
Before the 25-year-old Sichuan soldiers set out, their father presented them with a "death flag": wipe blood when they were wounded, and wrap themselves after death

author:Tiger walks the world

On July 7, 1937, on a calm summer night, gunshots suddenly rang out over the Lugou Bridge, which marked the full-scale outbreak of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, known as the "77 Incident" in history. On this day, the Japanese army forcibly demanded to enter Wanping City on the pretext of searching for missing soldiers, but the Chinese defenders resolutely refused. Subsequently, the Japanese shelled the Lugou Bridge, and the Chinese troops resisted, and the two sides launched a fierce exchange of fire at the Lugou Bridge.

The outbreak of the July 7 Incident was not only a further escalation of Japanese militarism's aggression against China, but also a serious challenge to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Prior to this, Japan had invaded the three northeastern provinces of China and established the so-called "Manchukuo" in an attempt to use the northeast as a springboard to further annex the whole of China. However, the Chinese people did not succumb to Japanese aggression, and the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army in a difficult environment,

Wang Jiantang, a hot-blooded young man from Sichuan, his story is a microcosm of countless heroic deeds in the War of Resistance Against Japan. In that turbulent era in 1937, Wang Jiantang was originally a primary school teacher, living an ordinary and stable life. However, with the outbreak of the July Seven Incident, the country is facing an unprecedented crisis, and Wang Jiantang's heart has also set off waves. He knows very well that as a Chinese, he has the responsibility to stand up and defend his country and nation.

Before the 25-year-old Sichuan soldiers set out, their father presented them with a "death flag": wipe blood when they were wounded, and wrap themselves after death

Wang Jiantang resolutely gave up the whip and threw his pen into the army. He knows very well that this is not only a personal sacrifice, but also a loyalty to the country and the nation. He began to actively campaign in his hometown of Sichuan, calling on like-minded young people to join the army and fight the invaders together. His call was warmly answered, and many young people, infected by his patriotic fervor, joined him one after another.

Soon, a volunteer team of more than 170 people was established under the leadership of Wang Jiantang. These young people come from different backgrounds, some are students, some are businessmen, some are farmers, but they all have a common goal - to fight against the Japanese invaders and defend their homeland. Wang Jiantang was elected as the leader of this team, and they called themselves the "Northwest Sichuan Youth Invitation to Kill the Enemy", expressing their firm determination and unyielding will.

At the farewell party in Anxian County, Wang Jiantang and his team were warmly greeted by the villagers. Just as the team was about to set off, Wang Jiantang received a special gift from his father - a "death" flag. This flag is not only a father's expectation for his son, but also an encouragement to all anti-Japanese soldiers. The banner reads, "I don't want you to be filial to me, but I only want you to be loyal to the nation", as well as the heroic statement "Wipe the blood when you are wounded, wrap yourself up after death, move forward bravely, and don't forget your duty". This flag has become a spiritual symbol of Wang Jiantang and the volunteers, inspiring them to move forward bravely on the battlefield.

Before the 25-year-old Sichuan soldiers set out, their father presented them with a "death flag": wipe blood when they were wounded, and wrap themselves after death

Wang Jiantang led this volunteer team, and after a short period of training, it was quickly incorporated into the 29th Group Army of the National Revolutionary Army and threw itself into the front line of resistance against Japan. In the ensuing battle, Wang Jiantang and his team showed extremely high combat effectiveness and sacrifice. They participated in a series of major battles, such as the Battle of Wuhan, the Battle of Western Hubei, the Battle of Dahongshan, the Battle of Changde, and the Battle of Changsha, and made great contributions to the country's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Wang Jiantang himself is a pioneer and has served as the captain of the death team many times, leading the team to charge into battle. In the battle, he was wounded many times, but each time he insisted on not getting out of the line of fire, and interpreted the duty and glory of a soldier with his actions. His heroic deeds were widely spread in the army and became a powerful motivation for the soldiers to fight bravely against the enemy.

