
"Overwatch 2" test: Doomsday Iron Fist to change the tank position is also difficult to hide the strength, better to delete it directly?

"Can this hero play without changing?"

"Designer, look at him!"

Playing games will inevitably have such complaints, the game design is unbalanced, there are always a few heroes or equipment that will be called "cancer" no matter how to change. Player suffering is commonplace, but for designers, the amount of work to change the mechanics redesign is obviously not as simple as adjusting the values, especially for The Previous Two Years of Activision Blizzard, where Overwatch's Doomsday Iron Fist gave them a headache.

"Overwatch 2" test: Doomsday Iron Fist to change the tank position is also difficult to hide the strength, better to delete it directly?

In a 6v6 competition, the powerful breakthrough ability of the Doomsday Iron Fist allows him to easily break into the back row of his opponent, and without the protection of his teammates, the nurse and sniper in the back row basically can't live for a few seconds. With the rise of Duan consciousness, the operation of rushing to the pile of people to be set on fire is reduced, and the strength of the iron fist will be more prominent, not only can it cut in, but a set of skills can be withdrawn after a second of falling out of the back row. From the countless GIFs cut out by the players, I only saw one sentence: "Why hasn't this hero been deleted?" ”

Who's sniping? Younger sister

In fact, the problem of the iron fist affecting the player experience has been complained about for so long, and the designer naturally knows that in the recent live broadcast of the developers of "Overwatch 2", the game director and the hero designer revealed the news that the iron fist will be changed to the tank position.

"Overwatch 2" test: Doomsday Iron Fist to change the tank position is also difficult to hide the strength, better to delete it directly?

Previous internal test maps have confirmed that iron fist is T

It may be that the B test is about to start, so the official did not release a real machine demonstration, according to the confirmed content, the positioning of the Iron Fist in Overwatch 2 will be similar to Winston, the focus will be on his mobility and survivability, so as a tank, according to the official statement, his damage will be "much smaller" than before. However, the designer revealed that the iron fist is still too strong in the A test and needs to be weakened.

"Overwatch 2" test: Doomsday Iron Fist to change the tank position is also difficult to hide the strength, better to delete it directly?

After the transfer, skill adjustment, and weakening of the value, the performance of the iron fist in the designer's mouth is still "too strong", does this mean that his strength has nothing to do with the value?

"Overwatch 2" test: Doomsday Iron Fist to change the tank position is also difficult to hide the strength, better to delete it directly?

To put it another way, it's strange to think about joining a fighter who lacks ranged attacks in an FPS game, let alone that the character who looks like he's coming from an arcade directly beats other characters around. It should be known that the sledgehammer with the shield can send waves at a distance, and the highly mobile Genji Pu attack is also a long-range shuriken.

The hero of the Doomsday Iron Fist itself is very special in "Overwatch", and his problems are easily magnified, or it is more appropriate to focus the problem contradictions on himself. The problem of hero balance has become increasingly unpleasant since Blizzard began to e-sports, and some players complained that the adjustments were all for professional players and were not friendly to ordinary players at all.

"Overwatch 2" test: Doomsday Iron Fist to change the tank position is also difficult to hide the strength, better to delete it directly?

There's some truth to that. On the one hand, like "League of Legends", it will make some numerical adjustments for the players of professional games and the rhythm and viewing of the game, and at the same time, after the changes, it will also count the game data of ordinary players for analysis, determine what things are retained and modified, which things cause a bad game experience and then delete, while "Overwatch" does not care so much about the voice of ordinary players.

On the other hand, "Overwatch" is too slow to update for various reasons, the game next door has four or five new heroes a year, keeping the player's freshness and maintaining activity, and can also attract new players.

"Overwatch 2" test: Doomsday Iron Fist to change the tank position is also difficult to hide the strength, better to delete it directly?

"Just a few heroes are engaged in e-sports, can he do it?" Can't do it, can't do it."

Coupled with balance issues, some sensitive issues in off-field reality, players are churning out so fast that even if the game is completely free, there are almost no new players in the pit. The threshold for old players to return is also very high, and the login game match is beaten by the old oil, and then exits the uninstall.

The problem with the Iron Fist is nothing more than a collection of these many problems. Even if Activision Blizzard really deletes the Iron Fist, Overwatch still can't have many old players really back to the pit, and Overwatch 2, which has made certain changes, now has many players singing down.

"Overwatch 2" test: Doomsday Iron Fist to change the tank position is also difficult to hide the strength, better to delete it directly?

Whether it is a slump or a resurrection, after the PVP mode B test is opened on April 26, there should be a conclusion.

I am a game fungus, like ACG related information, eat melon spit, just point a concern ~ thanks

"Overwatch 2" test: Doomsday Iron Fist to change the tank position is also difficult to hide the strength, better to delete it directly?

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