
After the implementation of the National VI standard, where did the National V cars in the car dealership go? The old salesman pointed out the truth

With the country's increasing attention to energy conservation and emission reduction and environmental protection, the relevant departments have also made a series of adjustments to the emission standards of automobile exhaust; on the other hand, the rapid development of the automobile industry has also made the automobile exhaust filtration system begin to upgrade, and the pollution caused by automobile exhaust has also been reduced. However, with the explosive increase in the number of cars, these reduced pollution has also accumulated, so that the relevant departments have to pay attention to it again, so that more stringent vehicle emission standards have been born.

After the implementation of the National VI standard, where did the National V cars in the car dealership go? The old salesman pointed out the truth

It was in this environment that the automobile national six was born. Most cities have already begun to implement the National VI standard, so the National V car has completely lost the opportunity to be licensed and cannot drive normally on the road. Some car owners can't help but be curious after learning of this situation, before the introduction of the National VI standard, all the models on the market are basically National V cars, even if the vast majority of merchants will have a lot of inventory in their hands after the emergence of China VI, then where have these unsalable National V cars gone? An old salesperson who has been in the industry for many years answered the question.

After the implementation of the National VI standard, where did the National V cars in the car dealership go? The old salesman pointed out the truth

First of all, we need to know that any policy is not decided by the relevant departments as soon as they hit the head, so before the policy is officially implemented, it will give the broad masses of the people a relatively appropriate buffer period, so that it can effectively avoid the losses caused by sudden changes to the policy to the people. Therefore, after the automobile manufacturer receives the notice that the National VI standard is about to be launched, it will also carry out a series of actions to stop the loss in time, which will inevitably include the reduction of the production of the National V automobile, and the national V car in the hand as soon as possible by doing activities and high preferential points. In this way, there will not be many National V cars that the manufacturers will retain in the end.

After the implementation of the National VI standard, where did the National V cars in the car dealership go? The old salesman pointed out the truth

Second, it will take a certain amount of time for any policy to be popularized throughout the country, and the same is certainly true of the National VI Standard. That is to say, as long as the state has not yet mandatorily required all the cars of the Country V to go offline, some cities will allow the car dealers to continue to sell the China V cars. For car dealers, this time difference is the opportunity they must seize, and use this time to sell all the National Five cars in their hands to car dealers in these areas at a low price. These national five cars are still new cars in nature, and consumers will not refuse.

After the implementation of the National VI standard, where did the National V cars in the car dealership go? The old salesman pointed out the truth

Of course, in addition to normal sales, manufacturers will also directly follow the test drive or inventory car processing of these national five cars, directly sent to the second-hand car market, but this operation is more troublesome, need to go through a formality, can not be directly thrown to the second-hand car dealers. However, second-hand car dealers usually do not refuse these new cars, and the car dealer will definitely lower the price when selling to the second-hand car dealer, while the second-hand car dealer can sell these National Five cars to consumers according to the price of the boutique car.

After the implementation of the National VI standard, where did the National V cars in the car dealership go? The old salesman pointed out the truth

Finally, there are some car dealers that are more disciplined, so they will not consider those messy operations, but honestly dismantle these National V cars and send them to the auto repair shop to sell them according to parts. After all, even the best cars have bad times, and when the previous National V cars need to be repaired, these accessories can play a role, after all, they are all removed from the new car, never used, and the quality is also guaranteed.

After the implementation of the National VI standard, where did the National V cars in the car dealership go? The old salesman pointed out the truth


All in all, although the National V car has passed, the car dealers will not directly destroy all the China V cars. In addition, there are also some car owners who particularly like a certain model, so even if they add extra money to replace the best ternary chloride, they will insist on buying a National V car.

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