
Generation Z performance consumption has entered the 2.0 era, and the national style has become a lifestyle for young people

Per reporter: Wen Menghua Bi Yuanyuan Dong Xingsheng Per reporter: Liang Xiao

From the blockbuster "Tang Palace Night Banquet" to "Roselle Water Endowment", to the hot "Only This Green" at the Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Tiger, Bilibili's "Shangyuan Thousand Lantern Festival", the traditional cultural performance mode and audience are updated synchronously.

Behind the young creativity, why do these programs that make young people call out "tears" and "dedicate their knees" break the circle? How can traditional cultural performances be innovative to come alive? What is the new trend of performance consumption pursued by a new generation of young people?

The data shows that in 2021, the number of national wind enthusiasts in station B will exceed 177 million, and the number of people aged 18 to 30 will account for about 70%. As the new generation becomes the main force of cultural consumption, new performances full of the sense of the times, culture, science and technology, and immersion are becoming a consumer trend sought after by a new generation of young people, combining tradition and modern technology, with young people's perspective and young creativity, and is becoming a new direction for traditional evening performance exploration.

Taking root from China's cultural soil, the next step in the new performance market will be "culture +".

Cheng Wanli, deputy general manager of the all-media marketing planning center of Henan Radio and Television Station and one of the general directors of the "China Festival" series of programs, said in an interview with the "Daily Economic News": "Young people growing up in the new era have a very strong love and interest in exploring traditional Chinese culture. It is necessary to make modern expressions, innovative expressions and scientific and technological empowerment of traditional cultural performances, in line with the expectations and love of young people's 'science and technology + fashion + traditional culture', so that the program can be welcomed in the context of the times, favored by young people, and better disseminated and inherited culture. ”

On the occasion of "3.15", the reporter of the Daily Economic News interviewed Henan Radio and Television Station, Henan Satellite TV, Station B, Youku, Migu Video, etc., and did new performance data research in order to deconstruct the image of the new performance consumer group of generation Z.

Generation Z performance consumption has entered the 2.0 era, and the national style has become a lifestyle for young people
Generation Z performance consumption has entered the 2.0 era, and the national style has become a lifestyle for young people

Case 1: Traditional satellite TV does not do cultural reproduction to open a new window for young people's cultural exploration

Since the "Tang Palace Night Banquet" has been popular in the circle, with the "Chinese Festival" series of programs and the successive launch of "Dance Millennium", traditional cultural content such as "Roselle Water Endowment", "Dragon Gate King Kong", "Youfeng Laiyi", "Fire" and other traditional cultural contents have also become the cultural labels of the whole people, and Henan Radio and Television Station and Henan Satellite TV seem to have suddenly seized the "flash point" of young people.

"Breaking the circle is justified and unexpected. The rise of the national tide is the background of the times, in this context, we do not do cultural reproduction, do not do historical porters, but find the rhyme foot in the entire history and culture, present it in the current form, and integrate the essence of traditional culture into daily life. Xu Na said.

In Xu Na's view, the cultural self-confidence of Chinese young people is rising, and the audience needs emotional exports, and the exploration of the "Chinese Festivals" series has seized the opportunity to hit the more acceptable expression of young people at present, so that traditional culture can truly "live".

The heated discussion and data feedback of netizens have opened a window close to young people for traditional satellite TV, and it has also strengthened its exploration on this road.

The creative team began to embrace the Internet more from creativity to production to publicity and broadcasting, and interpreted the ancient culture of 5,000 years with fresher perspectives and younger tools.

"As long as there is a good idea, we will boldly use young directors after the 80s and 90s, who just happen to have the current interpretation and perspective of culture." At the same time, we will often go to the comment area to see the feedback of young audiences, looking for creative inspiration, and the publicity team also integrates into the early stage of program creativity, platformizing the media and mediating the platform. Xu Na said frankly.

Up to now, the "China Festivals" series has launched a total of 9 programs, and the cumulative reading volume of the whole network has exceeded 40 billion. After the dance of "Roselle Water Endowment", it triggered a lot of discussion among netizens about calligraphy and painting, underwater operations, and Roselle. Xu Na found that today's young people prefer to spread and express their opinions, so leaving some cultural mouths in the program can attract them more.

"Young people don't like didactic shows, they prefer to explore, we just need to give the audience a thread, let him explore the culture and history behind it, don't have to reproduce it in its entirety."

Compared with the "Chinese Festivals" series, "Dance Millennium", jointly produced by Henan Satellite TV and Station B, focuses on the vertical segmentation of the traditional dance field.

For a long time, many people have prejudices or even misunderstandings about dance, believing that dance is the art of foil. However, the audience's hot discussion of "Only This Green" and "Dream Lotus" has made more people pay attention to the art and beauty of Chinese culture behind the dance.

