
The 51-year-old man gave a house to marry a 40-year-old rich woman, and after 5 years of marriage, he collapsed: she said she could have a son

The 56-year-old Zeng Hui once had a failed marriage, after the divorce he followed his parents to live in Zhuzhou City, at the age of 51, through the connection of his sister Zeng Pei, he met 40-year-old Huang Li, the day the two met a meal, the next day he got a license to get married.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zeng Hui was a blessing from the previous life to marry a rich girl who was 11 years younger than him, but now after 5 years of marriage, Zeng Hui was very broken, saying that he was deceived into marriage.

At this time, the sister Zeng Pei on the side took over the conversation and said that she admitted that her brother's marriage was indeed the line she was leading, but she did not know Huang Li at that time, mainly because she saw that her brother had been single for so many years and wanted him to become a family, so this was Huang Li's trap.

Because at that time, the matchmaker told her that Huang Li's family was superior, and Huang Li's mother also said that she bought a commercial house for her daughter Huang Li in Changsha City, not only that, but also more than twenty suites for rent, a year's income is not cheap, although the daughter did not have a formal job, but the pension insurance and medical insurance were also paid, there was no worries at all.

The 51-year-old man gave a house to marry a 40-year-old rich woman, and after 5 years of marriage, he collapsed: she said she could have a son

Coupled with the fact that the daughter is still young, she can also have children after marriage, and she must be a son, after a series of introductions, Zeng Pei was moved, and she hoped that her brother Zeng Hui could marry Huang Li immediately, including Zeng Hui's mother also began to try to broker this marriage.

But in Zeng Hui's view, he felt that this matter was blown too much, and Huang Li was not the type he liked, the height of 160 was nothing to say, but the weight was nearly 200 pounds, but he could not stand the persuasion of his sister and mother, don't care about the weight of others, and lose weight later, just like this, after eating a meal, Zeng Hui reluctantly and Huang Li received a marriage license on May 15, 2017.

The day after receiving the certificate, Huang Li proposed to add her name to the real estate deed, in order to show her heart, on May 17, 2017, Zeng Hui's parents transferred the house to Zeng Hui and Huang Li, hoping that they could live a good life.

The 51-year-old man gave a house to marry a 40-year-old rich woman, and after 5 years of marriage, he collapsed: she said she could have a son

But what the Zeng Hui family did not expect was that what they expected was contrary to the facts, because after 5 years of marriage, Huang Li only lived at home for one night, and in recent years, Zeng Hui's income from part-time work was handed over to Huang Li, but when Zeng Hui asked his wife Huang Li for money to buy a car in 2019, Huang Li completely turned her face and lived directly in her mother's house and never contacted him again.

In desperation, Zeng Hui had to file for divorce, and what made him even more angry was that the 130,000 yuan taken by his wife not only did not give him a penny, but also divided half of the house, Zeng Hui felt that Huang Li did not fulfill his wife's obligations, and never made him a meal, was it because her name was added to the real estate deed, she had to take half of it? By what.

The 51-year-old man gave a house to marry a 40-year-old rich woman, and after 5 years of marriage, he collapsed: she said she could have a son

In the view of her sister Zeng Pei, Huang Li just doesn't want a family, she doesn't want a husband, she completely relies on marriage to make money, including Huang Li's mother is the same, it is simply a complete liar, because they have no job, and her brother has a job and a unit.

Talking, intolerable Zeng Hui came to Huang Li's mother's house in Changsha City with his sister to seek justice for himself, but no matter how to knock on the door, no one in the house answered, Zeng Hui said that his mother-in-law is 82 years old, his legs and feet are inconvenient, he is at home every day, the reason why he is not seen is to avoid him, and his wife Huang Li's phone has never been able to dial.

In a hurry, Zeng Hui dialed the phone of the brother-in-law, the brother-in-law on the other end of the phone was very angry after learning about this matter, he scolded Zeng Hui is shameless, this marriage was introduced by Zeng Hui's sister, and the process of the Zeng family is also very clear, there is no deception at all.

