
58-year-old "innocent girl" Wen Bixia has no filter and her true face is exposed, so that's it!

author:Weed recreation

58-year-old "innocent girl" Wen Bixia has no filter and her true face is exposed, so that's it!

58-year-old "innocent girl" Wen Bixia has no filter and her true face is exposed, so that's it!

As the sexy goddess in everyone's hearts, the 58-year-old Wen Bixia, although she is over half a hundred years old, she claims that she still maintains an innocent girl's heart, and often appears in youthful dress, and her mood is always young.

58-year-old "innocent girl" Wen Bixia has no filter and her true face is exposed, so that's it!

The pictures sent by Wen Bixia herself are not very different from herself

Every time everyone sees her beautiful photos, they are envied and liked by her beauty and figure at such an age. However, on the 29th, some netizens exposed Wen Bixia's raw picture without a filter, and her true state attracted attention and heated discussions.

58-year-old "innocent girl" Wen Bixia has no filter and her true face is exposed, so that's it!

According to Hong Kong media reports, some netizens met Wen Bixia on the streets of Central and took photos and shared them on the Internet.

This netizen posted: "I met Wen Bixia in Central, and I watched the art exhibition at the Central Fringe Club, and Miss Wen also came in to watch it for a while. ”

58-year-old "innocent girl" Wen Bixia has no filter and her true face is exposed, so that's it!

In the photo, Wen Bixia is still in the same style as before, wearing a loose dress that day, with long hair fluttering, and when she took photos with netizens, her figure looked slender and slender.

58-year-old "innocent girl" Wen Bixia has no filter and her true face is exposed, so that's it!
58-year-old "innocent girl" Wen Bixia has no filter and her true face is exposed, so that's it!

This set of raw pictures quickly caused heated discussions on the Internet. In comparison, Wen Bixia saw the photos posted by herself through her social account, and some netizens praised Wen Bixia for still being beautiful, thinking that her figure and temperament were maintained very well, and the difference between the raw picture and Wen Fa's picture was not very big.

58-year-old "innocent girl" Wen Bixia has no filter and her true face is exposed, so that's it!

There is not much difference between the raw picture and the warm hair picture

However, some netizens also put forward different opinions on her dress, complaining: "People of such an age should not pretend to be a young girl", "The face is so fierce", "The makeup is too thick".

58-year-old "innocent girl" Wen Bixia has no filter and her true face is exposed, so that's it!

Wen Bixia's own picture

However, for the 58-year-old Wen Bixia's good state and mentality, she is quite supportive. Love beauty regardless of age, I believe that everyone likes to be young in appearance and more energetic and confident in mentality. Whether it is praise or questioning, there is no right or wrong, just respect everyone's way of life.

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