
In addition to sheep placenta, what pits have Chinese women encountered on the road to beauty?

A renaissance of mudslides in the entertainment industry not only made Sichenkova and Yuan Li a repository of ghost animals for the creators, but also allowed sheep placenta, which many people have not heard of, to return to people's vision.

Including sheep placenta, what other products have deceived Chinese women on the road to beauty "from the inside out".

"Noble lady sheep placenta", the myth of immortality is shattered

People's fear of aging can always be intuitively reflected in beauty products. For decades, people have spent a lot of money on anti-aging products, hoping to maintain their youth forever. Sheep placenta, which was the hottest more than a decade ago, is called the first product in human history that can delay aging.

Sheep placenta is an extract from sheep embryos and sheep placenta, because the placenta is an organ that connects the mother and the fetus, and can continuously deliver maternal nutrients for the developing fetus. Originally found in a private clinic in Switzerland in the 1930s, sheep placenta for disease recovery and soft tissue regeneration was used by merchants to promote cell division and thus achieve anti-aging effects. It instantly went viral in China, where in 2011 an average anti-aging trip to Switzerland cost 300,000 yuan.

However, whether at home or abroad, the number of studies on the function of sheep placenta is not only small, but also mostly focuses on wound healing, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and other functions. Its most exaggerated anti-aging research has only been conducted in a small number of single experiments on animals. There are no real, human-receptor studies, much less studies evaluating the short- and long-term adverse effects of sheep placenta use on humans.

But in fact, the use of sheep placenta leads to far more side effects than in the literature that believes it is effective in fighting aging. In 2015, the Swiss medical regulator comprehensively suspended anti-aging therapy with sheep placenta, emphasizing that the abuse of sheep placenta may cause health risks such as allergies, abscesses at injection sites, blood infections, liver and kidney damage, and even infection of animal pathogens.

Cheap drugs packaged into a human placenta scam

Similar to sheep placenta, rubbing the heat of the placenta economy, human placenta has also been popular in various beauty salons, and merchants claim that placenta can prevent more than 18,000 diseases, and can also delay human aging for 12-15 years.

Similarly, to this day, academic research on the anti-aging effects of human placenta is very limited.

However, the human placenta bubble bursts earlier. As early as 2008, CCTV 315 evening party exposed the human placenta scam: most beauty companies claim to use human placenta, which is actually a very common drug, that is, human placental tissue fluid and human placental lipopolysaccharide injection.

In addition to sheep placenta, what pits have Chinese women encountered on the road to beauty?

Placental tissue fluid is mostly used for postoperative adhesions, pelvic inflammatory disease, dermatological inflammation, obstetrics and gynecology, as well as the conditioning of chronic disease inflammation, placental lipopolysaccharides are used for bronchitis and asthma. Such medicines are not allowed to be used as cosmetics. Moreover, in regular medical institutions, the average price of placental tissue fluid per person is only 9.55 yuan, while the price of a box of "human placenta products" sold by beauty salons is 60 times higher, ranging from 5800 yuan to 72800 yuan.

can not be injected,

Is oral and topical use useful?

But high nutrition placenta so good publicity gimmick business how to easily let go, in recent years they launched a series of oral products: oral sheep placenta, oral human placenta, sheep placenta mask, etc., so far in the circle of friends micro-business purchase circulation, including many high-priced products purchased from Japan and South Korea, a box of three or four thousand. Chinese have heard the "what to eat and make up for what" for decades, which comes in handy here.

However, if you think about it carefully, when the anti-aging effect of sheep placenta and human placenta itself is in doubt, it is even more unnecessary to discuss whether oral and external use are effective.

What's more, oral sheep placenta will be digested and decomposed into short peptides after entering the human body, which is equivalent to drinking a bowl of broth or eating a piece of beef. Excessive external use is also not advisable. The estrogen contained in sheep placenta may cause tumor-like diseases, which may lead to breast cancer and uterine fibroids.

Oral collagen, food supplement for the rich

Seeing this, beauty lovers may think of oral collagen that has been very popular in the past two years.

Just like many popular sciences have said, collagen, as a macromolecule, cannot be directly absorbed by the human body. Oral collagen will become a small molecule of amino acids after pepsin decomposition, but such a single amino acid can not play the role of collagen.

However, it has also been suggested that hydrolyzed collagen, an oral collagen that has been broken down before eating, can play a very good role.

In addition to sheep placenta, what pits have Chinese women encountered on the road to beauty?

There are indeed several studies that support hydrolyzed collagen's ability to induce collagen production in the human body, improve skin elasticity and increase skin hydration and collagen density, thereby delaying skin aging. But scholars also show that most human studies are conducted by people who sell products, there may be great bias, and individual experiments are far from enough to prove the effects of oral collagen outside the laboratory.

And the positive response from consumers who have taken collagen is also likely to be a placebo effect, just as when you take a shower and spend an hour in a steamy bathroom and feel that your face is very moist.

Of course, it should be noted that oral collagen does not have the same major side effects as sheep placenta or human placenta mentioned above. Nutritionists by professions also believe that this oral supplement "may" provide collagen in a form that is more easily absorbed by the body. But you can also choose to save these thousands of dollars and replenish it with food.