But Zeng Hui's living habits are not good, people who live in the city now, and who goes to the toilet and does not flush, Zeng Hui is such a person who does not flush, not only that, he does not have a formal job, soaking in the mahjong hall all day, the brother-in-law bluntly said that his sister Huang Li did not have any fault, and then hung up the phone.

The 51-year-old man gave a house to marry a 40-year-old rich woman, and after 5 years of marriage, he collapsed: she said she could have a son

The Zeng family who ate the closed door soup had to fight back home, what they did not expect was that they actually met Huang Li riding an electric car to go home, but Huang Li found Zeng Hui, turned around and rode away on the electric car, leaving only a back shadow to make Zeng Hui all kinds of messy.

Angry sister Zeng Pei scolded Zeng Hui why didn't he run a few steps to stop Huang Li, how could you be so weak, so miserable to be deceived by Huang Li, and now that you see Huang Li and don't chase, let her leave like this, and Zeng Hui looks very aggrieved when he stands next to him with an innocent face.

The 51-year-old man gave a house to marry a 40-year-old rich woman, and after 5 years of marriage, he collapsed: she said she could have a son

Then Zeng Pei came to a staff dormitory building, the house is narrow and old, she said that this is what Huang Li's mother said about the house, in fact, this is what she contracted more than twenty dormitories for rent, that is, a second-hand landlord, the highest room is 600 yuan a month rent, not worth anything at all, and now people do not rent to her, only 5 rooms are left for her to rent, the original matchmaker also lived here.

After coming to the matchmaker's house, the matchmaker frankly said that she was a disabled person, a famous matchmaker in the vicinity, who had successfully introduced more than a dozen pairs in her lifetime, and none of them were divorced, but she did not expect that this time she was also deceived by the Huang family, because Huang Li's first marriage was also introduced by her, but the second marriage was still impossible.

In the eyes of the matchmaker, the Huang family is deceitful, ruining her matchmaker's career, and the Yellow Mother is to let her daughter cheat the property of other men in the name of marriage.

The 51-year-old man gave a house to marry a 40-year-old rich woman, and after 5 years of marriage, he collapsed: she said she could have a son

So is that really the case? In the face of the matchmaker's evidence, how will the Huang family respond? At this time, the Zeng siblings returned home to prepare for a short rest, Zeng Hui complained that he had never touched his wife in 5 years of marriage, even if his wife lived here for one night or rested in the next room, and returned to her mother's house the next day.

Later, he took his wife to the logistics park opened by his brother in Guangzhou to work for more than a year, he went to the night shift, his wife went to the day shift, there was no intersection in life, a month's combined salary of eight or nine thousand, the sister also said that all to his wife, let him keep some living expenses on the line, so far he is very regretful.

Zeng Pei also admitted that it was indeed her suggestion to put her salary on Huang Li's card, the purpose was also to let her brother and Huang Li live a good life, and now that it has become like this, she also regrets it very much, and another person who regrets it is Zeng Hui's mother.

Because at that time, when the house was about to be transferred, she was opposed, and she did not know why she wanted to transfer the house to Huang Li and her son Zeng Hui, but at that time, the husband was still alive, the family was the husband's decision, the husband's meaning was that the Huang family was so rich, then their Zeng family should also appear a little more generous, if the house was not transferred to the son and Huang Li, would the family Huang Li marry the son as a wife?

In desperation, Zeng Hui's mother could only agree to give the house to her son and Huang Li, and now that she saw that this house worth 600,000 yuan in the center of Zhuzhou was not guaranteed, how could she not regret it.

The 51-year-old man gave a house to marry a 40-year-old rich woman, and after 5 years of marriage, he collapsed: she said she could have a son

The next day, Zeng Pei came to the Huang family again alone, this time Huang Li's mother Zhou Shuying opened the door, but the two met the moment there was an argument, Zeng Pei counted Zhou Shuying to deceive her, what twenty rooms to rent, what let the brother marry your daughter will salted fish turn over, what give birth to a child and have a son, this is all a lie.

