
Equipment identification丨 Congratulations! You identify 150 levelless weapons! But you forgot a little reinforcement?

Many players like to identify equipment in the early hours of the morning

According to rumors, early morning identification equipment seems to be easier to out of no level

Recently, a player identified several 150 weapons in the early hours of the morning

As a result, there are really no level weapons

And it's also not level-by-level with double plus

It would have been a pleasure

But the player was not happy

Equipment identification丨 Congratulations! You identify 150 levelless weapons! But you forgot a little reinforcement?

The weapon has been identified

Let's take a look at the attributes of several weapons he identified

The first piece is a 150 whiteboard, and the damage is OK

Unfortunately, the whiteboard goods are not of much value

Equipment identification丨 Congratulations! You identify 150 levelless weapons! But you forgot a little reinforcement?

The second is a 150-force body double plus 56 bow

Hits and damage are not very high

Even if this weapon has a double addition

There won't be too many players who will like it either

Equipment identification丨 Congratulations! You identify 150 levelless weapons! But you forgot a little reinforcement?

The third 150 bow has a single magic bonus of 34 points and 617 damage

Weapon damage is high, and single magic bonus is also high

It is a good legal artifact

Unfortunately, there are no key levelless effects

If the weapon has no level effects, it will definitely take off

Equipment identification丨 Congratulations! You identify 150 levelless weapons! But you forgot a little reinforcement?

The fourth 150 bow single magic bonus has 41 bonuses and 603 damage

It is also a very good legal artifact

The disadvantage is the same as the third 150 bow

Without the most critical special effects, it is difficult for all products to become immortals after all

Equipment identification丨 Congratulations! You identify 150 levelless weapons! But you forgot a little reinforcement?

Finally, there is the 150 levelless bow of the Force Sensitive Double Plus 34

There is nothing wrong with no level with double plus

But the problem lies precisely in the fact that the weapons are not reinforced

Although it is a level 150 weapon, the weapon shape is level 90

Nor is the normal 150 boost to build weapons with good attributes

Therefore, this weapon is the most miserable 150 levelless weapon in history

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