
Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

author:Wet music
Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

Sun Li - "Love Is Like Air"

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Cui Shu: I sing "Old Good Man"

But they don't sing the praises of "good old men."

That day, it was raining slightly. Cui Shu, dressed in a white casual suit, entered the café with an umbrella, bent down and bowed, and said softly: "Hello." "There is no assistant around, and he doesn't look cold at all. If it weren't for the prior appointment, I wouldn't have thought of this famous lyricist who looked like an ordinary old and good person.

"Good old man" is the evaluation of Cui Shu by friends around him, and it is also the name of his new album.

Cui Shu said: "I am a stupid person who does not know how to refuse, does not ask for returns. The "Good Old Man" on this album is actually somewhat self-deprecating, not a positive word in the true sense. ”

Old good man Cui Shu - old good man

For most people, the name "Cui Shu" is known because of these classic songs - he is the lyricist of "Love Like Air" sung by Sun Li; the theme song "Red Face Robbery" of "Zhen Huan"; the lyricist of the ending song "Can not be Said" of "The Promotion of the Princess Princess"; and the well-known singers who have collaborated with him are all over the Taiwan Straits and three places, such as Mo Wenwei singing his "Hand of the Son", Qin Hailu singing his "Feelings Are Not Life", Liu Ruoying singing his "Best Future", Zheng Rong singing his "Crossing the Road"...

Can't say Cui Zige - Princess Promotion Online Drama Soundtrack

Feelings are not life Qin Hailu - one-way line

Karen Mok - Back to Karen Mok Tour @ Taipei Arena

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

Cui Shu and Sun Li

Cui Shu's music covers a variety of styles, classical, pop, rock, and even his "can't bear to sing again" divine comedy. He was called "Lin Xi of the Mainland" by fans, and he never thought it was taken for granted to categorically denying it, because in his opinion: "The 'I' in the eyes of others is not the complete 'I'." ”

The real Cui Shu has actually been hidden in his own songs.

Baby Cui Shu - old good man

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

Cui Shu


Choi Woo and singer

Have to say the secret

Cui Shu can write hundreds of songs a year, and his talent is recognized in the circle. Because the lyrics are "fast and accurate", Cui Shu has a nickname: "the most reliable firefighting team member".

For him, it was common for him to stay up all night writing lyrics and deliver them on time the next morning. In addition to his dedication and dedication, his gentle personality and kind approach to people have also allowed him to become friends with many celebrities in the cooperation, including the famous "principal" Tam Wing Lin.

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

Choi Shu and Tam Wing Lin (left)

Cui Shu + Tan Yonglin

The most lucky

In 2006, in order to create a commemorative Chinese song for the band Wen Na, the famous Hong Kong composer Jin Peida approached Cui Shu. But because of geographical limitations, their first cooperation was done by phone.

But I didn't expect it to be extremely tacit. "They recorded in Hong Kong, I wrote the lyrics in Beijing, and after writing them, I took them over, and as soon as I communicated on the phone, I reached an agreement. Very smooth. ”

All the way to the end of the world Tan Yonglin - the person who loves to laugh the most

Excellent tacit understanding, so that Cui Shu and Tan Yonglin after the cooperation more and more frequent, the two do not even need too much communication, the song is very compatible, "The Big Deal" and "All the Way to the End of the World" are two of the classic songs. The two became friends, and Cui Shu said: "Now every time I go to Hong Kong, I will meet him, eat and drink tea. Tam Wing Lin's new Chinese album is in the works, and I also have helped write songs. ”

Big deal Tam Wing Lin - the one who loves to laugh the most

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

Cui Shu + Chen Chusheng


However, not every collaboration has been as smooth as with the principal, and some songs have unfortunately "died" in the process of creation. One of the most nerve-wracking collaborations made Cui Shu, who has always been calm and comfortable, almost collapse, "handing in 7 drafts of lyrics in one month"...

Recalling that experience, Cui Shu is still a little helpless, because it is Chen Chusheng, who is also the creator, who invited him to sing. He had thought that this cooperation would be a powerful collision between the two of them.