"'Dance Millennium' will be film and television, variety shows, dance circles of the mixture and integration, to give the dance a story, film and television to shoot, to package, to present, to invite all the dancers from the most familiar and best stage, let them to the real scene, to life, and even to our imagination, this is the most difficult, because no one has ever done it." Feng Zheng, the chief director and chief producer of "Dance Millennium", admitted that we don't know what is right, but it must be wrong to be conservative.

For the "Only This Green" and "Tang Palace Night Banquet" many innovative programs out of the circle, Feng Zheng believes that on the one hand, these programs themselves are very beautiful, very extreme, their beauty can be recognized; at the same time, behind them there is also the blessing of traditional Chinese cultural IP, so that this beauty has connotation, spiritual core, and thick cultural heritage, which can meet the cultural needs of young people.

"Now young people's cultural consumption does not particularly care about the results themselves, they are more concerned about the values and emotions behind consumption." Feng Zheng thinks.

Case 2 Video platform digitally expresses traditional culture and breaks the boundaries of the party with stories

From "New Folk Music National Wind Night", "Tiger and Tiger Wind Chinese Tide - 2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" to "2022 Lantern Wonderful Tour", Youku and Henan Satellite TV completed three "Chinese Festival" series of national tide evenings to achieve circle-breaking coverage of audience groups.

During the review process, Ji Zhonghang, general manager of Youku Variety Content and R&D Center, found that the success of the festival series was summed up in one sentence as the "golden triangle structure": young users have more emotional pride in Chinese culture is the foundation, and the festival and emotional connection points are burst out through visual expression and technology. In addition, abandoning the host, taking the narrative part of the party story as one of the important support angles, breaking the boundaries of the party, the entire party presentation form makes the user shine, and the emotional connection and cultural self-confidence are also fully expressed.

According to the Bank of Ji, the latest few evenings, female viewing users under the age of 30 accounted for 40%, and female viewing users over the age of 30 accounted for about 30%, "Women have more aesthetic perspectives, and about 80% of them are women's discussions and forwards in the social discussion field." ”

Female groups, especially young women, have a strong demand for program innovation. Ji Zhonghang introduced that everyone did not want to see the traditional evening form anymore. Put on the platform, Youku believes that the core axis of innovation is storytelling, breaking the boundaries of the party design, and it is best to make users look like a party.

In this year's Dragon Boat Festival, Youku will try to use film techniques and more intense portrayal shots to enhance and strengthen in the direction similar to network universities and network dramas. This year, Youku and Henan Satellite TV will also carry out continuous industrial development of the IP of the "Fantastic Tour" series of Chinese festivals, which will be expanded into the "China Festival" series, and the number of scheduled broadcasts has increased.

"We want to put the innovation point on the interaction again, in doing 3D naked-eye interaction, in the show, when the character reaches a certain plot, he will jump out of the player and interact directly with the user; another thing is the XR's 360-degree screen, and the real camera shooting after the current synthesis does not need to be post-production." Ji Zhongxing said.

"The barrages turned into wishing lights, with notes hanging underneath. This idea is very good, and in the future, you can quote the different prayer customs of each place to end the barrage broadcast. "It feels like a wish to float to the sky through live broadcasting, which is not only beautiful, but also awe and beauty of traditional culture."

This is the fifteenth day of the first month of this year, netizens in the B station "Shangyuan Thousand Lantern Club" comment area issued an exclamation. On the same day, in order to create a romantic and warm holiday atmosphere, at the end of the party, the bullet screens released by netizens will become wishing lights on the screen, carrying blessings rising, bringing surprises and emotions to users. On reunion night, the epidemic has prevented people from getting together, but technology has made cloud interaction possible. Whether it is the bullet screen of the Lantern Festival becoming the interaction of the sky lantern, or the parallel time and space and two-way bullet screen at the New Year's Eve party, under the empowerment of science and technology, the culture "comes alive" and closes the young people with more modern expressions.

"We've been thinking a lot about how we can get users to see what they want most. We can use the best stage to tell the most simple story, is that also to give users more choices? Station B official said in an interview with the "Daily Economic News" reporter.

Parallel online and offline dual lines and integration promotion are the future development trends of the performing arts industry. Zhu Kening, president of the China Performance Industry Association, once said that online and offline performances are part of the overall performance market, and it is a large market that has not yet been integrated and must be integrated. "Practitioners should create performance projects that meet the needs of online and offline, corresponding to different online and offline viewing habits, and complementing each other's online and offline profit models." The exploration of online and the promotion of offline will surely promote the overall improvement of China's performance industry. ”

Daily economic news

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