
The 11 longest-lived types of people, let's collect them and take a look

author:Good upwards
The 11 longest-lived types of people, let's collect them and take a look
The 11 longest-lived types of people, let's collect them and take a look
The 11 longest-lived types of people, let's collect them and take a look
The 11 longest-lived types of people, let's collect them and take a look
The 11 longest-lived types of people, let's collect them and take a look
The 11 longest-lived types of people, let's collect them and take a look
The 11 longest-lived types of people, let's collect them and take a look
The 11 longest-lived types of people, let's collect them and take a look
The 11 longest-lived types of people, let's collect them and take a look
The 11 longest-lived types of people, let's collect them and take a look
The 11 longest-lived types of people, let's collect them and take a look
The 11 longest-lived types of people, let's collect them and take a look

The 11 longest-lived people, Li Yuesheng's wonderful exploration

During the Republic of China, Shanghai was a city full of legends. In this city, there is an old man named Li Yuesheng, although he is over seventy years old, he is in good spirits, physically tough, and full of vitality every day. Li Yuesheng has a strong interest in longevity, he always feels that he can live longer, and he always wants to explore the secrets of those who live a long life.

One day, Li Yuesheng was drinking tea and chatting with a few old friends in a teahouse. As we chatted, the conversation turned to longevity. A friend said, "I've heard that there are 11 types of people in this world who are particularly prone to longevity, and if we can learn their secrets, we might be able to live a few more years!" ”

When Li Yuesheng heard this, his eyes immediately lit up: "Oh, this is a good topic!" Let's have a good talk and see what these 11 types of people are like. ”

So, a few old friends began to talk about it. Some people say that it is easy to live a long life with a good mentality, some people say that people who love sports live longer, and some people say that it is also important to have a regular diet. Li Yuesheng listened to everyone's discussion, and secretly made up his mind in his heart: I must find these 11 types of people and learn their secrets of longevity!

From that day on, Li Yuesheng began his wonderful exploration. He first came to a quiet town, where he heard that there was a centenarian who was happy every day and had a very good attitude. Li Yuesheng found the old man and chatted with him.

"Old man, I heard that you have a very good mentality and are happy every day, is there any secret?" Li Yuesheng asked curiously.

The old man smiled and said, "The secret is not to think too much about it, and think about the good in everything." Life is like a mirror, you smile at it, it smiles at you. ”

Li Yuesheng listened to it and suddenly realized. He said goodbye to the old man and continued his journey of discovery. He came to a small village with beautiful mountains and rivers, and heard that there was an old man who insisted on climbing the mountain every day, and his health was very good.

Li Yuesheng found the old man and followed him up the mountain. While climbing, he asked, "Old man, do you think it's very good for your body if you insist on climbing the mountain every day?" ”

The old man nodded and said, "Of course! Exercise makes the body stronger and also makes the mood happier. Look at the scenery on this mountain, how beautiful! When you are in a good mood, your body will naturally be better. ”

Li Yuesheng listened and nodded again and again. He feels that he has learned a lot and is more confident to continue exploring.

In the following days, Li Yuesheng met many long-lived people. He met an old man who ate regularly, ate on time every day, and never overate; He met an old man who liked to maintain his health, paid attention to maintaining his body every day, and never let himself be too tired; He also met a kind-hearted old man who was always helpful and never cared about personal gains......

Every time he meets a long-lived person, Li Yuesheng will chat with them and learn their longevity secrets. He felt that his exploration was really worthwhile, not only did he learn a lot about longevity, but he also made a lot of new friends.

In the process of exploration, Li Yuesheng also encountered many difficulties. Sometimes, he could not find any trace of the long-lived man, and could only wander in strange places; Sometimes, he encountered bad weather and had to brave the wind and rain; Sometimes, he was not feeling well, so he could only endure the pain and continue to explore......

However, no matter what difficulties he encountered, Li Yuesheng never gave up. He felt that his exploration was meaningful and worthwhile. He thought that as long as he could learn the secret of longevity and let himself live longer and healthier, then all the effort would be worth it.

After several months of exploration, Li Yuesheng finally found those 11 long-lived people. He learned the secrets of their longevity and also got a feel for their lifestyle and mentality. He felt that his exploration had been so successful!

After returning home, Li Yuesheng told his family and friends about his exploration experience and the secrets of longevity he had learned. Everyone was happy for him and said that they wanted to learn from him and pursue longevity and health.

And what about Li Yuesheng? He did start his own longevity life practice. He maintains an optimistic attitude every day and no longer worries about trivial matters; He insisted on exercising every day to make his body stronger; He pays attention to eating regularly and no longer overeats; He also began to focus on health and body maintenance......

A few months later, Li Yuesheng's body became tougher. His spirits are also better and he is full of energy every day. His family and friends all expressed their envy and admiration, saying that his exploration was really worth it!

Looking back on his journey of exploration, Li Yuesheng felt that he was really rewarded. He not only found the 11 types of longevity, but also learned the secret of their longevity; What's more, he changed his lifestyle and mindset as a result, making himself healthier and more fulfilling, both physically and mentally.

He thought, maybe that's the charm of life! No matter when, as long as we are willing to explore and try, we will definitely find our own happiness and satisfaction. And longevity and health may be the most precious gift among them!

In the days that followed, Li Yuesheng continued to maintain his longevity lifestyle. He has a full and enjoyable day, and also enjoys spending time with his family and friends. His life has become more beautiful and meaningful because of it.

And what about the secrets of longevity? They are also like seeds, taking root and sprouting in Li Yuesheng's heart. He used his actions to practice these secrets, and also let more people understand the mystery and charm of longevity. He thought that this might be the greatest meaning and value of his exploration trip!

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