Wang Jiantang's invitation and the formation of the volunteer team were a touching chapter in the War of Resistance Against Japan. Their stories tell us that no matter how difficult the times, there are always those who are willing to stand up and sacrifice everything for the dignity and future of the country and the nation. This spirit is a vivid embodiment of the Chinese nation's indomitable and unremitting self-improvement, and it is also a precious wealth that we still need to learn and inherit today.

Wang Zhecheng, an ordinary old farmer in Sichuan, his son Wang Jiantang resolutely gave up his teaching job after the July Seven Incident in 1937 and chose to devote himself to the torrent of resistance against Japan. At that critical moment for the survival of the country, Wang Jiantang's actions were not unique, but Wang Zhicheng's expectations and sustenance for his son were expressed in a special and shocking way.

Before the 25-year-old Sichuan soldiers set out, their father presented them with a "death flag": wipe blood when they were wounded, and wrap themselves after death

When Wang Zhicheng learned that his son was about to set foot on the battlefield, he did not choose to use tears and reluctance to tie his son's footsteps, but expressed his expectations for his son and loyalty to the country in an almost cruel way. He made a flag with his own hands, and in the middle was written a large "death" character, which was later called the "death flag". On both sides of the flag, Wang Zhicheng wrote a poem encouraging his son with vigorous and powerful strokes: "I don't want you to be filial to me in front of me; May you be faithful to the nation. "When the national disaster is at the head, the Japanese are hideous. The rise and fall of the country has a share. I wanted to serve, but I was too old. Fortunately, I have a son, and I consciously ask for help. Give a flag and carry it with you at all times. Wipe blood when wounded, and wrap up after death. Go forward bravely, don't forget your duty! ”。

This banner is not only Wang Zhicheng's expectation for his son, but also an encouragement to all the anti-Japanese soldiers. It conveys a father's deep love for his son, and at the same time expresses a Chinese's infinite loyalty to the country. This flag has become Wang Jiantang's spiritual pillar on the battlefield, whenever he is wounded and bleeding, he will take out this flag to wipe his wounds, as if he can feel his father's strength and expectation.

Wang Jiantang took this "Dead Word Flag" to participate in many major battles such as the Battle of Wuhan, the Battle of Changde, and the Battle of Changsha. This flag witnessed his promotion from platoon commander to deputy battalion commander, and also witnessed his tenacity and perseverance when he was wounded four times. Wang Jiantang's heroic deeds were widely spread in the army and became a powerful motivation to inspire the soldiers to fight bravely against the enemy.

Before the 25-year-old Sichuan soldiers set out, their father presented them with a "death flag": wipe blood when they were wounded, and wrap themselves after death

This "dead character flag" is not only Wang Jiantang's personal glory, but also a symbol of the indomitable and courageous spirit of sacrifice of the entire Sichuan army and even the entire Chinese people in the War of Resistance Against Japan. It tells us how many fathers like Wang Zhicheng silently suffered the pain of losing their sons in that era of blood and fire, life and death, but still encouraged them to fight for the cause of the liberation of the country and the nation.

Wang Zhicheng's "Dead Word Flag" is a mark of the times, which conveys a kind of family and country feelings that transcend personal life and death and family feelings. This kind of sentiment is the unique spiritual wealth formed by the Chinese nation in the long history of several thousand years, and it is also a precious quality that we still need to inherit and carry forward today. In times of peace, we may not need to face the test of life and death, but this spirit of courageous dedication for the interests of the country and the nation still has profound practical significance and historical value.

Wang Jiantang, the military career of this young man in Sichuan, is a history full of gunpowder smoke and glory. In the flames of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he grew from a weak scholar to an iron-blooded soldier, and used his actions to interpret what is heroic, fearless and responsible.

Before the 25-year-old Sichuan soldiers set out, their father presented them with a "death flag": wipe blood when they were wounded, and wrap themselves after death

In 1937, Wang Jiantang responded to the call of the country and resolutely joined the ranks of resistance against Japan. He not only joined the army himself, but also called on hundreds of like-minded young people to form a volunteer team, which was later incorporated into the 29th Group Army of the National Revolutionary Army. Wang Jiantang's military career, starting here, also bloomed here.

