
Ultimate Douluo: Elder Shu wants to dig the foot of the wall again, Lan Xuanyu hit the plan, Tang Yuge and Bai Xiuxiu amplified the move

Ultimate Douluo: Elder Shu wants to dig the foot of the wall again, Lan Xuanyu hit the plan, Tang Yuge and Bai Xiuxiu amplified the move

"Douluo Continent 4 Ultimate Douluo" the latest comic plot update, in the previous plot, Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu joined forces to play in the doubles match, but in this doubles match, the performance of the two was very bad, their opponents can control their emotions, so that they temporarily lose the ability to fight, if it were not for Bai Xiuxiu having a magic queen, Lan Xuanyu had the Heavenly Saint Split, I am afraid that they have lost this game, maybe even the team game behind them can not cheer up.

Ultimate Douluo: Elder Shu wants to dig the foot of the wall again, Lan Xuanyu hit the plan, Tang Yuge and Bai Xiuxiu amplified the move

Although he barely defeated his opponent, Lan Xuanyu was also aware of his own problems, if it were not for Nana Teacher to help Lan Xuanyu stabilize his mind in time, Lan Xuanyu would probably cause immeasurable losses due to the violent walk. After this battle, Lan Xuanyu knew that he still had many deficiencies, especially belittling his opponents, after all, the opponents were all seniors of Shrek Academy, and despising the opponents was to give the opponents a chance, and they had to reflect deeply on themselves.

Ultimate Douluo: Elder Shu wants to dig the foot of the wall again, Lan Xuanyu hit the plan, Tang Yuge and Bai Xiuxiu amplified the move

Before the team game began, the tree elder in the audience once again dug up the wall to the dean of the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy, in the view of the tree elder, the two opponents of Lan Xuanyu in the double match performed very well, and they could force Lan Xuanyu to that point or have two brushes, if these two people can join the Life School and become Lan Xuanyu's team, then Lan Xuanyu's future strength will be even stronger. I have to say that the protagonist's life is good, and there are people thinking about him anytime and anywhere.

Ultimate Douluo: Elder Shu wants to dig the foot of the wall again, Lan Xuanyu hit the plan, Tang Yuge and Bai Xiuxiu amplified the move

Before the team match began, the sixth year of Shrek Academy made final pre-war preparations, and it turned out that Lan Xuanyu's opponent in the doubles match was to deliberately force Lan Xuanyu to use the Heavenly Saint Splitting Abyss. Once Lan Xuanyu makes it out in the doubles match, it means that Lan Xuanyu will not be able to use it again in the team match, which is a strategy specifically for Lan Xuanyu, Lan Xuanyu has hit the opponent's plan because of his contempt and immaturity to the opponent, I don't know if it will have a greater impact on the team game?

Ultimate Douluo: Elder Shu wants to dig the foot of the wall again, Lan Xuanyu hit the plan, Tang Yuge and Bai Xiuxiu amplified the move

At the beginning of the game, the sixth grade of Shrek Academy directly launched an attack on the Lan Xuanyu squad, their captain's primary target was Tang Yuge, as long as Tang Yuge was restricted, then it would be difficult for the Lan Xuanyu squad to exert greater strength. After all, Tang Yuge was the only Seven-Ring Soul Saint in Lan Xuanyu's squad, and in the sixth grade, it seemed that he was also the only character who could inflict great damage on them, but they had miscalculated, because there were other small monsters in Lan Xuanyu's squad.

Ultimate Douluo: Elder Shu wants to dig the foot of the wall again, Lan Xuanyu hit the plan, Tang Yuge and Bai Xiuxiu amplified the move

In addition to Tang Yuge, Yuan Enhuihui and Qian Lei both had good combat effectiveness, and although Qian Lei was only a summoning stream, his destructive power had increased linearly since he was able to merge with the summoning creatures. The opponent hit the abacus on Tang Yuge, and Qian Lei stood up for the first time to block the opponent, buying time for Tang Yuge and Bai Xiuxiu to enlarge their moves.

Ultimate Douluo: Elder Shu wants to dig the foot of the wall again, Lan Xuanyu hit the plan, Tang Yuge and Bai Xiuxiu amplified the move

It seems that Lan Xuanyu's squad wants to fight a quick decision, and with the time that Qian Lei has bought, Tang Yuge has used his Own Heavenly Dry Qilin and Bai Xiuxiu has also used death and withering. In addition to the amplification of the two of them, the combination of Lan Xuanyu and Lan Mengqin is also very important, they block the opponent's emotional control ability, so that the two who shine in the doubles game lose their strongest means. This team game from the beginning is Lan Xuanyu squad occupied the initiative, I don't know if Lan Xuanyu can quickly solve the battle?

Text/little brother anime, all see here is not a point of attention ~

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