and the Russian army had no choice but to intervene in the situation in the Middle East

In short, Israel's aid to Ukraine has not only stirred up the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, but also rekindled the war in the Middle East. In this international chess game, every step is a test, and it is really hard to say who loses and who wins.

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