
New adjustment of license plate "interchange system"!

Public security traffic management has successively launched new measures of "release and management service", the most exciting of which is that the "license plate exchange system" has finally been implemented! Let's take a closer look.

New adjustment of license plate "interchange system"!

The license plate exchange system was officially implemented! China is an ancient country with a long history of 5,000 years, in the process of historical development, there are various legends, from the ancient Zhou Yi Bagua to the current Zhou Gong interpretation of dreams, so that we still have a strong obsession with the meaning of numbers until today.

For example, the "8" and "6" in the license plate number, the Pursuit of these two numbers by the Chinese people far exceeds the price of the license plate itself. However, due to the fact that the mainland has been implementing the policy of "one car, one license plate", that is to say, a car is equipped with a license plate number, and the license plate number can never be exchanged between vehicles.

New adjustment of license plate "interchange system"!

Now the DmV has finally launched a new "license plate exchange" system, and motorcycles can also participate in the interchange! At the same time, the system clearly stipulates that not any license plate can be exchanged, and these principles must be followed: 1. The two license plates are owned by the owner of the same motor vehicle or the same unit; 2. The license plate must be registered at the same registration place; 3. The license plate number must also belong to the same category, for example, the blue plate can only be exchanged with the blue plate, and the new energy license plate can only be exchanged with the new energy license plate; 4. The two vehicles that exchange license plates must belong to non-operating vehicles; 5. The owner can apply for the exchange of license plates again after one year of handling the license plate exchange business.

New adjustment of license plate "interchange system"!

What materials do I need to provide to exchange license plates? If both vehicles are in the same owner's name, individuals need to submit the identity certificate of the owner of the motor vehicle, the driving certificate of the interchangeable number plate and the registration certificate when handling business. If two vehicles are in the same company's name, the company needs to submit the exchange license plate, motor vehicle driving license, the exchange number plate motor vehicle registration certificate, the company's business license seal and the client's ID card when handling business.

New adjustment of license plate "interchange system"!

License plate number retention time is extended. In addition to allowing car owners to exchange license plates, the time to retain the original license plate has also been extended, and the owner can only retain the original license plate for up to one year after the original car is cancelled and moved out or transferred, and the owner can already retain the original license plate for two years after the implementation of this new policy.

If the owner meets the above conditions, whether it is a new car or a second-hand car, the previous license plate number can be retained, and if the original owner does not apply for a license plate within one year, the owner of the original license plate can also re-enter the number pool and select the license plate again.

New adjustment of license plate "interchange system"!

To apply for the use of the original number plate, you need to pay attention to the following two points: 1. The road traffic safety violations and traffic accidents of the original motor vehicle are dealt with. 2. Safety technical inspection and compulsory traffic insurance are within the validity period. It is worth mentioning that the owner cannot change the license plate at will at home, and can only replace the two license plates after submitting an application and exchanging the license plates.

New adjustment of license plate "interchange system"!

In addition, before changing the license plate, the owner must understand the specific policies of the location and change the license plate under the premise of legal compliance. In short, the implementation of the license plate exchange system is a good news for many cities with restricted license plates, and car owners can use the opportunity of single and double number restrictions to expand the travel radius and increase travel time after the license plate exchange. Some car owners want to hang a better meaning of a license plate on a more expensive car, you can handle it through the license plate exchange policy.

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