On the battlefield, Wang Jiantang showed extraordinary bravery and command ability. He started as an ordinary platoon commander, and he took the lead in every battle. His military prowess was quickly recognized by his superiors, and he was soon promoted to deputy battalion commander. In the Battle of Wuhan, the Battle of Changde, the Battle of Changsha and other major battles, Wang Jiantang played a key role, his command was firm, his tactics were flexible, and he led his troops to victory in battle many times.

Wang Jiantang's bravery is not only reflected in his combat performance, but also in his attitude towards pain and death. During the battle, he was wounded many times, but each time, he wiped his wounds with the "death flag" given by his father. This flag is not only his spiritual sustenance, but also the source of his strength. Every time you wipe it, it is like reporting to your father: "My son has lived up to your expectations, and my son is loyal to the country!" ”

Wang Jiantang's heroic performance won the admiration and trust of the soldiers. In their eyes, Wang Jiantang is not only a commander, but also a role model, a force that inspires them to move forward bravely. Under the leadership of Wang Jiantang, the morale of the troops has always been high and their combat effectiveness has always been vigorous.

Before the 25-year-old Sichuan soldiers set out, their father presented them with a "death flag": wipe blood when they were wounded, and wrap themselves after death

Wang Jiantang's military career was a journey full of challenges and tests. In the difficult years of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he experienced countless life and death tests, but he always adhered to his beliefs and mission and never flinched. His military career is a vivid teaching material that tells us what is the honor of a soldier and what loyalty to the country is.

The story of Wang Jiantang is a microcosm of countless heroic deeds in the War of Resistance Against Japan. With his actions, he showed the bravery and tenacity of the Chinese soldiers, and also showed the indomitable and resistance of the Chinese people in the face of foreign invasion. His story will forever inspire future generations to forge ahead and never give up for the dignity and future of the country and the nation.

Wang Jiantang's later life is a history full of twists and turns and bitterness. After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, this hero, who once dominated the battlefield, did not enjoy the glory and tranquility he deserved. Because of his early years in the army and his role as an insurrectionist, he was not recognized and respected by people in that special era. After returning to his hometown of Anxian County, Sichuan, Wang Jiantang could only rely on some hard labor to barely make ends meet, and his life was very bleak.

Before the 25-year-old Sichuan soldiers set out, their father presented them with a "death flag": wipe blood when they were wounded, and wrap themselves after death

Wang Jiantang's later years were spent in obscurity. He did not receive special treatment for his merits, nor did he receive enough respect for his sacrifices. For a long time, his name and deeds were obscured by the dust of history, and his contributions and sacrifices were forgotten by the world.

However, history is fair after all. After the reform and opening up, with the country's re-examination and evaluation of history, Wang Jiantang's deeds have gradually been known and recognized. His name began to appear in various commemorations and historical documents, and his contributions were recognized by the country and the people. His standard of living has also improved, and he enjoys the respect and honor he deserves.

In 1992, Wang Jiantang died of illness at the age of 80. His death has aroused widespread concern and mourning in the society. He is revered as a national hero, his deeds are praised by more people, and his spirit is learned and inherited by more people. Although Wang Jiantang has experienced many hardships and setbacks in his life, his name and deeds will forever be engraved in the history of the Chinese nation.

It is worth mentioning that the existing "Dead Character Flag" is not the original, but is copied according to Wang Jiantang's memory. The loss of the original on the battlefield has become a historical regret. But this copied "Dead Word Flag" also carries Wang Zhicheng's expectations and sustenance for his son, and also witnesses Wang Jiantang's bravery and tenacity on the battlefield. It is not only Wang Jiantang's personal glory, but also a symbol of the indomitable and courageous spirit of sacrifice of the entire Chinese nation in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Although Wang Jiantang's later life was bleak, his name and deeds were innocent and fair evaluation of history after the reform and opening up. His contributions and sacrifices are remembered and respected by future generations. His spirit and character will always inspire us to forge ahead bravely and never give up for the dignity and future of our country and nation. Wang Jiantang's life is a legendary history, and his story will always inspire us to fight tirelessly for justice and peace.