
Don't be greedy during pregnancy, don't want to hurt the fetus, eat 3 of these foods and don't eat 5

author:Lazy mother's life with a baby

Before pregnancy, the swallow was particularly fond of food and belonged to the type of "those who come do not refuse".

After she became pregnant, she was persuaded by all around her: "Pregnancy is different from before, you can't be too greedy, otherwise it will affect the development of the fetus." ”

For the persuasion of the people around him, Yanzi never takes it seriously.

In her opinion: not eating well during pregnancy will have an impact on the healthy development of the fetus!

Don't be greedy during pregnancy, don't want to hurt the fetus, eat 3 of these foods and don't eat 5

But during a prenatal checkup, the delicious swallow was "criticized" by the doctor, and told her seriously: During pregnancy, you must learn to avoid your mouth, otherwise you and your baby will have to suffer.

At this time, the swallow knew that although some foods were delicious, they would pose a potential threat to the health of pregnant women and fetuses, and they had to learn to eat scientifically during pregnancy to ensure that they could survive the pregnancy safely.

First, the dietary principles during pregnancy should be known

Eat a balanced, varied and moderate diet during pregnancy.

It is necessary to ensure a wide variety of foods and a balanced intake of all nutrients, and to control the amount of food eaten to avoid overeating.

Nutrition is indeed needed during pregnancy, but if there is excess nutrition, it will also cause new problems: the weight of the pregnant mother will rise, and by the way, the weight of the fetus will also soar, which is not a good phenomenon.

Obesity during pregnancy will cause many health problems for pregnant mothers, and many diseases during pregnancy will follow, which seriously threatens the health of pregnant mothers; The fetus is too large, which is not a good thing, and it will bury hidden dangers for later delivery.

And during pregnancy, some foods really need to be controlled, try to eat less or not eat!

Ten months pregnant, control your appetite, and soon be able to get out.

Don't be greedy during pregnancy, don't want to hurt the fetus, eat 3 of these foods and don't eat 5

Second, these foods must not be eaten during pregnancy

1. Raw and cold food

Before pregnancy, many pregnant mothers like seafood such as sashimi and oysters, as well as a variety of undercooked meats and eggs.

After pregnancy, these foods should be crossed off the list because there are more parasites, bacteria and other pathogens in it.

How much harm will these harmful pathogens cause to pregnant mothers when they enter the body?

Not only can it damage your gastrointestinal health, but it can also cause infection to your fetus, which can be particularly serious.

There are also cold and cold foods to eat with caution, such as ice cream, watermelon, etc., these foods are too irritating to the pregnant mother's stomach, which may cause uterine contractions, stomach pain, diarrhea, etc.

Don't be greedy during pregnancy, don't want to hurt the fetus, eat 3 of these foods and don't eat 5

2. High-sugar foods

Women have no resistance to sweets!

Especially during pregnancy, I always want to eat some sweets to relieve my mood.

Seriously, sweets can indeed make you feel better, but pregnancy is a special stage, and it is not recommended for pregnant mothers to eat sweets, which can easily increase blood sugar and increase the risk of gestational diabetes.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if it doesn't affect blood sugar, eating too many sweets can still affect your weight. Rapid weight gain during pregnancy can affect the normal development of the fetus.

3. High-fat foods

Fried food, animal offal, fatty meats......

These are high-fat foods, which are extremely high in fat and cholesterol.

Excessive consumption of foods with high fat content during pregnancy can easily induce obesity and three highs during pregnancy, which is not conducive to health during pregnancy.

The most important thing is that these foods can invisibly affect the growth and development of the fetus.

During the development of the fetus, the requirements for nutrition are very high, so you must choose the best and avoid all unhealthy ingredients.

Don't be greedy during pregnancy, don't want to hurt the fetus, eat 3 of these foods and don't eat 5

4. Irritating food

During pregnancy, the appetite is not good, and they always want to eat some flavorful food, so many pregnant women choose mustard, chili, coffee and other stimulating foods. As everyone knows, these irritating foods are particularly unfriendly to the intestines and will make pregnant mothers suffer from gastrointestinal torture during pregnancy.

In addition, after the pregnant mother's stomach is stimulated, the quality of sleep will also be affected.

Lying in bed, the stomach is uncomfortable, I can't sleep, and the fetus can't rest well.

5. Supplements without the guidance of a doctor

Until now, there are still many pregnant mothers who feel that they should eat more nutritious supplements during pregnancy to provide more nutrition for themselves and their fetuses!

But in reality, these nutrients are not needed at all during pregnancy, especially tonic without the permission of a doctor.

Each pregnant mother's physique is different, and the tonic that is better for others may not be suitable for herself!

It may even contain certain ingredients that harm yourself and your baby.

So, don't take supplements yourself.

Don't be greedy during pregnancy, don't want to hurt the fetus, eat 3 of these foods and don't eat 5

Third, during pregnancy, it is healthier to eat like this

1. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits

During pregnancy, you must eat fresh fruits and vegetables, because the higher content of vitamins and minerals in them is an important guarantee for the health of pregnant women, which can provide more nutrients for the body.

Of course, the sugar content of fruits is relatively high, in order to avoid pregnant mothers gaining weight and blood sugar rise, and in order to prevent the fetus from becoming macrosomia, it is best not to exceed 400 grams per day.

Don't be greedy during pregnancy, don't want to hurt the fetus, eat 3 of these foods and don't eat 5

2. Adjust your diet at any time

For the growth and development of the fetus, the dietary structure should be adjusted at any time.

For example, the growth of the fetus is also inseparable from high-quality protein.

Therefore, it is necessary to eat more foods such as fish, legumes and lean meat during pregnancy, and increase the intake of high-quality protein in moderation.

In addition, it is necessary to eat more foods rich in iron, calcium, vitamins and other nutrients, so as to meet the needs of the fetus.

3. Maintain a regular diet

Compared with what to eat, pregnant women should develop a regular diet, avoid overeating, and avoid excessive hunger.

Maintain a good state of mind and mood that helps digestion.

Don't be greedy during pregnancy, don't want to hurt the fetus, eat 3 of these foods and don't eat 5

Keeping your mouth shut during pregnancy is more important than anything else, because the quality of the diet directly determines whether the fetus is healthy or not.

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