
After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

author:Xiao Chen chatted about collocation

Look at the face from afar, look at the eyes up close. When people talk about a person's physical features, they often can't do without the description of her eyes. And big eyes and double eyelids have always been regarded as a fixed match that beauties can't live without.

It is precisely because of the public's stereotypical definition of beauty that the plastic surgery with a high risk factor has gradually changed from a cosmetic surgery with a high risk factor to a "minor surgery" in the mouth of beauty-loving women, which is as common as a daily occurrence, prompting more and more women with small eyes to go to the operating table without hesitation in order to become beautiful.

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

It can be seen that people's inferiority complex and lack of confidence in small eyes, as well as the blind pursuit of big eyes. But is it really good to have big eyes? While "small eyes" may be seen as a disadvantage in today's cultural context, "big eyes" may not be a good thing, friends.

In this issue, let's take a look at what the two terrible female stars with big eyes in the entertainment industry look like when they get old.

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

1. Recognized as the "Five Ugly Eyes", see if there are you?

Although there are no two pairs of eyes in the world that are exactly the same, some eyes are extremely similar in shape.

For example, the "five ugly eyes" recognized by the public that we are going to look at next, do you know which ones they are? If you don't know and are curious, let's take a look:

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

1. Big and small eyes

Eye size refers to the fact that the size of the two eyes is significantly inconsistent, and one eye will appear much larger or smaller than the other, which is usually caused by a single pair of eyelids.

This difference in the size of the eye shape may make the face appear less symmetrical, giving a sense of disharmony and incongruity, and looking unsightly. However, this kind of eye size can be improved by applying double eyelid patches, and it is not a big problem in general.

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

2. Swollen eyes

Swollen bubble eyes really affect the appearance very much, and severe swollen bubble eyes look like they have been blistered, and many times they cannot be improved by makeup.

As shown in the figure below, the upper eyelids of swollen bubbles are generally too thick and heavy, and fat accumulates, which makes the eyelids sink and cover the eyeballs, resulting in the eyes not being fully exposed, which naturally makes the eyes look dull and lacking in vitality, and even looks a little fierce and greasy.

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

3. Squint

The biggest feature of squinting eyes is that they are small, but their small size is very different from the small size of swollen eyes.

As shown in the picture below, although her eyes are not large, the light in her eyes is very delicate and very bright. Another example is supermodel Lu Yan, Hollywood actress Lucy Liu, etc., all of whom have this kind of eye shape, which looks high-end and imposing.

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

Although such eyes do not seem to have a strong sense of presence under normal circumstances, and even sometimes only one slit can be seen when laughing, with a strong sense of comedy and a bit funny, but fortunately, the personal characteristics are distinct, and if they are used well, they will also become their own unique characteristics.

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

4. Three white eyes / or hanging eyes

The three white eyes and the hanging eyes are a bit similar, and many people can't tell the difference, but they are essentially different. Three-white eyes refer to the fact that the eyeball is more exposed, and the whites of the eyes occupy most of the eyeball, while the eyeballs are relatively small.

Hanging eyes, on the other hand, refer to the upward movement of the tail of the eye, giving a sharp or indifferent feeling. Both of these eye shapes may make the eyes look special, so they may sometimes be perceived as unsightly in society.

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

5. Fish bubble eyes

Fish bubble eye is slightly similar to swollen eye, but it usually emphasizes the protrusion of the eyeball more than the "swollen" eyelid of swollen eye.

As shown in the figure below, this eye shape is generally the standard configuration of large double eyelids + large eye frame + big eyes, which may be enviable when you are young, but when you are old, your eyes may seem to bulge out, giving people an abrupt, unnatural, and even terrifying feeling.

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

2. How much does the eye affect the appearance? Just look at Sun Li and Mei Ting

1. When you were young VS now

The impact of the eyes on appearance is very significant, and it is often one of the first facial features that people notice and impress.

For example, when they were young, Sun Li and Mei Ting were both representatives of double eyelids and big eyes, and their eyes were big and smart, which attracted the love of many fans.

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

But by comparing the photos of Sun Li and Mei Ting when they were young and now, we can clearly feel the important impact of eye status on appearance.

In particular, the eye shape of fish bubble eyes does look really abnormal in some cases, which is very strange and lowers the appearance.

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

2. The fish bubble eyes are too low in appearance

(1) What is a fish bubble eye?

