
Happy moment, humorous jokes, laughed, collect it and take a look

author:Good upwards
Happy moment, humorous jokes, laughed, collect it and take a look
Happy moment, humorous jokes, laughed, collect it and take a look
Happy moment, humorous jokes, laughed, collect it and take a look
Happy moment, humorous jokes, laughed, collect it and take a look
Happy moment, humorous jokes, laughed, collect it and take a look
Happy moment, humorous jokes, laughed, collect it and take a look
Happy moment, humorous jokes, laughed, collect it and take a look
Happy moment, humorous jokes, laughed, collect it and take a look
Happy moment, humorous jokes, laughed, collect it and take a look
Happy moment, humorous jokes, laughed, collect it and take a look
Happy moment, humorous jokes, laughed, collect it and take a look
Happy moment, humorous jokes, laughed, collect it and take a look
Happy moment, humorous jokes, laughed, collect it and take a look

Happy moment, humorous jokes, laughing, Li Yuesheng's interesting story collection

During the Republic of China, Shanghai was a place full of laughter and laughter. In this bustling city, there is a man named Li Yuesheng, who is optimistic by nature, humorous and always brings joy to those around him. His interesting stories are like stars, which makes people laugh, and they have to collect them after laughing, and they will slowly reminisce in the future.

Li Yuesheng is an ordinary citizen, but he has an extraordinary attitude towards life. He can always dig out the fun from the ordinary life, use humor to resolve the embarrassment, and make people feel the beauty of life in laughter. His friends all said that with Li Yuesheng, even the great troubles would disappear.

One day, Li Yuesheng went to the teahouse to drink tea. The teahouse was full of people and lively. He found an empty seat and sat down, and as soon as he ordered tea, he heard a table next to him talking. It turned out that they were talking about a recent anecdote about a thief who visited a family, but didn't steal anything, and was discovered by the owner, and finally ran away in disgrace.

When Li Yuesheng heard this, he immediately became interested. He leaned over and said mysteriously, "You know what? That thief is actually my friend! When everyone heard this, they were stunned and turned their heads to look at him. Seeing this, Li Yuesheng smiled, and then said: "He told me that he originally wanted to steal something, but as soon as he entered, he found that the family was so poor that they didn't even have a hair. He thought about it for a moment, felt that there was really nothing to steal, and prepared to leave. As a result, as soon as he walked to the door, he was discovered by the owner. He was so frightened that he ran away. When he came back, he told me that he would never steal from poor people's homes again, it was too promising! ”

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help laughing. They thought Li Yuesheng's story was too interesting, and asked him to tell a few more. Li Yuesheng didn't shirk either, and then told a few interesting things he made up, which amused the people in the teahouse.

Since then, Li Yuesheng has become a pistachio in the teahouse. Whenever someone is in a bad mood or has something upset, they will come to him to chat. Li Yuesheng can always use his humor and humor to dispel people's troubles and make them smile again.

In addition to the things in the teahouse, Li Yuesheng can always find fun in life. Once, he went to the market to buy groceries. As a result, because there were too many people, he was squeezed around. He finally squeezed into front of a vegetable stall, and was about to pick vegetables, when suddenly he felt someone touch his buttocks. He suddenly became angry, and he turned around to curse. When I saw it, it turned out to be a child. The kid looked at him innocently and said, "Uncle, your wallet has dropped." Li Yuesheng was stunned for a moment, quickly touched his pocket, and found that the wallet was indeed missing. He looked at the child gratefully, then picked up the wallet. Just as he was about to say thank you to the child, the child added: "Uncle, you have so little money in your wallet!" When Li Yuesheng heard this, he immediately couldn't cry or laugh. He thought to himself, "This kid is too sincere!" But it's cute. So he smiled and said to the child, "Yes, my uncle is so poor that of course he has less money in his wallet." But thank you! The child laughed and left in a hurry.

There are many, many interesting things about Li Yuesheng, such as the fact that he once went to the bathhouse to take a bath. As a result, because there were too many people, he waited a long time for an empty seat. He quickly took off his clothes and jumped in, but as soon as he entered, he felt wrong. It turned out that the vacant spot was a broken sprinkler head, and it didn't come out of the water at all. He was suddenly embarrassed, and he was afraid of being laughed at when he thought about it. So he just stood there and pretended to be in the shower. As a result, the people next to him looked at him for a long time and looked at him curiously. He looked even more embarrassed, so he quickly rubbed his body a few times, and then pretended to be washed and put on his clothes and left. After coming out, he complained to his friends: "That bathhouse is too bad!" There's a bad sprinkler! I stood there for half a day without washing! I'm so! When my friends heard this, they laughed and said, "You're so funny, aren't you?" I can actually come up with such a way to deal with it! I really laughed at it! ”

Li Yuesheng's anecdotes are as colorful and fun as his life. He always brings joy and warmth to those around him with his humor and gratitude. Under his influence, more and more people have begun to learn to face the difficulties and challenges in life with an optimistic attitude. They find that life is not so boring and stressful; It turns out that as long as you discover and create with your heart, you can find your own joy and happiness.

As time passed, Li Yuesheng's name gradually spread on the beach in Shanghai. More and more people began to know him, like him, and admire him. They all said: "Li Yuesheng is really a living treasure!" As long as there is laughter and warmth wherever he is! "And what about Li Yuesheng? He has always maintained that optimistic and humorous attitude to face every day, everyone and everything in life. He uses his actions to interpret what true joy and happiness are; He also uses his story to inspire more people to pursue their own beauty and warmth.

Looking back on his life, Li Yuesheng felt that it was really fulfilling and satisfying. Although he has not done anything earth-shattering; Nor did he have any glorious and wealthy status; But he brought countless laughter and warmth to the people around him in his own unique way. He thought that this might be his greatest achievement and value! And whenever someone mentioned an interesting story about him, he always smiled and said, "Oh, that's all old!" Why are you mentioning it! Let's talk about how to make life more interesting! After that, he began to talk about his new jokes and interesting stories again......

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