
LOL's unpopular equipment that never deletes is actually it, and the practice of fist has impressed countless players!

In the long history of LOL, there are countless pieces of equipment that have been removed, such as the Embrace of Fire, the Divine Sword, etc., although they will be denounced by players when removed, but this has not stopped the Fist Designers' one-size-fits-all policy for these equipment, and in many versions, there is such a piece of equipment, he has been destined to stay in summoner canyon forever since he was born. So what exactly this piece of equipment is, we will reveal it right away.

LOL's unpopular equipment that never deletes is actually it, and the practice of fist has impressed countless players!

When talking about this equipment, I want to introduce you to the new version of the bear, we all know that the R skill of the bear can shield the attack of the tower, this mechanism also allows him to have a lot of popularity after redoing, and this equipment is related to the bear's shielding tower, I believe many old players should have guessed, this equipment, is the ancient period of the unpopular equipment - interference crystal.

LOL's unpopular equipment that never deletes is actually it, and the practice of fist has impressed countless players!

Speaking of the birth of this equipment, there is also a very interesting story, in the lol inside, it is still just a game that no one cares about, and at this time a loyal internal beta player, crazy love for this game, and he himself is also an anchor, he will LOL this game crazy with fans, at the same time he also provided a lot of reasonable advice and gameplay improvements to the fist company.

LOL's unpopular equipment that never deletes is actually it, and the practice of fist has impressed countless players!

Then LOL gradually began to enter the public's field of vision, and this meritorious player was not forgotten by the designers of the fist company, they made the interference crystal this equipment to commemorate the player, because the player's ID is just called the interference crystal, and the fist promises that it will never delete this equipment, on the one hand, to commemorate the player, on the other hand, it is also to urge the designers of the fist company not to forget the initial difficult moment.

LOL's unpopular equipment that never deletes is actually it, and the practice of fist has impressed countless players!

Nobody cares:

But many players see this kind of doubt that the interference crystal has not been removed, yes, this equipment has not been able to burst like LOL's game, his mechanism is unique, but the cost performance is not high, so since the launch of this equipment has been rarely asked, so many players do not know that there is this equipment, so with the change of time, he had to remove it in the store.

LOL's unpopular equipment that never deletes is actually it, and the practice of fist has impressed countless players!


However, the fist did not lose faith with the players, although the interference crystal was removed to the store, but the fist allowed him to be reborn in another way, he is still a piece of equipment, but he players can not use him, but has become the only equipment of the tower, and the future interference crystal has always existed in the Summoner Canyon in this way, and has been accompanying each player's game until now.

LOL's unpopular equipment that never deletes is actually it, and the practice of fist has impressed countless players!

Summary: This is the story behind the interference crystal, in fact, each of our players has the opportunity to become a interference crystal, as long as we love our players with our hearts, we will also have the opportunity to become part of the game.

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