
"Desperate Express 3" famous car beauty, gunfight explosion, fist and foot kung fu, speed chase

author:Popular entertainment viewpoints
"Desperate Express 3" famous car beauty, gunfight explosion, fist and foot kung fu, speed chase

But where commercial films can be made into series, there must be a set of unique models that have been tried and tested, specific to the series of "Desperate Express", which is a successful routine of famous car beauties, gunfight explosions, fist and foot kung fu, speed chase, and sharp editing. The male protagonist Jason Statham is like a tireless, never-wearing hitting machine, leading the audience to chase cars, shootouts, fights from beginning to end, cutscenes flirt with beautiful women, go to bed, typical popcorn movies that only stimulate the senses and do not act on the brain.

However, once a commercial film becomes a series, how to effectively continue the vitality and appeal of the box office has become a problem that makes the film director scratch his head. The next episode always faces better pressure than the previous episode, and in the case of the same routine, how to renovate the details and meet the audience's increasing expectations is linked to the director's IQ and attitude towards the film. In fact, many commercial film series are getting worse and worse, not because the intelligence of the choreographer cannot create a more wonderful plot, but because the attitude is wrong, thinking that relying on the audience's movie-watching inertia, even if the film is shoddy, it can smoothly circle money, resulting in the gradual decline of the series.

"Desperate Express 3" is a typical failure case, producer and screenwriter Luc Besson's level needless to say, can shoot "This killer is not too cold", "The fifth element" and other film history classics, can the brain be bad? The successful model of the "Desperate Express" series was also originally from his creativity, but once the series was small, Luc Besson was too lazy to use his brain, just sitting and enjoying his success and not willing to write a good script, so there was this shoddy circle of money, the standard was more than one grade worse than the previous two episodes. By the way, the French "Taxi" series was also completely crippled by the unenterprising, mountain-eating Luc Besson.

The story of "Desperate Express 3" seems chaotic and unclear. Originally a popcorn movie, it had to be pulled hard on a popular environmental theme, which was really fake enough, given that the main villain in the film who implied that the unscrupulous company that polluted the environment of other countries was from the United States, only when the French filmmakers took the opportunity to vent anti-American sentiments, they would not investigate deeply. But the other nonsense of the film is intolerable, at the beginning did not understand why the villain had to force the male protagonist to transport female hostages, the delivery and delivery of goods are the villain himself, then he can completely take the female hostage on the road by himself, he has to find the male protagonist to do the work, is this not pure nothing to find? It was as if he was expecting to come out and mess up his own plans.

The "European journey" of the male protagonist driving a hostage from Marseille, France to Odessa, Ukraine, is also purely to catch up with the "007" and "Spy Heavy" series of "multinational travel" fashion, as if going to a few more countries can make the film appear more atmospheric and wonderful, in fact, this long crossing has seriously destroyed the series' consistent fast pace and smooth sense, resulting in a long and wordy literary drama, dull and boring, the love of the male and female protagonists seems quite nonsensical; the play is also inserted quite bluntly, and there is no necessary connection with the advancement of the plot. For example, the two killers who chased the car with the male protagonist on the highway were obviously sent by the hostage's father, but they shot headlessly, completely ignoring the fact that the hostage was still sitting in the car, and I really didn't know whether they came to save people or kill people.

However, this kind of commercial action movie story is almost not a big problem, the audience is running to the sensory stimulation, as long as the action scene is hot and exciting, the plot can be completely ignored. What's the point is that there is no action scene worth mentioning in "Desperate Express 3", that is, the male protagonist rides a bicycle to chase the Audi, which is exciting and innovative. The scene where the male protagonist lets Audi side over two wheels and drive through the narrow passage between two container containers and containers, although it looks quite intimidating, it is just a sensational gimmick to think. In addition to these two scenes, the other action scenes are mediocre and vulgar, compared with the previous work. There is also a scene in which Jason Statham directly takes off a bare arm and copies Bruce Lee's bridge section with one enemy and one enemy and a small one, which is really not aggressive. At the end, the male protagonist and the villain's gunfight and fight, the unremarkable, unfazed action scene is even more childish, there is no movie climax to speak of, directly reduced to the level of TV movies.

In terms of actors, the male protagonist Jason Statham is still the bald muscle man with a cool face, so I won't say more. Robert Kneipp, who plays the main villain, is very affectionate, although his name feels quite unfamiliar to many people, but when it comes to the T-bag in the popular American drama "Prison Break", almost everyone knows. However, his performance in this film is nothing to say, just a very facial villain, and even if it is impressive, it is because of Robert Kneipp's personal charm and has nothing to do with the character. It is worth mentioning that the heroine Natalya Ludakova, it is said that this woman has no previous acting experience, but just happened to meet Luc Besson on the street, and was caught in the face as the heroine. Although the female characters in the "Desperate Express" series are all vases used to nourish the eyes, the plates are smooth, and the acting skills are not important, but for natalya Ludakova, a woman with freckles, a figure that is not outstanding, and her acting skills are more jerky, being a vase is not qualified. However, the appearance of this woman is reminiscent of the heroine and ex-wife Mila Jovovich who has worked with Luc Besson many times, and it seems that Lao Lu has always lacked immunity to this kind of red-haired freckled sister in Eastern Europe!

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