
Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

author:Leave no trace in the Hall of Knowledge
Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world
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Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

In the bright stars of the Chinese entertainment industry, Zhao Wei was as dazzling as a star. She captured the hearts of countless audiences with her lively and lovely little swallow role in "Huanzhu Gege" and became a well-deserved "national daughter".

However, the gears of fate are inadvertently turning quietly. In August 2021, a ban order was like a bolt from the blue, pushing the former film and television superstar into the abyss.

From a screen darling to a "forbidden character", what ups and downs has Zhao Wei's acting career experienced? What unforgivable mistake did she make to fall from the clouds to the dust? This article will reveal the whole process of Zhao Wei's journey from glory to decline, and explore how her controversial behaviors such as "pro-Japanese insult to China" eventually led to the collapse of her career, drawing an embarrassing end to the former star.

In 1976, in an ordinary family in Wuhu City, Anhui Province, Zhao Wei fell to the ground. Despite her ordinary birth, she has an extraordinary family history in her blood.

Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

Zhao Wei's grandfather was a soldier of the New Fourth Army who sacrificed his life for the country, and this heroic family inheritance added a bit of drama to her later life trajectory.

Growing up, Zhao Wei was not a good student who was smooth sailing. Academically, her performance was mediocre, and she was even labeled as a "problem student" because of her stubborn personality and often clashing with her classmates.

However, fate seems to have already arranged another brilliant path for her.

In the literary and artistic activities organized by the school, Zhao Wei is like a fish in water. On stage, she was radiant and showed amazing acting talent. These experiences not only allowed her to find her passion, but also strengthened her pursuit of an acting career.

Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

With a longing for the entertainment industry, Zhao Wei devoted herself to her studies with amazing perseverance, and finally successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy and started her acting career.

In 1998, by chance, Zhao Wei replaced the original actor Zheng Jiayu and played the role of Xiaoyanzi in "Huanzhu Gege". This role seems to be tailor-made for her, and Zhao Wei instantly captured the hearts of audiences across the country with her innocent and witty performance.

The broadcast of "Huanzhu Gege" made Zhao Wei famous overnight and became a hot new generation star.

However, Zhao Wei is not satisfied with a single "little swallow" image. In the subsequent "Deep Love and Rain", she successfully created the image of the resolute and persistent Yiping, showed her changeable acting skills, and successfully got rid of the inherent impression of "Little Swallow".

Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

As time passed, Zhao Wei's acting career became more and more brilliant. She shows the charm of mature women in the "Painted Skin" series, and portrays the image of a simple and touching country woman in "Dear".

Every breakthrough in the role allows the audience to see Zhao Wei's infinite possibilities as an actor.

In this way, Zhao Wei walked out of Wuhu, Anhui Province and climbed to the top of the film and television industry step by step. However, just as her career was in full swing, a series of controversial events were quietly brewing, threatening her hard-won success.

This former "national daughter" is about to face the biggest challenge in her acting career.

Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

In 2001, just when Zhao Wei's acting career was in full swing, an unexpected turmoil suddenly struck. During a fashion magazine shoot, Zhao Wei wore a dress with a pattern that resembled Japan's "Rising Sun Flag".

This move was like a bombshell, instantly detonating a nationwide outcry.

For the Chinese who had experienced the trauma of war, the "Rising Sun Flag" represented the brutal rule of Japanese militarism. To make matters worse, the incident coincided with Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, which further intensified public anger.

For a time, Zhao Wei became the target of public opinion and was accused of being "pro-Japanese" and "forgetting his roots".

Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

In the face of overwhelming doubts, Zhao Wei herself has remained silent, and only her studio issued a seemingly perfunctory statement. The statement mentioned that the garment is the work of an American designer and has been reviewed by the relevant departments.

However, instead of quelling the controversy, such an explanation further exacerbates the contradictions.

Public outrage finally exploded during a show. An angry spectator rushed onto the stage and threw Zhao Wei with feces, an incident that was dubbed a "fecal incident" by the media.

The viewer later said that his actions stemmed from dissatisfaction with Zhao Wei's "pro-Japanese" stance, and that his family had suffered greatly in the Sino-Japanese War.

Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

This series of events has dealt a heavy blow to Zhao Wei's career. Although she subsequently apologized publicly and actively participated in public welfare activities to save her image, her image in the public mind has been greatly reduced.

However, this is not the end of Zhao's controversy.

In 2016, Zhao Wei's self-directed and self-starred movie "No Other Love" once again pushed her to the forefront. The film uses actor Dai Liren, who is accused of having "Taiwan independence" tendencies, and the controversial Japanese actor Kiko Mizuhara.

The casting decision immediately sparked a strong public backlash.

Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

In the face of overwhelming doubts, Zhao Wei not only refused to change the actor, but also publicly defended Dai Liren. This act was seen as supporting "Taiwan independence" and further angered the public.

The Communist Youth League, the state-run media, also issued a harsh criticism of the incident, accusing Zhao Wei's actions of seriously hurting national feelings.

Under great pressure, Zhao Wei finally had to put the film on hold. However, the attitude she showed in this series of events has caused her image in the public mind to fall to the bottom.