To his surprise, after the 7th edition of the revised draft, the other party finally said: "Let's use the original draft." "Well, it turns out that people who are engaged in art really have their own persistence.

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

Chen Chusheng

Cui Shu + Yu Chengqing

God has been friends for a long time

People who are familiar with Cui Shu know that he is gentle and elegant in ordinary days. When it comes to his own personality, Cui Shu uses two words: emotional and rational.

His philosophy of life, he says, is somewhere in between. He didn't like to ride roller coasters, hadn't tried extreme sports, and his life was a little simple.

His interesting experiences often take place during the creative process with musicians. For example, he and Yu Chengqing cooperated for five or six years, but they always had a side of each other, until an event many years later, they revealed the "true face of Lushan".

Speaking of the story behind each creation, Cui Shu remembers it very clearly, and many details are still interesting to recall today. "I don't know if I'm old, but the conversation is many years ago..." Cui Shu asked himself.

Confrontation Yu Chengqing - can not quit

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

Yu Chengqing


Those years

Songs you've heard, people you've loved

In fact, 20 years ago, the most profound influence on Cui Shu was not those stories, but those people. Like many post-70s generations, Cui Shu's youthful memories are indispensable to pop music cassettes. Cui Shu, who was also a star-chaser, learned a lot of truths from the songs on the radio.

My footsteps want to wander, but my heart wants to sail

My shadow wanted to fly, and my people were still on the ground

My smile tried to disguise, but my tears wanted to surrender

My eyes wanted to hide, and my mouth was still strong

This is Cui Shu's favorite song, Zheng Zhihua's "Man Like Me". While chatting about the sky, Cui Shu sang melodiously, and in the song, he could hear the sound of time slipping away.

A man like me Zheng Zhihua - young age

Cui Shu first heard the song in 1992 and "thought it was very well written at the time." Jeong Ji-hwa was Choi Shu's favorite singer in the 1990s, "and one that has influenced me deeply, not only the lyrics, but also his music is also very powerful." Every sentence of his song is deliberate."

Remembering the days when he was young listening to cassettes and humming songs, many unforgettable pictures appeared in Cui Shu's mind. He confessed that at that time, most of the male singers he liked were interested, and he would imitate the style of writing songs and singing techniques.

In his view, "Zheng Zhihua is a poet among musicians, and the works of Li Zongsheng, Lin Xi and Luo Dayou emphasize musicality itself." Their common feature is that words come first, that is to say, the power of words is particularly great, and they all use words to express ideas. Luo Dayou's lyrics are sharper. ”

Receiving music from an early age, constantly absorbing nutrition when listening to songs, and slowly, Cui Shu, who was not from a science class, grew into half a music critic, laying a solid foundation for becoming a well-known lyricist in the future.

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

Cui Shu and Nicholas Tse (left)

Cui Shu interviewed quick questions and answers quickly

Ten years of writing songs

Strong worldly feelings

Many people are curious, how did Cui Shu, who came from an engineering background, get on the road to music? But most people who have listened to his songs can guess his "secrets" with music.

When he was in college, Cui Shu began to try to write songs, and many of the creations of that period only had lyrics and no songs. "'Wait till the peach blossoms' is one of the earliest songs I wrote, almost when I was 16 years old. In 1997, when I entered the university, I wrote a poem called "The Sunset".

Wait until the peach blossoms bloom Panglong - empty

Sunset Choi Shu - Graduate Caprice

Cui Shu's songs are sometimes gorgeous and atmospheric, sometimes plain and touching, and each capital is telling stories and reasoning. His songs, mostly about life and things around him, he saw and recorded them, and in the end, he wrote them into songs.

For example, on the spring evening of CCTV at the beginning of this year, the song "Father and Son" sung by Yang Yang and Tong Tiexin was written by Cui Shu, a song that touched countless people, writing about the true love between him and his father.

