
Nissan "Tule" re-era, the national six standards! With a large displacement of self-priming, the interior has finally figured it out

Nissan "Tule" re-era, the national six standards! With a large displacement of self-priming, the interior has finally figured it out

Among the professional-grade off-road SUVs, the new Land Cruiser and Lexus's LX series have become the two hottest series on the market at present, and we have to admit that the car is a good car, and after the replacement, we have been deeply impressed by the design style of the appearance and the change of interior details. But when it comes to price, most of the small partners are still hesitant, and the price increase of the new car has become a foregone conclusion, and the price of more than one million has made netizens more rational, so there is really no substitute? Of course not, for example, Nissan's "Tule" may be a good choice. In fact, compared with the domestic market, overseas, Tule's popularity is higher than the domestic, although the performance is slightly different, but the price advantage is too obvious, which is also an important key to its fame in overseas markets!

Nissan "Tule" re-era, the national six standards! With a large displacement of self-priming, the interior has finally figured it out

New Tule has officially entered the Middle East market, compared with the previous generation of products, the details of the new car have changed a lot. Looking at the front first, the V-motion grille has been upgraded to a 3.0 version, the biggest difference is that the opening angle is larger, and the surrounding on both sides of the grille is wider. The central network has changed from the traditional horizontal bar design to the dot matrix shape, and the LOGO also adopts a lightable style, which is more erosive in effect. The headlights group has not changed and is still a double C-shaped style, but it has become softer and fits the front of the car perfectly. The front surround of the new car shows more fashion, which is a plus for the new car!

Nissan "Tule" re-era, the national six standards! With a large displacement of self-priming, the interior has finally figured it out

The length of the new car is more than 5.3 meters, and it also has a body width of two meters and a body height of 1.95 meters, and the body wheelbase will exceed 3 meters, so that the interior space of the vehicle will be more spacious and comfortable, compared to the Toyota Land Cruiser, which is the hard power in contrast. There is no superfluous design on the entire side, more like a large flat shape, with full fork wheels, and the aura brought by it is not inferior to the new Land Cruiser. At the rear, the taillights on both sides are connected by a frosted trim strip, and the entire rear surround becomes more wide, which should be regarded as the most powerful design of the whole car, and there is no one.

Nissan "Tule" re-era, the national six standards! With a large displacement of self-priming, the interior has finally figured it out

In terms of interior, the new generation of Tule once again adopted a new interior layout, the biggest adjustment is that the middle of the double screen is replaced by this suspension design, although there is less than one screen, but it can show a sense of technology. Four-frame steering wheel, equipped with very rich buttons, the design of the instrument panel and other designs is still a continuation of the classic. The new brown leather seats, metallic decorative panels and the independent multimedia audio and video system in the rear row are an interpretation of the sense of luxury, even if the positioning is lower than the Land Patrol, but from the perspective of comfort, it is much more comfortable than the Land Patrol.

Nissan "Tule" re-era, the national six standards! With a large displacement of self-priming, the interior has finally figured it out

From the picture, you can feel the modern atmosphere of New Tule. In terms of power, the new car is equipped with a relatively rare 4.0-liter naturally aspirated engine and a 5.6-liter 8-cylinder engine on the market, and the opportunity is really coming! Matching this is the 7-speed manual transmission, which is equipped with a four-wheel drive system as standard! The new car is also equipped with the latest traction control system, which is more conducive to the operation of the new car. The new car has fully complied with the national six standards, for its arrival, in the end, what kind of impact will it have on the land patrol, we wait and see! 1

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