It is better to eat enzymes than to eat ice yogurt with bananas

Similar to oral collagen, as another giant of the oral world, enzymes have also harvested a large number of clusterers.

In addition to sheep placenta, what pits have Chinese women encountered on the road to beauty?

Enzymes passed down from Japan are said to have the miracle effect of detoxifying and nourishing the face and making people lose weight while lying down. However, it is actually an enzyme and has no anti-heaven nutritional value. After the fire of the fruit enzyme, essentially is the product of sugar plus fruit seal fermentation, fermentation is not good and easy to produce harmful bacteria. After these enzymes enter the stomach, they are also digested by pepsin, and there are few functions left for the propaganda, and perhaps only sugar will be left, making people fat.

If you are really superstitious enzymes can lose weight, it is better to go to the Little Red Book to see the rare recipes, the effect is the same, but also save money. (Just ridiculous, don't take it seriously)

MLM company Quan Jian Fire Therapy,

"Self-immolation" therapy

In the slimming process, another one that looks very outrageous is the Quan Jian fire therapy that was fired by the pyramid scheme in the previous two years.

In addition to sheep placenta, what pits have Chinese women encountered on the road to beauty?

Fire therapy promoted from traditional Chinese medicine, after quan jian's transformation, has become a "treatment" like playing with fire and self-immolation, which will not only lead to burns throughout the body, but also lead to necrosis of the cornea and blindness when used locally, and nerve necrosis in the facial triangle area and even affect brain cells.

"Blood washing" beauty, a blood exchange gamble

Another way of medical beauty, "blood washing" beauty, is even more frightening: a certain amount of blood is drawn from the body, provided with ozone or ultraviolet light, "purified" and then transfused back into the body. And claims that this can detoxify, improve metabolism and immunity. A single change of 100 ml of blood will cost 1,000 yuan or even tens of thousands.

People who do "blood washing" beauty are convinced of this statement, because they see that the dark red blood drawn out has become bright red after undergoing "purification", so they think that the "dirty things" in the blood are eliminated by ozone. But junior biology tells us that the venous blood drawn by the human body should itself be dark red, and ozone, as a strong oxidant, will increase the concentration of oxygen in the blood, so the venous blood will become more bright red in color and more oxygenated arterial blood. That is to say, "blood washing" beauty is something that you can accomplish by breathing in the body, and it is hard to take out and demonstrate.

In fact, "blood washing" beauty, similar to "three-oxygen autohemotherapy", was previously used abroad to relieve labor pain for patients with intervertebral disc herniation, but its rationality and legitimacy have always been in a gray area in China. There is no clinical safety and efficacy assessment, and this therapy has never been recognized in China.

Doing "blood washing" beauty in uneven medical and aesthetic institutions is tantamount to gambling. If you accidentally let air into the blood vessels, it will cause air embolism, which will cause heart failure or even death; if the equipment is not cleaned in place, it may also cause hepatitis B, syphilis, AIDS, sepsis and other diseases transmitted through the blood.

It's not an IQ tax, it's a mental disability tax

Perhaps there is still a little bit of controversy mentioned above, then the following things are completely mental retardation taxes.

Rhinoplasty essential oil, rhinoplasty bracket, slimming bandage, lip augmentation artifact, double eyelid artifact... These things are really special, especially courageous, trying to fight mendel genetics and Newton's gravity on their own.

In addition to sheep placenta, what pits have Chinese women encountered on the road to beauty?

Only a small number of people believe in these small props, and more people are planted on the road of medical beauty. As the demand for beauty has only increased, China has now tightened its control over medical aesthetic institutions. Nowadays, the state stipulates that medical aesthetics is a first-level diagnosis and treatment subject, aesthetic surgery, aesthetic dentistry, aesthetic dermatology and aesthetic Chinese medicine are secondary diagnosis and treatment subjects, with professionally certified medical beauty institutions, some non-surgical skin beauty also has more systematic and strict regulations.

I wish everyone to polish their eyes on the road to beauty, away from informal institutions and publicity gimmicks full of IQ tax, and no longer full of concerns about the pursuit of beauty.


Xinhua Net: Behind the Myth of Sheep Placenta: The "Industrial Chain" with Amazing Profits

Pan, S.Y., Chan, M.K., Wong, M.B., Klokol, D. and Chernykh, V., 2017. Placental therapy: An insight to their biological and therapeutic properties. blood, 4(11), p.12.

Pogozhykh, O., Prokopyuk, V., Figueiredo, C. and Pogozhykh, D., 2018. Placenta and placental derivatives in regenerative therapies: experimental studies, history, and prospects. Stem Cells International, 2018.

Golden Sheep Network: CCTV 3-15 evening party exposed the black curtain, the sky-high price of "human placenta" is a beauty scam

New Weekly: A shot of 580,000 sheep placenta, pit who

BBC:Can eating collagen stop skin ageing?

Shower Fallin: The enzyme recommended by the star, can not lose weight at all

Science and Technology Daily: Qiqi Quanjian's "magical" therapy: its fire therapy is "playing with fire and self-immolation"

Popular science China: The "blood washing" beauty therapy that is popular all over the circle of friends has a deep doorway behind it

Edit: Citrus aurantium

Images from the web and visual China

Ownership is owned by the original author

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