
Horoscope analysis of the dry branch on March 15, 2022

Horoscope analysis of the dry branch on March 15, 2022

Zhen Qian/Wen (Original)

Time combination of March 15, 2022: Nong Yin Year 癸卯月丁卯日

This day is busy, things are first urgent and then slow, the process is repeated, the results are good, there are nobles, idle, poor sleep quality or easy headaches.

Under normal circumstances, when everyone talks about this space, the first thing that is most concerned or valued is the problem of this direction or orientation, because these two are indeed the two more important elements in the space, affecting the actual position or location of the space. And I personally think that in looking at or studying this space, in addition to paying attention to this direction and orientation, there is another element that should not be ignored. That's the shape of the space. This space is like us people, there are five facial features, there are five internal organs, these are the basic elements that everyone has, however, from the traditional Chinese medical culture, even if it is the same five senses, five internal organs, but a person's tall, short, fat and thin is often a very important reference for our in-depth study of the five senses and five internal organs. What is the heart of a fat person, what is the heart of a thin person, and so on, isn't it? There will definitely be a difference of one kind or another because of a person's tall, fat and thin, such as a fat person, will the burden of the internal organs be heavier? And so on, in fact, some people have studied and summarized it long ago. In fact, this space is also the same, in addition to considering the southeast, southwest and northwest, we must also fully consider the shape of this space. What about shape? That's what everyone usually knows, such as rectangles, such as squares, such as triangles, others such as curved rulers, concave shapes, and convex shapes, and what everyone says, such as having courtyards, or the multi-progressive structure of houses in some places in the south, etc., aren't these all shapes? How does shape affect or act on space? About this our ancients also summarized and summarized early, such as the same south-facing house, the north-south long apartment type, and the east-west long apartment type, the quality of this space is completely different, when the north-south long apartment type is prosperous, then, the same south-facing and east-west long apartment type is usually not so prosperous; conversely, when the south-facing east-west long apartment type is prosperous, the north-south long apartment type must not be so prosperous. It can be seen that in addition to the direction, in fact, the shape of this space also determines the quality of this space. Another example is the same true north orientation, this due north is concave, and this due north is convex, in the same time period can be one is good, one is bad. Why is the shape of space so important? This, of course, is important. Because the shape of this space determines how much or less, thick or thin, deep or shallow, or even with or without the direction and the orientation itself, you say that the weight is not important? Of course it's important. This is also why in physiognomy, some people are suitable for fat, some people are suitable for thinner, fat and thin between the actual five organs and six intestines do not change much, but here the five organs and six intestines bear the force is completely different, space is also probably the same meaning, because the shape of the force will also be different. Therefore, when we usually look at the good or bad of this spatial environment, in addition to the direction and orientation that must be known, the actual shape of this spatial environment must also be taken into account, only in this way can the good or bad of this space be truly distinguished and clear.

Looking at the time combination of this day, there is still a very obvious feature, that is, it will be very busy, why is it very busy? Because the year and the month are official killing together, constantly acting on this Ding fire, this naturally shows that many things appear at the same time in this day, one after another, it seems that there are always things that cannot be handled, there are work that cannot be handled, etc., and because this decanter seven kills are on the moon pillar, the position of this yen recently, we can see from here that in this day, it is easier to have urgent things first, or there are some things that happen more urgently, or come more urgently, In other words, it is also easier to have an urgent situation, or a situation that is more likely to encounter an emergency, and so on. And these urgent things happen around you, such as work, such as life, such as some urgent things related to friends, such as some urgent things related to family members, such as some urgent things related to colleagues. In fact, from another point of view, many people around you will be busy on this day, so that if you ask them to do some kind of things, the other party may not be available immediately. Or to say that this day to deal with some urgent things for friends, or family members, or colleagues around you. Of course, being anxious is not necessarily bad, and being anxious is sometimes good. In this day, because this Muwang made Ding Huo, this Ding Huo is not weak, enough to be competent for the seven kills of this water, therefore, although things are urgent, they are good things, or because of urgency, they can handle it well, or have good harvests. Plus the year on the nongshui is the official star, this is the yen, it also shows that this day is more conducive to the work of the cause, but also easy to have nobles, itself this month and day branch of the wood is the year and the moon water of the noble, indicating that the person who helps you itself is also very powerful, itself is also very single-minded to support you, therefore, no matter from which point of view, this day seems to be more conducive to work, conducive to the cause, there will be good news on the work career, good breakthroughs, Or can handle some difficult things in the previous work career well, or do a good job. In addition, this day is also very conducive to communication with elders and superiors, and it is easier to get recognition or support, or it is easier to be affirmed. Moreover, on this day, the moon and day wood is a double peach blossom, which seems to be very beneficial to the wedding and wine, and it is also suitable for obtaining a license, etc., and it is also very peach blossom, which is naturally also conducive to blind dates. However, when water and fire meet, it is easier to have some headache problems, or that sleep will be worse, and it is easier to be impatient or impatient, and it is easy to be careless, and it is easy to pay more attention to these.

People born in Ding Di Ri are traditional, have their own plans for doing things, and have patience. This person who is born with monkeys, pigs, rats, and cows has good things, and the birth year number is followed by 5 or 8 or 9 people with profits, and the favorable time period is between 9 and 11 am.

In terms of auspicious stars, Dali married and put wine.

The above is my personal analysis, please refer to it.

Today's essay impetuousness is one of the big obstacles that things are often not done well or cannot be done well.

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