
Thank you for remembering it! Konami applied for trademark renewal for Silent Hill

Konami's Silent Hill series has been dormant for a long time, but the internet has been talking about the revival of this IP amid endless rumors and "leaks." Every once in a while, some new developments add fuel to the discussion.

Thank you for remembering it! Konami applied for trademark renewal for Silent Hill

Recently, as Reddit users found when they checked trademark registrations, Konami seemed to have applied for trademark renewals for IP such as Tokimeki Memorial and Gradius. Interestingly, it also contains Silent Hill.

Thank you for remembering it! Konami applied for trademark renewal for Silent Hill

Notably, trademark continuity is a normal act of large publishers protecting their intellectual property, especially considering that Konami still uses the name and font of Silent Hill in various media. Therefore, applying for trademark renewal does not necessarily mean that there will be a new work.

Thank you for remembering it! Konami applied for trademark renewal for Silent Hill

But this is another worth complaining about konami, they do remember to apply for a trademark renewal for Silent Hill, but they don't remember to renew the game's official website.

Thank you for remembering it! Konami applied for trademark renewal for Silent Hill

Some time ago, the official domain name of "Silent Hill" invalidated due to arrears, and angry players bought the domain name before Konami remembered it, and posted a tweet from The artistic director of Silent Hill 2, Ito Shota, to show ridicule:

"I wish I hadn't designed that fxxkin triangle head."

Thank you for remembering it! Konami applied for trademark renewal for Silent Hill

Finally, there have been many rumors about the revival of the "Silent Hill" IP, and many people will hope that this trademark update represents a sign that something big will happen, but it is best to look forward to lowering it, in case Konami does not live and causes too much psychological gap.

Thank you for remembering it! Konami applied for trademark renewal for Silent Hill

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