
Lose the crucial battle! North Control's playoff situation is worrying, will miracles favor Marbury?

Lose the crucial battle! North Control's playoff situation is worrying, will miracles favor Marbury?

There is no doubt that this is a game with a confrontation intensity comparable to the playoffs, in this extremely critical battle, the North Control men's basketball team chased the score unsuccessfully, losing to the Tianjin men's basketball team 112-116, while watching the opponent celebrate, his playoff seat has also been suspended.

The last time the two sides met, the Beijing Control men's basketball team lost to the Tianjin men's basketball team by 22 points, which was already in a very unfavorable situation. Before this game, Tianjin and Shandong were one win ahead of Beikong and Xinjiang, and all four teams had the hope of reaching the playoffs. However, the Tianjin men's basketball team occupies the lead, not only because their schedule is the most relaxed, but also because they have killed Shandong twice, net victory over the Xinjiang men's basketball team by 18 points, plus winning the North Control men's basketball team by 22 points, which is obviously superior in the relationship between each other.

Therefore, even if the Tianjin men's basketball team does not lose to the Beijing Control men's basketball team by 23 points in this game, and then wins the Ningbo men's basketball team in the remaining two rounds, it can also lock the seat in the playoffs, but the North Control men's basketball team is different, and every remaining game is a life and death battle, and every loss will slide into the abyss.

Lose the crucial battle! North Control's playoff situation is worrying, will miracles favor Marbury?

Because of this, when rochester faced Wang Shaojie's defense in the final quarter of the game, suddenly accelerated, and considering that Rochester had hit three points before, Wang Shaojie hesitated, so that Rochester was given a gap breakthrough score, Marbury kept yelling at Wang Shaojie when calling a timeout, and even stopped saying something in front of Wang Shaojie, looking very angry! Because after this ball was scored by Rochester, the North Control men's basketball team has fallen behind by double digits, and its life hangs by a thread.

Marbury is certainly in a hurry, and if he doesn't make it to the playoffs again this season, it will be the second consecutive year he's led the team to miss the playoffs. In the first season of leading the team, Marbury led the team to enter the playoffs for the first time in the history of the team, but the North Control men's basketball team did not stop the pace of reinforcements, and made frequent moves, attracting famous players such as Li Gen and Zou Yuchen, and even snapped up many excellent players in the "Bayi Supermarket" with Shougang in the same city. The intention is very obvious, after tasting the taste of the playoffs, the Beijing Control men's basketball team hopes that Marbury can go further and become a strong team that can compete with Liaoning and other giants.

This season, the North Control men's basketball team not only introduced Haas, Todorovic, Landsberg, but also almost got the scoring master Deng Meng, if it is not Deng Meng for some reason can not come to China, the North Control men's basketball team will become another team after the Beijing men's basketball team, another 4 foreign aid team.

Lose the crucial battle! North Control's playoff situation is worrying, will miracles favor Marbury?

However, 3 foreign aides are also enough, but the strange thing is that the former Tianjin veteran Todorovic, in the last few games, has been in no form, before this game has caused extreme dissatisfaction in the Beijing media. In the last moment of the first quarter of this campaign, Marbury replaced Haas, who was in good shape, and sent Todorovic, so the situation took a sharp turn, the North Control men's basketball team gave up the lead, and the Tianjin men's basketball team regained the initiative.

Beijing "Daily Sports" official Wei wei did not understand Marbury's substitution, said: "The score in the first quarter was 35-30, and the North Control was in full swing, leading by 5 points. The effect of 'Big Man' Haas was immediate, but who explained why he was replaced at the last minute? ”

As we all know, the Tianjin men's basketball team can use double foreign aid in one of the first three quarters this season, so if it can't get enough of the lead in the first half, then in the third quarter when Rochester and Burton are on the field at the same time, the North Control men's basketball team will be very passive, not to mention that Rochester feels hot in the field, the outside line is even three points, and the first half is cut down by 18 points.

Of course, the North Control players are also very aware of the importance of this game, they played very hard, originally injured in the face, Zhang Fan, who should have been wearing a mask, did not do this, this is not to say that his injury is already healed, but is not used to wearing a mask to play, so simply do not wear, risk being hit by the opponent again, showing the temperament of seeing death.

In the last moment, the North Control men's basketball team used their lives, after the suspension came back, first Liao Sanning forced the penalty area to cause 2 +1, and then Lanzberg caused the other side to foul the three points, three free throws and two shots, at this time each point is critical, Lanzberg lost the first goal, Marbury was angry and paced back and forth on the sidelines.

The North Control men's basketball team still has a chance, Landsberg's three-point shot narrowed the point difference to only 1 point, back, Rochester was completely defended, can only be divided into 45 degrees on the left side of the Field Rain, Tian Yu three points missed. Unfortunately, the North Control men's basketball team failed to grab this rebound in the backcourt, but was grabbed by Tian Yu and then made a foul, and the camera flashed to Sun Tonglin and Marbury on the sidelines, both of whom showed regretful expressions.

Lose the crucial battle! North Control's playoff situation is worrying, will miracles favor Marbury?

In this game, the North Control men's basketball team wasted too many opportunities, especially in the free throws, they only had 19 of the 28 penalties, while the Tianjin men's basketball team only lost 4 goals, if the North Control men's basketball team can be slightly accurate in the penalty, it will not lose the game. In addition, the North Control men's basketball team shot only 9 of 28 three-pointers, making 3 more mistakes than the opponent, and they fell behind in the details of handling.

After the loss of this battle, the North Control men's basketball team only has a theoretical possibility to advance to the playoffs, they must win all two games in the remaining two games, but also hope that the Shandong men's basketball team will lose three games, and the two teams will meet, the North Control men's basketball team is not as good as the opponent. However, of the remaining 3 opponents of the Shandong men's basketball team, one of them wants to play the Fujian men's basketball team, and three consecutive defeats seem unlikely. And the Next Thing the North Control Men's Basketball Team will face is Shenzhen and Fujian, will there really be a miracle?

After the loss of the North Control men's basketball team, Jiao Jian wrote: "This is basically completely cold. Rebuild, I really don't want to watch such a disgusting game again. No tactics, no tacit understanding, no fighting spirit. Bye bye!!! ”

Marbury and North Control, really hopeless?

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