Fish bubble eyes, also known as "goldfish eyes" or "blister eyes", usually refer to the eyelids (especially the upper eyelids) that are full, swollen, and have a strong protruding eyeball, like a goldfish.

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

(2) How does fish bubble eye affect appearance?

>> disrupt the harmony of facial proportions

Whether a person's face is good or not is largely based on the harmonious proportional relationship of her facial features.

When she was young, Mei Ting's eyes were also very big, and dark circles under her eyes were also her unique personal characteristics and signs, so why did she look terrible when she got old?

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

In fact, the main reason is that after she gets older, she loses facial fat, resulting in loose skin, and the presence around the eyes becomes stronger, plus her eyeballs are already large and her double eyelids are deep, so it looks like fish bubble eyes, which are too prominent in the facial features, thus destroying the overall balance and harmony of the original face.

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

>> protruding eyeballs are terrible

Especially her performance in "The Daughter Who Came Back" was commented by countless netizens: "Mei Ting gives me new frightens every day, she really scares me to death, and she says that when she goes home, she is so infiltrating ......" and so on.

There is no doubt that this character can present such a good plot effect, which must be inseparable from her acting skills, but her current image has also contributed a lot. In particular, the abrupt fish bubble eyes give people the feeling that the eyes are about to jump out when making a big expression, and this unnatural protrusion may make people feel scared or uncomfortable.

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

>> look tired and unfocused, showing fierceness

Not only that, but fish bubble eyes with deep double eyelids and large orbits may also make the eyes look tired, lacking vitality and vitality.

At the same time, due to the protrusion of the eyeballs and the bulging of the eyelids, it may also give the impression of being fierce or stern, affecting the overall temperament.

After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

Third, the fish bubble eye can be modified by makeup, and the following tips are recommended for collection

1. Use eyeshadow to lighten the puffiness of the eyes

  • Choose lighter eyeshadow shades such as beige, light brown or light brown that can neutralize the puffiness of the complexion and give the eyes a more sculpted look.
  • Be careful to apply the light eyeshadow over the entire upper eyelid, especially near the base of the lashes, to brighten the eye area.
  • If puffiness is severe, you can use an eyeshadow shade that is slightly darker than your skin tone to lightly blend in the eye sockets to create a sense of depth and reduce puffiness.
After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

2. Use eyeliner to highlight the eye contour

  • Use a black or dark brown waterproof eyeliner or liquid eyeliner to draw a subtle line close to the base of the lashes.
  • The eyeliner can be slightly thicker, especially in the outer corners of the eyes, which can help to make the eyes look more focused.
  • For a more natural-looking look, try blending with gel or eyeliner to create a natural transition between eyeliner and eyeshadow.
After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

3. When drawing eyebrows, pay attention to keep the trend consistent with the eyebrow bone

  • The first thing to do is to make preparations by trimming the eyebrows and removing stray hairs to make the eyebrows clear.
  • Then use an eyebrow pencil or eyebrow powder to fill in the gaps in the eyebrows and make the eyebrows look thicker and more natural.
  • The most important thing is to keep the eyebrows in line with the natural shape of the brow bone, which will make the entire eye area look more harmonious.
  • If desired, you can use an eyebrow brush to gently blend your brows to create a natural transition between your brows and the surrounding skin tone.
After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"

In addition to the above three tips, there are some other suggestions that can help you better modify your fish bubble eyes:

  • Use an eye concealer: Before applying eyeshadow, it is recommended to use an eye concealer to gently cover bags and fine lines under the eyes to ensure that the eye area looks smooth and unobtrusive.
  • Use an eye primer: An eye primer enhances the pigmentation and longevity of your eyeshadow while smoothing the eye area and reducing the appearance of dry lines and fine lines.
  • Gently massage the eye area: Gently massage the eye area when applying an eye cream or eye makeup primer to help increase blood circulation and reduce puffiness around the eyes.
After watching Sun Li and Mei Ting, I found that what affects the appearance more than "getting old" is "bulging eyes"


In summary, the above tips and suggestions can help you effectively use makeup to modify your eyes, turning the disadvantages of eye shape into our strengths, and making your eyes look brighter, more focused and more sculpted.

Well, that's all for this issue, and we'll see you next time!

If you want to unlock more dressing ideas, and want to make yourself more age-reducing and temperamental through makeup, don't forget to pay attention, we will share it with you~ The picture comes from the Internet, if the infringement contact must be deleted!

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