
"High Score Answer Sheet"!

author:Meet Minhou

The "High-quality Development of Education in Minhou County" was introduced

Three-year action plan》

Implement 6 major actions and 29 measures

53 educational projects were planned and implemented

The total investment is 6.543 billion yuan

There are 20 provincial-level famous backbone teachers and 296 municipal-level teachers in the county......

A group of dazzling data and pragmatic measures reflect the solid footprint of the high-quality development of education in Minhou County

In recent years, with the goal of "running an education that satisfies the people", Minhou County has adhered to the strategy of giving priority to the development of education, focusing on optimizing the allocation of resources, building a strong teaching team, and improving the quality of education, and the county's education is striding towards a new level.

Optimize the allocation of educational resources

Additional degrees

The school will open in September this year, and the Baisha Campus of Minhou County No. 1 Middle School will welcome the first batch of high school students. The Baisha Campus of Minhou County No. 1 Middle School is located at the original site of Baisha Junior High School, with a planned school scale of 18 classes and 324 high school places per year.

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▲ (Minhou County No. 1 Middle School Baisha Campus • Photo courtesy of Minhou County Education Bureau)

The Baisha Campus of Minhou County No. 1 Middle School was put into use

Minhou County provides quality education degrees and resources

Meet the needs of the people

One of the specific actions to speed up the completion of educational shortcomings

Since 2021, Minhou County has planned and implemented a total of 53 education projects with a total investment of 6.543 billion yuan, including 26 projects such as Qili School and the middle school affiliated to the county continuing education school, which have increased 13,325 degrees, and 7 projects under construction, such as three solid primary schools and two affiliated primary schools, which can increase 6,210 degrees. In addition, through the expansion of classes, the integration of resources, and the pilot establishment of comprehensive high schools, 2,513 ordinary high school places have been added, and the supply rate of general high schools has increased by 26 percentage points compared with 2021.

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▲ (Minhou County Qili School will open in September 2022 to further meet the educational needs of the area • Lin Shuangwei/photo)

"To go to school", but also to "go to school well". In order to promote the high-quality and balanced development of regional education, Minhou County continues to deepen the education collectivization of schools, and a total of 31 education groups have been established in the county, covering 169 public primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, realizing the full coverage of primary and secondary school kindergarten education groups. At the same time, it also accelerates the optimization of the group's school-running settings, gives full play to the role of the high-quality group as an "incubator", and plans to incubate Hongfeng Primary School, Qili School, Southeast School, and the middle school affiliated to the Teacher Training School as the leading schools of the New Education Group.

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"High Score Answer Sheet"!

▲ (Minhou County Experimental Primary School Education Group Sports Meeting • Photo courtesy of Minhou County Experimental Primary School)

The conditions for running schools continue to improve

Excellent environment

Walking into the new campus of Zhuqi Middle School, it is full of vigorous vitality. In September last year, the new campus of Zhuqi Middle School was completed and put into use, expanding 26.05 acres on the basis of the original old campus, with teaching buildings, sports and art buildings, track and field fields, multi-functional classrooms, class classrooms, etc., and the teaching facilities were fully upgraded.

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▲ (The new campus of Zhuqi Middle School will be completed and put into use in 2023 • Chen Bao/photo)

The change of a school gives a glimpse of the whole area


Minhou County continues to increase investment in education

Continuously improve the conditions for running schools

The "old school for the new" project was launched, and the construction of 16 projects, including Minhou No. 1 Middle School, Minhou No. 4 Middle School, and Dahu Central Primary School, was completed; Deepening the construction of smart campuses, 6 pilot smart campuses and 159 smart classrooms have been built. We have accelerated the broadband speed improvement and network renovation project of small-scale rural schools, and 18 village primary schools, including Dachi Primary School and Guyang Primary School, have been fully renovated.

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April 2021

Qingkou Huyu Primary School won the Outstanding Organization Award of the "Idiom China" Micro Film Collection and Broadcasting Activity of the Central Audio-visual Education Center.

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May 2024

The county education bureau cooperated with Minjiang University and high-tech enterprises to jointly develop the "Bit Intelligent Education" system for the comprehensive quality evaluation of primary and secondary school students, which was selected as a typical demonstration case of the 7th China Digital Summit.

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"High Score Answer Sheet"!

▲ (In the labor education base of Zhuqi Middle School, students become "small farmers" • Chen Qiuxia/photo)

Nowadays, with the strong support of information hardware, the high-quality development of Minhou education is taking off.

The quality of teaching has been steadily improved

Strong teachers

"Famous teachers make high apprentices"

Teachers are the number one resource for educational development

It is the "guide" for the healthy growth of students

If you want to improve the quality of education and teaching in schools

The quality of the team of guides is crucial

In recent years, Minhou County has continuously improved the quality of the "guide" team and promoted the improvement of education and teaching quality through measures such as the construction of innovative discipline studios, the introduction of high-level talents, and the construction of a team of high-quality teachers and researchers. At present, the county has built 29 subject studios in 4 groups (sections) of high school, junior high school, comprehensive and primary school, with a total of 20 provincial-level famous backbone teachers, 296 municipal-level famous backbone teachers, and 573 county-level famous backbone teachers.

"High Score Answer Sheet"!
"High Score Answer Sheet"!
"High Score Answer Sheet"!
▲ (On April 7, 2023, the awarding ceremony of Fujian Provincial Scientific Research Collaborative Innovation Base (Minhou County) was held. ▲ (On May 27, 2023, the opening ceremony of the "Houguan Youth Camp" in Minhou County was held at Shangjie Experimental School.

In addition, Minhou County also relies on Minhou's "Scientific Research Collaborative Innovation Base (School)", "Education and Research Practice Base", "Preschool Education Research Base" and "Scientific Research Practice Innovation Base" to further deepen exchanges and cooperation with the Provincial Institute of Education and Science and other education and scientific research bases in the province, so as to empower teachers' professional growth, students' all-round development, and teaching quality improvement; We will refine the school-local cooperation and co-construction, learn from the "Houguan Juvenile Camp" school-running model, strengthen cooperation with Fujian Normal University and Minjiang Normal College, and open "Houguan Juvenile Camp" in sugarcane, Qingkou, Shangjie and other places, and continue to expand the reserve talent team and famous backbone teachers of the "Strong Foundation" project.

I believe that the future of Minhou education is promising

I also look forward to Minhou education spreading its wings

Minhou County Rong Media Center Li Yuhan/text

Editor: Lin Dan (small) Li Wenjun Proofreader: Hong Tingting Lin Dan (small) Review: Wu Xin Pan Jie Producer: Xie Yongjie Ni Xinxin

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"High Score Answer Sheet"!