Father and son Yang Yang; Tong Tiexin - Father and son

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

Cui Shu and Yang Yang (right)

Father and son Cui Shu; Cui Rong - Immortal

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

Choi Shu and father (left)

Relatives have always been the main theme of Cui Shu's songs, and he expresses his gratitude and affection for his relatives between the lines... He wrote a song to each of his parents, "The second album is in addition to 'Father and Son', and there is also a 'Mother'. If I don't write to my dad or my mom, she'll be in charge."

For his little baby daughter, he created a special song "Silvia". Cui Shu said: "When I wrote Father and Son, my daughter had just been born. Now she is 3 and a half years old. When Wang Yuelun heard this song, he was about to cry. ”

Silvia Choi Shu - Silvia

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

Choi Shu and Kim Chi

As for the story of young people chasing their dreams, he wrote a song "Waiting for the Wind to Come" for singer Liu Yutong. "I like this song very much, Liu Yutong is ready in all aspects, a little bit of everything is ready only to owe the feeling of the east wind, then I will send him a gust of wind."

Wait for the wind to come to Liu Yutong - the second season of China's top ten golden songs

In this way, constantly writing about the people and things around him, his music is getting smoother and smoother, and he has begun to have a unique creative style and habits. "When I write songs for others, 90% of them have songs first, and after I get the songs, I have more ideas."

His songs record his mental journey all the way, he grew from a teenager who fled his hometown with all his heart to a man who loves his family; from an "old good man" who did not know how to refuse, to the musician who "learned to choose and give up" today.

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

Cui Shu and Lin Jiadong (left)

Tao Shu vs Cui Shu

Tao: Are you the "Old Good Guy" in your own song? A good gentleman who is not too young, but is full of kindness and love for the people around him?

Cui Shu: Maybe because I am not willful and always do not know how to refuse, I am called "good old man" by others. For example, in a concert, my friend asked me to help get tickets, and I felt that such a thing was more embarrassing, because I was embarrassed to ask for tickets from others, and I felt that the performance was the crystallization of people's sweat, so I would buy tickets for my friends.

I also feel guilty about my family because I am a good old man, and I always free up my time and energy to outsiders. All outsiders think I'm a good person, but the people closest to me know that I'm tired. When a person cares too much about other people's feelings, the person who really cares about him will worry about him.

Good old man, not saying that it is good for this person to be bad for another person. Because time and effort are limited. Now I'll give up some work and start making some choices. This time to create "Good Old Man", at the end of the singing I was actually a little helpless, "I am not anyone's warm treasure, nor is it central air conditioning, I just want to be good to everyone, but I can't do it myself." So the "good old man" in this album is actually a bit self-deprecating, not a positive word in the true sense.

Chicken Rib Choi Shu - Old Good Man

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

From left: Cui Shu, Liu Kaiwei, Gao Hao, Li Li, Chi Shuai

Tao: Are you speaking for the "good old people" and speaking out about the grievances in their hearts?

Cui Shu: The creator is to write everyone's story with his own pen. About half of this record is a love song, which does not match my past warmth and warm wind, but is more cold, even with naked criticism. Because that's the reality, it's what we have to face.

Diamond Wedding Tri zi ge; Cui Shu - Qualified Golden Melody

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

Cui Shu and Chen Weiting

Tao: What qualities do you appreciate?

Cui Shu: I feel that I am a person who is not lethal, and I prefer people with soft personalities and not too much aggression.

Sister Choi Shu - old good man

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

Choi Shu and Hang Gai Band

Tao: What kind of person are you?

Cui Shu: I am a person who does not lie, and as soon as I lie, others will see it.

Such as Yan Cui Shu - old good man

Tao: If it is a full score of 100, how many points do you want to give yourself a temperature?

Cui Shu: 50 points. Half of it. Something was half way up.

Blind Spot Choi Shu - Old Good Man

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

Loves to sing and write songs

Album after album

Cui Shu said


He would write a "very long, long novel"

Tan Yonglin Xie Tingfeng and Sun Li have sung his songs, but he smiled and said: Old and good people are not easy to do

- END -

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