
Netizens exploded! Apple reduced the allocation, saving 40 billion yuan in two years

Today is 3.15 International Consumer Rights Day. As a consumer, the most concerned is, of course, their own consumer rights.

As the world's largest technology company by market capitalization, Apple's every move has attracted the attention of a large number of digital enthusiasts.

In the past two days, a message about Apple has caused netizens to fry the pan: Apple has reduced chargers and headphones, saving a total of more than $6.5 billion in costs.

Netizens exploded! Apple reduced the allocation, saving 40 billion yuan in two years

According to foreign media reports, experts believe that Apple's new iPhone costs as much as 1549 pounds, and if you don't send a charger and headphones, each phone can save 27 pounds.

Analysts believe that although chargers and headphones are only priced at £19, they cost much less to produce. In total, Apple has saved at least £5 billion (about 41.45 billion yuan) since 2020.

Netizens exploded! Apple reduced the allocation, saving 40 billion yuan in two years

Apple releases new products every year, and people often focus on the performance of the products.

When the iPhone 12 was released, the most concerned thing was not that it was the first mobile phone on the iPhone to support 5G, nor the return of the right-angle border, but the so-called "environmental protection".

Netizens exploded! Apple reduced the allocation, saving 40 billion yuan in two years

To protect the environment, Apple removed the headphones and charger from the iPhone 12 series, leaving only a bare metal and data cable. It was from the iPhone 12 that Apple officially implemented its environmental protection concept.

In fact, as early as 2020, Lisa Jackson, Apple's environmental director, said: "We know that customers have a lot of chargers in their homes, and producing millions of unwanted chargers will consume resources and increase carbon emissions."

Netizens exploded! Apple reduced the allocation, saving 40 billion yuan in two years

Apple says that after removing chargers and headphones, smaller boxes can be used, and carbon emissions will be reduced by 2 million tons per year, equivalent to the emissions of 500,000 cars.

For the iPhone, which sells hundreds of millions of dollars a year, this is indeed a number that should not be underestimated, so it has been praised by environmentalists.

Netizens exploded! Apple reduced the allocation, saving 40 billion yuan in two years

But on the other hand, the "reduction" did give the industry a bad start, because this move is very unfriendly to consumers.

After Apple began to reduce the allocation, the mobile phone industry has followed Apple and opened the "outer volume" mode, such as Samsung and Meizu have not been equipped with chargers.

Whether it is really environmental protection, or in the name of environmental protection, I believe that everyone has a different view.

Netizens exploded! Apple reduced the allocation, saving 40 billion yuan in two years

Ben-Wood, principal analyst at CCS Insight, said: "Apple is an environmental leader in the mobile phone industry, and eliminating chargers and headphones is one of the many attempts it is making. Of course, Apple's removal of chargers and headphones when selling iPhones is also a small means of cost compression."

It is worth mentioning that Xiaomi also followed Apple and joined the "outer volume" camp, but the difference is that Xiaomi handed over the "environmental protection choice" to users.

Netizens exploded! Apple reduced the allocation, saving 40 billion yuan in two years

Following the iPhone 12's announcement that it will not send chargers and headphones, The Xiaomi Mi 11 is the first domestic phone not to send a charger.

But Xiaomi's approach is more user-friendly, Xiaomi has prepared two options for consumers, namely the standard version and the set version, which are priced at 3999.

Netizens exploded! Apple reduced the allocation, saving 40 billion yuan in two years

The standard version is bare metal without chargers and cables, and the package version includes a 55W gallium nitride charger worth $99.

In this way, users can make their own choices, which has been widely praised by netizens.

Netizens exploded! Apple reduced the allocation, saving 40 billion yuan in two years

Today is International Consumer Rights Day, as a consumer, how do you see this?

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