
What do I need to pay attention to when using a car during the epidemic?

Recently, with the recurrence of the epidemic in the departmental areas, everyone is also working hard to prevent and control the epidemic. So what situations should be paid attention to when using the car in daily use?

We have invited Professor Pu Weida, an expert of the Automotive Professional Office of the Shanghai Municipal Consumer Protection Commission, to talk to you about the use of cars during the epidemic.

1. Regular inspection and launch

What do I need to pay attention to when using a car during the epidemic?

If the vehicle is stopped for a long time due to isolation, it is recommended to check the tires before getting on the car, and inflate them in time when the tire pressure is insufficient. Before isolation, consumers can park the vehicle in a safe position and unplug the negative electrode of the battery to avoid running out of power due to the long parking time. During the "2+12" control period, consumers can start the vehicle for 20 minutes every 5-10 days under the premise of personal prevention and control to charge the battery.

2, disinfection and sterilization is the key

Use vehicles to disinfect and sterilize during the epidemic. It is recommended to carry a disposable disinfection tissue with you, clean and disinfect your hands before getting on the bus, wipe the 4 door handles, trunk switches, and car keys to reduce the possibility of artificially bringing the virus into the car. After entering the car, use disposable wipes or use 84 disinfectant, hand sanitizer, disinfectant foam, etc. according to the operation requirements, and use 75 degree alcohol with caution. Focus on wiping down high-frequency touch areas such as seats and seat belts, steering wheels, gear handles, one-touch start, center control, dashboards and screens, handles and handbrakes.

What do I need to pay attention to when using a car during the epidemic?

After wiping, open the door, ventilate for a period of time, eliminate the residual odor of disinfectant, reduce the alcohol concentration to ensure safety, special reminder: when the alcohol concentration in the car cabin is too high, it is easy to cause combustion; in addition, it is not recommended to store the 75-degree alcohol liquid in the car, once the temperature rises, it is easy to produce problems such as bursting, leakage, ignition and so on.

3. Replace the air filter element

During the epidemic period, the air filter is like the "mask" of the car, under normal circumstances, the air filter replacement cycle is 10,000 kilometers, if the vehicle has not replaced the filter for a long time, it is best to replace it in time, not to replace it for a long time, the air filter element adsorbs a large amount of dust, bacteria, viruses, it is difficult to achieve the effect of filter cleaning. Due to the epidemic prevention and control, consumers can contact the auto repair enterprises by phone in advance to make an appointment for the arrival time and reduce personnel contact.

In the crowded area, turning on the internal circulation of the vehicle air conditioner can prevent the intrusion of external viruses; Professor Pu reminded that the filtration accuracy of vehicles with pollen filtration functions cannot meet the requirements of filtering viruses, and the size of pollen and dust is much larger than the size of the virus, and it is recommended that masks should also be worn when driving.

What do I need to pay attention to when using a car during the epidemic?

Expert Profile: Pu Weida, professor-level senior engineer, expert enjoying special allowances of the State Council, former director of China Automobile Industry Training Base.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter synthesized minhang consumer protection committee

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