
Live authentically And don't forget to look at the moon every day



The key to a pleasant life

It's about choosing what's necessary first

Then go and love what you choose

/ Owen D. Aaron

Recent life as far as possible to maintain health and pleasure, go to bed early and get up early, let the beautiful music accompany when alone, let the rules of life also make themselves positive.


Live authentically And don't forget to look at the moon every day

"Experience a New Life"

◎ Author / Hermann Hesse

I re-folded the veil again

The one who has always been trusted suddenly becomes a stranger

The new starry sky was beckoning to me

The soul wanders through dreams

World re-order

In my new circle of life

I was thrown into a new realm

The earth is like a helpless child

But life since before

There was a distant flash of foreboding:

The stars fall and the stars rise

Tianyu was never empty

Live authentically And don't forget to look at the moon every day
Live authentically And don't forget to look at the moon every day

"100 Basic 003"

◎ Author / Yataro Matsuura

Simply live.

To do something, just keep it a little bit.

After a brief thought, choose a small number of "things that should be done." If there is something complicated in it, simplify it and earnestly strive to do the best.

If you get everything in the way, the end result is just that everything is abandoned halfway.

"If you want to wear red, you also want to wear blue", both colors are upper body, which will only look different.

As long as there is the idea of "wanting that, and wanting this", it is impossible to achieve it all.

You can't have a clear goal, and everything can only be a shallow taste.

Live authentically And don't forget to look at the moon every day

"If a Flower Blooms"

◎ Author / Yu Xiuhua

Although in the village

In the morning when no carriages and horses pass by

I still don't know what to do with it

Because how much I know about that process

The determination to pluck the fire out of the water

And the despair that opens to the end

We are all open people

Swallowed up and spit out by life

He has also been captured by fate

It's always a little skinny

What is seen, what is hidden

Those emotions are in the choice of the right time

Suitable petals

This time

I was going to chase a train

It's still a rain

We have no doubt about the world

I always couldn't help but convince myself

Just let a flower go into the light

Retreat into the darkness

Reincarnation here

Look at each other

Each is born with compassion

"Life is an eternal and heavy effort, trying to make oneself in the self, trying not to lose direction, trying to exist firmly in place."

/ Milan Kundera

The first thing to do every day, open the curtains and suck in the breath of the plants outside the window, as if spring and fresh air have poured into the body, and the day of refreshment begins.

Spring is really the season of vitality, and I am amazed to see the green foliage and small flower buds in the pots, and the red buds that were still red a few days ago can't see what kind of plant it is, and it is still full of excitement.

Recently, I have encountered a lot of sudden things, which make the whole person a little discouraged, but I still try to go to bed early and get up early, to find some happy things to heal myself. In any case, even if the day passes, there is always a moon at night.

"Life is a rhythm, there must be light and shadow, there is left and right, there is sunshine and rain, and the taste is contained in this changeable and fierce twist."

How are you doing today?

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