
From 25 to 50 years old, how can women fight aging? It is enough to read these 1 articles

Anti-aging is to look young and beautiful?


Anti-aging can also help you get rid of less healthy states such as fatigue, insomnia, and anxiety.

It can also reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, senile dementia, etc. in the long term, and even prolong life [1].

Aging is not as simple as "long wrinkles". The accumulation of senescent cells can lead to various chronic diseases [2].

From 25 to 50 years old, how can women fight aging? It is enough to read these 1 articles

The reasons behind "aging" are complex, with more than two hundred hypotheses [3] but each explaining only one part of aging.

To put it simply, the causes of aging can be divided into two broad categories:

●External causes, the most common of which are ultraviolet rays, cause DNA damage in the body, inflammatory processes, etc., mainly causing skin aging.

●Endogenous factors, mainly genetics, endocrine and other factors [4]. From the moment of birth, people begin to grow old slowly.

We can't change our innate genes (any skincare product that claims to "change genes" is an IQ tax). However, there are still ways to delay the aging caused by external factors.

Many people think that anti-aging is to do all kinds of medical beauty.

Taking the anti-aging of the skin as an example, medical aesthetic means can help play an anti-aging role, but lifestyle changes are also an important part that cannot be ignored.

These two parts add up to a complete "anti-aging map".

From 25 to 50 years old, how can women fight aging? It is enough to read these 1 articles

Not smoking, drinking less, working less overtime, not staying up late, cleaning up at home, maintaining a happy mood, etc., can fight against the "free radicals" in the body.

As long as people live, free radicals will continue to arise.

When young, free radicals will be disposed of in time, but as you get older, there is more stress and bad habits, and a large number of free radicals cannot be removed in time, which will age the skin, resulting in eczema, dermatitis and even skin tumors [5].

If you can't do it completely, you can at least start with the following 3 good habits:

1. Keep your mouth shut and eat less of the two types of food

There are two types of foods that I advise you to quit or eat as little as possible.

The first category

Iron plate frying, frying, snacking, smoked, pickled foods, and over-processed foods.

These foods contain a large number of glycation end products (AGEs) and are the direct killers of wrinkles, sagging skin, roughness, dull yellowing.

From 25 to 50 years old, how can women fight aging? It is enough to read these 1 articles

The second category

Foods with high GI (glycemic index) such as milk teas, cookies, cakes, ice cream, barbecue, etc., are best at causing "glycation reactions."

From 25 to 50 years old, how can women fight aging? It is enough to read these 1 articles

Eat less of these foods and eat more natural foods such as a variety of dark green vegetables and various fruits.

A variety of whole grains, sugar-free yogurt, soy products, whole grains, most seafood, etc., can be reasonably ingested.

Meat, eggs and milk can also be eaten, but pay attention to the practice. Steaming, boiling, and stewing are much better than frying, roasting, and frying.[6]]

Because the higher the temperature, the longer the cooking time, the more AGEs. Marinating the meat with lemon juice, AGEs generation can be reduced somewhat.

2. Sun protection

Ultraviolet rays are the skin's biggest enemy. Pigments (age spots, pigment spots, sun spots, etc.), sagging skin, wrinkles, red blood, sensitive skin, are all related to ultraviolet rays [7], which is often heard of "photoaging".

If you don't believe me, just take a look at the photo below.

From 25 to 50 years old, how can women fight aging? It is enough to read these 1 articles

(Source: Network)

This is a 69-year-old truck driver in the United Kingdom, driving for 28 years, the left side of the face is exposed to the sun longer than the right side of the face, the photo-aging condition is also more serious, this skin condition has a very scary name in medicine - orange peel-like appearance.

Sun protection can eliminate many skin problems.

But I am not advising everyone to "don't see the light", the daily use of SPF30 sunscreen is enough to resist the sun damage.

If you want to exercise outdoors for a long time, or go to the beach or the plateau, use SPF 50 sunscreen and wear a sun hat, umbrella, and sunscreen mask.

Also, if you are outdoors for a long time, you need to apply sunscreen every 2 hours.

