
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look

author:Good upwards
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look
The universal formula for stir-frying, someone has finally sorted it out, collect it and take a look

The universal formula for stir-frying: Li Yuesheng's culinary adventure

During the Republic of China, Shanghai was a place full of adventures and changes. In this bustling metropolis, there lives a young man named Li Yuesheng. He is not a prominent figure, just an ordinary little chef, but he is full of love and dedication to cooking. Li Yuesheng always dreamed of mastering a "universal formula for stir-frying", so that he could be handy no matter what he stir-fried and become a real master chef.

"Hey, it would be nice to have a universal formula for stir-frying!" Li Yuesheng often talked to himself in the kitchen, waving a shovel while fantasizing about the magical formula.

Li Yuesheng's restaurant is not big, but business is surprisingly good. This is all thanks to the hostess's exquisite cooking skills, as well as the hard work of Li Yuesheng and other guys. However, Li Yuesheng is not satisfied with the status quo, he is always looking for ways to improve his cooking skills, hoping to one day be on his own.

One day, a mysterious guest arrives at the restaurant. He wore a robe and a horse coat and a melon-skin hat, and at first glance he looked like a learned man. He ordered a few dishes, praised them after tasting them, and specially called Li Yuesheng.

"Young man, your cooking skills are good, but you're not ready for fire." The mysterious guest said to Li Yuesheng with a smile.

Li Yuesheng's heart moved, and he hurriedly asked, "Then how do you think you can improve your cooking skills?" ”

The mysterious guest pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Actually, stir-frying is also a science. In order to master it, you must first understand the nature of the ingredients, the mastery of the heat, and the combination of seasonings. The mystery of this is not something that can be learned overnight. ”

Li Yuesheng was fascinated by what he heard, and he felt as if he had found a way to the pinnacle of his culinary skills. He hurriedly asked the mysterious guest for advice, hoping to get more advice.

Seeing this, the mysterious guest smiled slightly, took out a yellowed booklet from his arms, and handed it to Li Yuesheng. "This is what I have learned from years of researching cooking, and it contains some basic tips and precautions for stir-frying. You can take it and see it in detail, it may be helpful to you. ”

Li Yuesheng took the booklet, as if he had received a treasure. He hurriedly thanked the mysterious guest, his heart full of gratitude and anticipation. He knew that this booklet might well be the "one-size-fits-all formula for stir-frying" he had been looking for.

Since then, Li Yuesheng has found time every day to study the booklet. He followed the above techniques and methods, and constantly practiced and explored in the kitchen. His cooking skills have also improved unconsciously, and the stir-fried dishes have become more and more delicious.

However, Li Yuesheng was not satisfied with this. He knows that a true master chef is not only about mastering skills, but also about innovation and breakthroughs. So, he began to try to add his own understanding and creativity to the booklet to create some new dishes.

One day, a picky diner came to the restaurant. He ordered a few dishes, but frowned after tasting them. "It's a good dish, but it's not bad." He said critically.

When Li Yuesheng heard this, his heart moved. He knows it's a challenge and an opportunity. He decided to conquer this discerning eater with his innovations and breakthroughs.

So, he went back to the kitchen and started making a new dish. He uses the freshest ingredients, booklet skills and his own creativity to create a dish that tastes and tastes great.

When this dish is served, the eyes of discerning diners light up. He took a bite and smiled with satisfaction. "Well, this dish tastes so good! There are both traditional flavors and innovative elements. You're promising, young man! ”

Hearing this, Li Yuesheng felt an incomparable sense of pride and satisfaction in his heart. He knew that he had finally found his own "universal formula for stir-frying", which was the perfect combination of skill and innovation.

Since then, Li Yuesheng's cooking skills have become famous. Not only was he appreciated by the hostess and guys in the restaurant, but he also attracted many admiring diners. His dishes are not only delicious, but also full of creativity and surprises, which will leave you with a lot of memories.

And the yellowed booklet has also become Li Yuesheng's precious wealth. He often opens it, reminiscing about the basic techniques and precautions, and sighing at his love for cooking. He knew that no matter where he went, the booklet and his cooking skills would stay with him and become the most cherished memory of his life.

In Li Yuesheng's heart, stir-frying is not only a skill, but also an art of life. Through continuous study and practice, he not only mastered the skills and methods of stir-frying, but also realized the true meaning and meaning of life. He understood a truth: no matter what you do, as long as you do it with your heart, pursue it, and innovate it, you will definitely find your own success and happiness.

And Shanghai during the Republic of China period became more colorful because of a culinary genius like Li Yuesheng. His dishes and stories are sung in the streets and alleys, and have become the talk and memories of many people after dinner. Whenever someone mentions his name, he always gives a thumbs up and praises: "Li Yuesheng, that's a real master chef!" ”

And for Li Yuesheng, these accolades and fame are not important. All he knows is that he will continue to wield a spatula in the kitchen, create delicious food, and pursue his dreams. Because in his opinion, stir-frying is one of the most important things in his life, and it is also one of the ways he communicates and communicates with the world. As long as he can stir-fry, innovate, and make people taste delicious food, he feels that he is the happiest person in the world.

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