
The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world


A migratory bird arrives

The second waiting for Lei Nai to speak

Three waiting for the first electricity

The most is the benefit of spring of the year

The vernal equinox is the fourth of the twenty-four solar terms, an important season for farming, on the 20th of March or 21st of March in the Gregorian calendar. The "minute" of the spring equinox means half, which is divided into two, with day and night equally divided, and the cold and summer are balanced. In addition, the vernal equinox also means equal equinox spring, which is traditionally spring to summer, and the spring equinox is in the middle of the three months of spring. Therefore, the spring equinox in ancient times was also called "day and night", "day and night equinox" and "mid-spring moon".

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world


The Spring Equinox Three Marquises

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

A bird is a swallow. In the concept of the ancients, the swallow is a sacred bird, the swallow comes at the spring equinox and leaves at the autumn equinox, and it is believed that the swallow brings the rain of spring, brings the wind and the sun, and the spring warm blossoms.

Xu Shen of the Eastern Han Dynasty explains in the Shuowen that "thunder, yin and yang are thin, and thunderstorms are also creatures." "The yin and yang phases are thin for thunder, thunder is vibration, for the sound of yang, after the spring equinox out of the ground to make a sound, after the autumn equinox into the ground silent."

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

The second thunder began to sound

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

The sky is lightning and thunder, and the spring rain is no longer silent, but "the sound of wind and rain at night, how much do you know about the flowers falling".


Vernal Equinox Folklore

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

Vertical egg

On the day of the vernal equinox, many people do "vertical egg" experiments. Choose a smooth, well-proportioned fresh egg that has just been laid for four or five days and gently put it up on the table. This kind of gameplay is simple and fun, and it is deeply loved by people, so there is a saying that "the spring equinox arrives, and the eggs are pretty".

In ancient times, at the time of the spring equinox, the people used to eat spring vegetables, about spring vegetables, one said that it was spring vegetables, and the other said that it was wild amaranth.

There is also a smooth mouth: "Spring soup is dirty, washing the liver and intestines." Family, young and old, safe and healthy.

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

Eat spring vegetables

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

Fly a kite

"Children return from school early and are busy taking advantage of the east wind to release paper kites." On a warm and breezy day, invite three or five friends to visit the green water and green mountains, or take a family of children to collect clues and fly a few tall kites.

So cozy and comfortable, just in line with this good season of spring.

The spring cow is the "spring cow diagram". On red or yellow paper, a pattern of the farmer's ploughing of the field is printed, and the folk singer sends it to every household, and says some spring ploughing and auspicious words. Although these words are spoken casually, they have a beautiful rhyme, because they are called "Spring Officials".

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

Send spring cattle

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world


Message from the vernal equinox

The spring breeze blows thinner than the veil, and the spring people's makeup is lighter than the painting.

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

Reunited with spring, only embraced with the sun, even if the spring is cold, it will also flow with flowers and flowers, and the fragrance is far and pleasant.

The lightness of time leads us to step on the incense, and with a joyful heart, in this bright spring light, we will enjoy the flowers and write love all over.

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world
The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

Today's spring equinox, the flowering period has arrived, in the increasingly lush spring flowers and green willows,

May you enjoy the beauty of this season!

Spring is halfway through, everything can be expected, in the increasingly abundant life, may everything go well, the spring breeze is proud; with hope, live up to the spring light!

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world


Spring Equinox Illustrated

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

White and immaculate

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

Warm and funny, playful and cute

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

There are flowers and branches

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

Pretty branches come with spring

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

Qinrun Shuxiang Is independent

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

When the mountain flowers were full of flowers, she smiled in the bush

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

Only then did they emerge from the branches and report the spring

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

Thousands of trees 'pear' blossoms

Spring on earth

You look good

The spring equinox | is the best color in the world
The spring equinox | is the best color in the world
The spring equinox | is the best color in the world
The spring equinox | is the best color in the world
The spring equinox | is the best color in the world
The spring equinox | is the best color in the world

— Produced by Yangtze University College of Arts and Sciences TELEVISION Official Micro —

Photo/Wen 丨 School of Arts and Sciences, Yangtze University

Editor 丨 Xu Zihan Xiao Ruiqian

Editor-in-charge | Li Jiahui

Final Review | Cai Yifen

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