These controversial events not only seriously damaged Zhao Wei's career, but also laid the groundwork for her complete ban in the future. From the "Rising Sun Flag" incident to the turmoil of "No Other Love", Zhao Wei has challenged the public's bottom line again and again, and has also walked step by step to the cliff of her career.

Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

These incidents reflect the fact that Zhao Wei, as a public figure, seems to have neglected her social responsibility and influence. Her actions not only hurt national feelings, but also made people question her perception of history and reality.

This series of controversies finally became the last straw that crushed Zhao Wei's acting career.

In 2008, Zhao Wei's life ushered in an important turning point. She and Huang Youlong, a financial elite worth more than 100 million yuan, entered the marriage hall, which not only changed her personal life, but also opened the door to the business field for her.

With her husband's connections and influence, Zhao Wei and his wife embarked on their business venture. They successfully took a stake in Alibaba Pictures and became the second largest shareholder. This move transformed Zhao Wei from a simple actor to a business person who is well versed in the operation of capital.

Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

Mr. and Mrs. Zhao's business acumen is amazing. With an investment of HK$3 billion, they cashed out as much as RMB6.2 billion in a short period of time. This astonishing profit speed not only attracted the attention of the industry, but also attracted widespread attention from the market.

In 2015, they once again demonstrated their superb capital operation ability, earning 1 in just one week. 500 million yuan in profits.

However, Zhao's business ambitions didn't stop there. In 2016, she established a company called "Longwei Media" and announced plans to acquire Zhejiang Wanhao Wanjia Culture Media Co., Ltd., a listed company with a market value of nearly 3 billion yuan.

This bold acquisition plan has attracted the attention of many investors, many of whom believe in Zhao's business acumen and follow up on the investment.

Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

But things didn't turn out as Zhao Wei expected. The acquisition was quickly halted by the market regulator on suspicion of illegal operations. This failed acquisition not only brought losses to many follow-up investors, but also put Zhao Wei herself in legal trouble.

In the end, she was sentenced to five years of prohibition from securities trading, which was undoubtedly a serious blow to her fledgling business empire.

Although Zhao Wei's business adventures brought her huge wealth, they also made her bear the negative label of "capital predator". Some of her business practices have been questioned as unethical, especially in the Longwei Media takeover, which has caused many investors to suffer losses, and some have even broken up their families and made their lives difficult.

These commercial disputes have further damaged Ms. Zhao's image in the public eye. From a beloved actor to a questioned businessman, Zhao Wei's path to transformation has been fraught with controversy and challenges.

Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

Her experience has also sparked thinking and discussion about celebrities in the entertainment industry getting involved in the business field.

Zhao Wei's controversy is not limited to her career and business practices, her personal character has also been repeatedly questioned. Among them, the dispute with her former partner Zou Xue has become the focus of public attention, and it has also become a key event in the collapse of Zhao Wei's moral image.

This entanglement can be traced back to the "military flag incident" in 2001. At that time, Zou Xue, as Zhao Wei's friend and the person in charge of the group's fashion blockbuster, took the initiative to resign due to the impact of the incident.

Their friendship withstood the test, and they started a business together to open a bar. Zhao Wei has invested a lot of money in this bar, hoping to gain something.

Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

However, it backfired. The bar was not well run, and not only did it not make a profit, but it lost a lot of money. This failed business venture eventually led to the breakdown of their friendship and turned against each other ever since.

What's even more shocking is that according to Zou Xue's later recollection, in a conflict, she was beaten by people instructed by Zhao Wei and had to be sent to the hospital for treatment.

Although Zhao Wei denied the incident, she eventually paid 3,000 yuan in compensation. The incident not only exposed Zhao Wei's problems in dealing with interpersonal relationships, but also raised questions about the public's moral character.

The once lively and lovely image of "Little Swallow" completely collapsed, and was replaced by a "bad artist" distorted by money and power.

Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

Zhao Wei's series of controversial behaviors, from the initial "pro-Japan" to the later accusation of "insulting China" and "supporting Taiwan independence", to commercial misconduct and disputes in personal relationships, have constantly challenged the bottom line of public tolerance.

She seems to have forgotten her social responsibilities as a public figure, and trampled on public feelings and the bottom line of the law again and again. These actions not only damaged her personal image, but also laid hidden dangers for her career.

In August 2021, the negative events that had been accumulating for years finally triggered an avalanche effect. Zhao Wei was completely banned, and her acting career came to an abrupt end. All the film and television works related to her were taken off the shelves, and her name seemed to disappear from the entertainment industry overnight.

This result is not only a personal punishment for Zhao Wei, but also a wake-up call for the entire entertainment industry. It reminds all public figures that they must be cautious in their words and deeds, respect the feelings of the country and the nation, and not cross the bottom line of morality and law.

Now it has been proved that the "little swallow" who "pro-Japan and insults China" is no longer forgiven by the world

Zhao Wei's fall, from a "national daughter" to a "forbidden character", has become an unforgettable lesson in the entertainment industry. Her story is a reminder to every public figure: it takes years to build a reputation, but it can only be destroyed in a moment.

In this era of high transparency, any inappropriate words and actions can be the last straw that crushes your career.

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