
Break through film and television filters and restore the real pirate story

12 true pirate stories

24 large-scale comic strips recreate the looting past

Break the film and television filter and restore the real history

Break through film and television filters and restore the real pirate story

Dangerous Pirates! 》

Author: [French] Caroline Fett

Illustrated by [French] Ryan Drosh

Translator: Chen Jianping

Publisher: Straits Books Press

Restore the real and cruel pirate life

The pirate life in film and television works is always thrilling and evocative. And in real history, what was the life of a pirate? Are pirates chivalrous? Did pirates really leave behind treasure? Are there female pirates? Have the characters in One Piece and Pirates of the Caribbean really existed in history?

This book will take you to re-understand the real pirates in history and understand their lives.

In human history, there was once a group of mysterious and terrifying pirates who were active in the rough seas. They are cruel and tyrannical, and they do nothing wrong in order to obtain money, which is the nightmare of all merchant ships at sea. In fact, very few pirates can enjoy the glory and wealth, most of them not only live with danger all their lives, but also have a very tragic ending... This book will recreate a thrilling sea confrontation and take you closer to 12 once-terrifying pirates.

Break through film and television filters and restore the real pirate story

Introduce relevant nautical knowledge

In the story, we can also read about the sea world of that era: life at sea is full of difficulties, disputes, dangers, some people become pirates in order to get rich, and some people plunder at sea in the name of the country... At the end of the book, there is a glossary of relevant vocabulary to introduce relevant navigation knowledge.

Comic-inspired illustrations bring the story of pirates to life before our eyes, taking us into the fascinating age of discovery. The depiction of the painter's exquisite expression seems to make the dangerous pirates come back to life on the paper; the scene portrays the atmosphere full of sense, perfectly reproducing a thrilling sea storm.

Author Profile

Author Caroline Fett: 15 years in publishing and now a freelancer, translator and publisher, constantly creating for kids.

Painter Drien de Roche: an illustrator and sculptor who lives and works in Paris. Growing up in Reunion, he studied at the Estina School and after graduation worked in the studio of the sculptor Bo-Halbuque, where his fields of work included printmaking, illustration and comics.

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Sun Jun

Photo/ Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Sun Jun

Video/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Sun Jun

Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng editor Liu Liqin

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