
During the epidemic period, children want to play mobile phones every day, what if they have no intention of learning and rebel?

These days,

Binzhou's children study at home, and Binzhou's parents are busy becoming dogs!!

You know everything!

On the one hand, the atmosphere of spring agitation, on the other hand, the suffocation of learning at home,

Children will inevitably rebel.

Recently saw a message from a friend:

My daughter's learning state is very irritable, two days ago suddenly said that she did not want to learn, we are now saying that she is very resistant to anything, every day she wants to play mobile phone, or want to play something else, no intention of learning, so I want to listen to your advice and guidance.

The "little masters" want to do things,

In the end, it was our old father and mother who were injured!

During the epidemic period, children want to play mobile phones every day, what if they have no intention of learning and rebel?

In fact, as a parent, the basic condition for cracking the child's growth code is role positioning, my role positioning is not only to treat the child as a friend, but also to treat the child as an opponent, and the process of accompanying the child's growth is the process of fighting wits and courage. To help children successfully pass through the rebellious period of adolescence is simple and simple, to say that complexity is also complex, the key depends on how you do.

During the epidemic period, children want to play mobile phones every day, what if they have no intention of learning and rebel?

Children grow up slowly, parents and teachers must first have a mental preparation, in the face of children suddenly began to fight with themselves in words and actions, to maintain a normal heart, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and deal with it calmly. Don't always use your own eyes, adult standards to measure children, and don't always think that children are out of their control and take stronger high-pressure policies to try to suppress, the result of this will only make children's resistance stronger and make things worse. To understand that the child's current state is just a momentum, waiting for this momentum to leak, things will naturally return to the original state, should it be your baby or your baby, should it be your good girl or your good girl.

During the epidemic period, children want to play mobile phones every day, what if they have no intention of learning and rebel?

The process of education is actually the process of helping to guide individuals to achieve socialization, and the role of parents and teachers as the core of educators is to help and guide. How to achieve effective help and guidance, the first thing is to understand the child's mentality to have a good effect, which requires us to often learn to empathize, and the original adult mentality in our hearts is called back to the state of the same age as the child, so that you can touch the child's lifeblood, so that you can respond to it in a targeted and targeted manner.

During the epidemic period, children want to play mobile phones every day, what if they have no intention of learning and rebel?

The process of children's growth is actually a process of teaching children to learn to ride a bicycle. At the beginning, we need to teach him hand in hand, teach him how to stabilize the direction, how to drive forward, and so on, after basic familiarity, you may need to learn to let go appropriately, give him some autonomy space, let him experience the joy of moving forward and the satisfaction of growth. If you are afraid of the child falling and never let go, then the child will never experience the satisfaction of growth. At this time, the child either resists and fights for his rights, or succumbs to self-defeat. In short, it is necessary to give children a moderate space, let children have a sense of growth, but also keep themselves within the child's field of vision, so that children have a sense of security, which is the attitude of getting along with children in adolescence.

During the epidemic period, children want to play mobile phones every day, what if they have no intention of learning and rebel?

Good words love to hear, and children are no exception. The vast majority of parents hold an inertial thinking to discipline their children as children, which causes children to rebel. It is recommended that parents have a tolerant and appreciative attitude towards what their children do, integrate into his world as friends and peers, and say something to the child that can resonate psychologically through the topics he is interested in every day, so that the child can get close to you psychologically. Say more good words and more encouragement, ask the child for more advice and learn more, let the child eliminate his guard and relax his vigilance a little, then he can listen to what you say, and then guide the child to think about the truth you want him to understand, which may be much better than the straightforward preaching.

During the epidemic period, children want to play mobile phones every day, what if they have no intention of learning and rebel?

The epidemic crisis is also an opportunity to educate children.

When we find that there is a problem between parents and children,

Don't worry, don't be afraid,

Be sure to learn more, see more, try more,

Maybe that method can effectively change the parent-child relationship.

In the days of being at home together,

Let us accompany each other and make progress together.

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