
Shocking, the painting of the autistic child appeared at the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games!

On the evening of March 13, the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games came to an end.

The paintings of children with disabilities, which had impressed the audience at the opening ceremony, reappeared in the closing ceremony. Among them, "Dancing" and "Colorful" are two pairs from autistic people.


Shocking, the painting of the autistic child appeared at the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games!


Shocking, the painting of the autistic child appeared at the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games!

The author of "Dancing" is an autistic big boy named Ji Xuanze, who is now a senior at the Beijing Vocational College of Economics and Management, specializing in jewelry and art design. He longs for poetry and distance, and longs for everyone's approval.

Shocking, the painting of the autistic child appeared at the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games!

The author of "Colorful" is named Liu Keyi, born in 2005, and she also has a twin sister, both of whom have severe autism.

She doesn't have a language yet and is trying to build bridges with others.

Shocking, the painting of the autistic child appeared at the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games!

Materials: Beijing Daily, Golden Wings

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