
In the face of human nature, don't overestimate brotherhood and sisterhood! (Transparent)

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In the face of human nature, don't overestimate brotherhood and sisterhood! (Transparent)

Text | The wind stops at night

Original · Plagiarism must be investigated

In this world, the person who accompanies us on the farthest road is our lover! And because of blood relations, it determines that the closest people in our lives, in addition to parents and brothers and sisters!

Parents will grow old, brothers and sisters will be in the same sky as us, bathed in the same rays of sunshine.

It is reasonable to say that even if the lover will be bored because of the long time or because of the changeable love, the brotherhood and sisterhood will not change! But in fact, in the face of human nature, any kind of relationship can hardly escape the possibility of "relationship rupture".

Brotherhood and sisterhood in love with each other has been a deeply comfortable love from ancient times to the present!

Unfortunately, as the number of refined egoists has continued to rise in recent years, people have mistakenly presented "pleasing themselves" and "running themselves" perfectly in the form of selfishness.

In the face of human nature, don't overestimate brotherhood and sisterhood! (Transparent)

What is pleasing yourself and running yourself? That is:

Under the premise of not bringing negative effects to others, do your best to live the moment, cherish every opportunity, and be grateful for every encounter!

But looking at the current brotherhood and sisterhood, there are many exquisite and self-interested phenomena! Among them, the ugliness of human nature is revealed!

Truly, sadly!

How did the brothers and sisters who had once fought and made trouble at a young age and forgot to reconcile as before become the most familiar strangers when they became adults?

Come to think of it, it is the human heart that leads to the wrong way of getting along, and ultimately the relationship is alienated!

In the face of human nature, don't overestimate brotherhood and sisterhood! (Transparent)

Between brothers and sisters, the best way to get along is nothing more than the following:

Filial piety to parents, not comparing the efforts of others;

The division of family property, the parents are in charge, the parents have their own distribution rights, and they have their own reasons! After all, they are adults, and family property is the inheritance of parents. Get gratitude, don't get it and don't care;

Your family has something to do with my family, my family helps, each thankful not to turn over the small intestine;

Tolerate each other and tolerate each other;

We have not dismantled each other externally, and solved problems internally in a timely manner, but we cannot speculate about each other with our own thinking.

Possibly, these ways to say it, no one does not clap their hands to agree! However, when it is really done, people begin to "self-interest", think too much about their own gains and losses and feelings, and the relationship will also collapse!

In the face of human nature, don't overestimate brotherhood and sisterhood! (Transparent)

Just want to say, in the face of human nature, don't overestimate brotherhood and sisterhood!

The ideal way of getting along that you think about in your mind is not necessarily the same perception in the other person's mind.

When brothers and sisters become adults, their environments and classes are different, and their thoughts and visions are also different. Therefore, it is simply impossible to eliminate the same frequency of conflict between each other.

It seems that the more present, the more deeply feel the brothers and sisters, keep a healthy distance from each other and do not go too close, is the best way to continue the relationship!

The nearly 70-year-old old man of the community chatted in his leisure time and said the following paragraph:

In my later years, I knew that some brothers and sisters really didn't need to come and go! Often the closer you are to your brothers and sisters, the more they will hurt you invisibly!

Looking at the current exquisite and self-interested moment, I deeply believe in the words of the old uncle! The reason is simple:

In the face of human nature, don't overestimate brotherhood and sisterhood! (Transparent)

First: If you can't see your brothers and sisters, don't come back and forth!

Do the siblings really want you to be well? yes! He will want you to be well, but you must not ignore the reality of human nature. That is:

Ta, don't want you to have a better life than ta! Even, he doesn't want you to be well.

In real life, some people who have a brotherhood and sisterhood never want their loved ones to have a good life. He only hopes that others are not as good as himself, and he preaches as a "teacher".

Ta asks you to always look up to his life, and asks you to nod your head to ta's "good for you" moment! But he hopes you never show up!

This kind of person is generally a psychologically distorted person. That's why I'm willing to step on the shoulders of my brothers and sisters and find my sense of accomplishment!

For such a person, if the brothers and sisters have a little achievement, they must be jealous and resentful, and even hesitate to dismantle the stage.

If, your brothers and sisters around you treat you like this, be sure to break off contact as soon as possible. Relationships are constant, but by breaking the bond you can avoid being consumed endlessly!

In the face of human nature, don't overestimate brotherhood and sisterhood! (Transparent)

Second: Brothers and sisters who only consider their own feelings at all times, break off the relationship!

People are divided into three, six, nine, and so on, and selfish and narrow-minded people are probably your brothers and sisters!

There is a person around who only considers his own feelings, which is nothing more than the existence of "plugging"!

Contacts between people need to be based on equality and mutual win-win results. The equivalent exchange between the past and the future is what a healthy relationship should look like!

If a person only considers his own feelings and stabs you with his own dissatisfaction at all times, then no matter who he is, don't come and go. There's really no need to find yourself guilty!

In particular, if there are such people in your brothers and sisters, if you do not stop the loss in time, even if one day you are full of holes, people will not only not believe it, but also say that you are not doing well enough!

I always take care of your emotions, you always add to my blockage, I always consider your gains and losses, but you always want to sacrifice me to achieve yourself...

What is the truth of this?

People who often only consider their own feelings do not feel selfish, but feel that others are sorry for them.

Since you can't satisfy him anyway, you might as well break the contact. After all, everyone is busy, and it doesn't make sense to waste time and experience on people or things that aren't worth it!

In the face of human nature, don't overestimate brotherhood and sisterhood! (Transparent)

The more relatives between relatives, the more we must abandon the narrow pattern and overly sensitive thinking, otherwise no matter how much we call ourselves "good people", we will still be evil people who consume our brothers and sisters!

In particular, people who do not see their brothers and sisters well and always think about themselves are probably not very well mixed in the real world. Therefore, it will look for self-satisfaction in the people closest to us.

The brotherhood and sisterhood of the first generation, I don't know if it is the fate cultivated by several lifetimes. However, the people who said they cared about this love somehow dispersed!

It's really poignant to think about, it's not a taste!

At the end of the day, any kind of relationship that gets too close is a disaster. Because, the closer you are, the more you will have too many expectations, and the greater the expectations, human nature will overthrow all the good in your ideals and bring disappointment to you.

In the face of human nature, don't overestimate brotherhood and sisterhood! (Transparent)

Between brothers and sisters, keep a proper distance, with a grateful heart, the relationship will be not close but very kind form, harmonious and long-lasting.

Just, no matter what, don't overestimate brotherhood and sisterhood, and don't ignore humanity when you get along with each other!

In this life, after all, it is a lonely journey. Even brothers and sisters can't bear the real sour, sweet and bitter for you!

For the rest of your life, may you be able to really know how to love yourself and run your own business, and get along with your brothers and sisters who are not far away and not close, it is better than being in trouble with each other and dying.

In the face of human nature, don't overestimate brotherhood and sisterhood! (Transparent)


Love is man's purgatory in the world. Love or friendship, the right time meets the right person to cultivate the right results!

Topic Discussion: In your opinion, what is the reason for the phenomenon of brothers and sisters not being close in the current society? Welcome to leave a message interactive bar.

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