3. Look at the ingredients to pick anti-aging skin care products

Oxidation, saccharification and photodamage are the "three musketeers of aging".

The ingredients of anti-aging products are mainly antioxidants and anti-sugar. If you buy a product with the following 4 types of ingredients, then it has more or less anti-aging effects [9-14].

From 25 to 50 years old, how can women fight aging? It is enough to read these 1 articles

Age is only a number, and physical status is the criterion of "youth". I just want to say, "It's not too late from now on." ”

From 25 to 50 years old, how can women fight aging? It is enough to read these 1 articles

However, different age groups can choose different medical aesthetic programs.

Before the age of 25

At this age, there won't be too many skin problems, but acne, dehydrated skin, pigmentation and enlarged pores are annoying.

From 25 to 50 years old, how can women fight aging? It is enough to read these 1 articles


Skin dehydration: water light injection once every 1-3 months.


Acne: A variety of acne skin care products have little effect, you can choose strong pulse light or fruit acid skin resurfacing.


Stains: In addition to strict sun protection, you can also choose from strong pulsed light, Q switch or picosecond laser.


Enlarged pores: water light needle, fruit acid peel, golden RF microneedle, strong pulse light, RF dot matrix, etc.

26-35 years old

After the age of 25, the collagen content in the skin will decrease year by year [15] and begin to enter the state of early aging, with fine lines, pigmentation, dark circles, and acne scars and pits left by squeezing acne.

From 25 to 50 years old, how can women fight aging? It is enough to read these 1 articles


Wrinkles: Smile lines at the corners of the eyes, frown lines between eyebrows, forehead wrinkles, etc., you can try strong pulse light, non-peeling dot matrix laser, etc. Hitting botulinum toxin reduces dynamic lines.


Acne pit: It is an irreversible skin problem that can only be improved with strong pulsed light (for acne marks), as well as dot matrix lasers, golden radio frequency microneedles, and electric ion beams (for acne pits).


Dark spots, dark circles: strong pulsed light, Q-switch laser, picosecond laser can fade spots, skin rejuvenation. Skin care products should be whitening and antioxidant.

36-50 years old

After the age of 35, the most exposed age is a variety of static patterns, such as tear grooves, nasolabial grooves, and puppet patterns.

From 25 to 50 years old, how can women fight aging? It is enough to read these 1 articles

At age 40, as collagen drops to less than half of what it is at 18 years,[15] wrinkles develop and loose skin. You can regularly do water light needles, super picoseconds, etc.

Thermage, dot laser, and gold RF microneedles have a better lifting and tightening effect.

If the facial laxity is obvious, it can also be combined with facial wrinkle removal surgery, which is often referred to as skinlift surgery.

Thinner people can work with hyaluronic acid or autologous fat filler to plump up sunken faces.

Over 50 years old

Skin laxity will be more pronounced. If you want to return to the state of young skin overnight, I am afraid that you can only use a large surgery such as skinlifting.

If you don't want to use the knife, you can ask your doctor to combine the items mentioned earlier. For example, Thermage or filling surgery.

Finally, Zhimei would like to say:

No one can maintain eternal youth, aging is a normal process. No matter how many "anti-aging" methods are used, don't forget to make yourself mentally immortal.

At this moment, put down the mobile phone and stand up!

Contributing Author

Zhao Hui | Attending physician of the Department of Plastic surgery and cosmetology at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University


Chi Huiyan | Chief Physician of the Department of Dermatology, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences


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[3] Broskey Nicholas T,Marlatt Kara L,Most Jasper et al. The Panacea of Human Aging: Calorie Restriction Versus ExerciseJ. Exerc Sport Sci Rev, 2019, 47: 169-175.

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[5] Bjelakovic, Goran, et al. "Mortality in randomized trials of antioxidant supplements for primary and secondary prevention: systematic review and meta-analysis." Jama 297.8 (2007): 842-857.

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[14] Crane, F. L. (2001). Biochemical functions of coenzyme Q(10). J. Am. Coll. Nutr.

[15] Kafi, Reza, et al. "Improvement of naturally aged skin with vitamin A (retinol)." Archives of dermatology 143.5 (2007): 606-612.

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