
Zheng Haixia: Basketball legend, perseverance, youth without regrets, the pride and strength of the Chinese women's basketball team

author:Kunzi said entertainment

Zheng Haixia, this name, in the Chinese basketball world, and even in the global basketball field, is like a bright star, shining with inextinguishable light. As a former basketball goddess and a superstar of the Chinese women's basketball team, her life is full of legends.

Zheng Haixia: Basketball legend, perseverance, youth without regrets, the pride and strength of the Chinese women's basketball team

Zheng Haixia, born in an ordinary rural family in Shangqiu City, Henan Province, did not show a unique basketball talent when she was a child. However, fate allowed her to step into the basketball training ground of the Wuhan Military Region at the age of 13. Since then, the trajectory of her life has changed dramatically.

Zheng Haixia: Basketball legend, perseverance, youth without regrets, the pride and strength of the Chinese women's basketball team

After hard training, Zheng Haixia's height continued to climb and eventually reached an astonishing 2.06 meters. Her talent and strength have been fully displayed, and she has become the leader of the Chinese women's basketball team. In major international competitions, she has led the Chinese women's basketball team to achieve great results and won numerous honors with her outstanding performance.

Zheng Haixia: Basketball legend, perseverance, youth without regrets, the pride and strength of the Chinese women's basketball team

However, the road of life is not all smooth sailing. At the peak of her career, Zheng Haixia was unable to conceive and give birth because of congenital inherited physiological defects. This is undoubtedly a huge blow for a woman. However, she did not give up her love of life and dedication to basketball.

Zheng Haixia: Basketball legend, perseverance, youth without regrets, the pride and strength of the Chinese women's basketball team

In 2010, Zheng Haixia tied the knot with Xu Qinghua, a sports officer who had been in love for many years. However, the good times did not last long, and Xu Qinghua suddenly disappeared in 2021, leaving Zheng Haixia's later life lonely and helpless. Despite this, she is still strong in the face of life and continues to contribute to the basketball career.

Zheng Haixia: Basketball legend, perseverance, youth without regrets, the pride and strength of the Chinese women's basketball team

In 2022, Zheng Haixia won the honor of FIBA China Youth Training Promotion Ambassador. Although she has inconvenient legs and feet, she still insists on running to primary and secondary schools around the country to teach classes and share experiences with children. Her tenacity and courage have infected countless people and become a banner in the Chinese basketball world.

Zheng Haixia: Basketball legend, perseverance, youth without regrets, the pride and strength of the Chinese women's basketball team

Today's Zheng Haixia, although her legs are bent and her movements are difficult, her heart is still full of love for basketball. She joined the coaching team of the Chinese women's basketball team and used her experience and wisdom to cultivate a new generation of basketball talents. Her existence is not only the pride of the Chinese women's basketball team, but also a symbol of Chinese sportsmanship.

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