Zhou Shuying heard Zeng Pei always say that her family cheated on marriage and trembled with anger, spitting at Zeng Pei to let her leave, in order not to clash, Zeng Pei had to go downstairs in a hurry and wait, after the mood eased, Zhou Shuying also privately told the mediator the reason.

In Zhou Shuying's view, her family is very rich, and also very good at making money, but also very kind, so it is impossible to cheat the Zeng family's money, because in the nineties she was opening a restaurant, there are dozens of houses for rent, the deposits are millions, including her son and daughter's house car decoration are all purchased by her, there are now 5 houses for rent, every month the rent and utility bills are the son's rent, there is no shortage of this money.

Because the daughter Huang Li is the youngest and the only daughter in the family, she is pampered and the requirements when looking for a partner are a little higher, so that the daughter only started her first marriage at the age of 30, but the daughter is also bitter, and the ex-husband is idle, resulting in a divorce without children.

With the increase of age, the daughter at the age of 40 also wants to find someone to marry again, Zhou Shuying said, it is also at this time, Zeng Pei from the matchmaker to hear their news, and then she often came to the door to recommend her brother Zeng Hui, and Zhou Shuying first met Zeng Hui, she felt that this person is very honest, she does not care whether the man's conditions are good or not, as long as the person is good, can live a good life with her daughter and have a child.

In fact, Zeng Hui also has no job, in order to make his daughter's brother look up to him, Zhou Shuying attaches great importance to Zeng Hui's son-in-law, in 2019, when her son-in-law Zeng Hui proposed to buy a car, she also personally took 30,000 yuan to Zeng Hui, Zhou Shuying said that she was too kind and too soft.00

The 51-year-old man gave a house to marry a 40-year-old rich woman, and after 5 years of marriage, he collapsed: she said she could have a son

As for the daughter and son-in-law to the point of divorce, Zhou Shuying said that it is the son-in-law's sister Zeng Pei in the middle of the trouble, because in 2019, When Zeng Hui bought a car, he also asked Zeng Pei to borrow 80,000 yuan, and now this money has not been repaid, Zeng Pei feels that it is the daughter Huang Li who took away Zeng Hui's money and caused the money not to be returned to her, so it has been noisy, if there is no Zeng Pei in the middle of the quarrel, the daughter and son-in-law will definitely not divorce, Zeng Pei is not to save her brother's marriage, the purpose is to get back the money borrowed from her.

Her daughter had Zeng Hui 130,000 yuan in her hands, and Zhou Shuying did not agree, she said that her daughter said that she only had tens of thousands of yuan in her hand, and Zeng Hui's income was not high when she went to Guangzhou to work, and it was basically used for the living expenses of the husband and wife.

Now seeing Zeng Pei's aggressive attitude, Zhou Shuying bluntly said that Zeng Pei found the wrong object, they are not so good at bullying, and they can't swallow this breath, now the daughter's marriage is divorced, the house that was given that year, the daughter Huang Li must be divided in half, Zhou Shuying also knows that the Zeng family can't accept it, but the Zeng family should also know that they have no reason to speak of.

The 51-year-old man gave a house to marry a 40-year-old rich woman, and after 5 years of marriage, he collapsed: she said she could have a son

After learning about the attitude of the Huang family, the mediator went downstairs and relayed it to Zeng Hui by phone, Zeng Hui seemed very irritable, he said that the money could not be wanted, as long as Huang Li did not want the house, he could promise anything, but the sister Zeng Pei on the side heard his brother say this, and suddenly became angry again.

She scolded her brother for being too weak, how can more than 130,000 people say no, in short, the house and money can not be given, Zeng Pei complained about why his brother had to be so obedient to give the money to Huang Li, wouldn't he keep a little of it himself, so many years his brother has not given her money, including her brother to see a doctor or whatever is the money her sister took.

For a time Zeng Hui was speechless and choked, I have to say that the sister Zeng Pei is indeed too capable, what words let you say, after returning home, Zeng Hui pointed to the truck in front of him and said that it cost more than 140,000 to buy this car at that time, mainly relying on moving to pull goods, asked his mother to borrow 32,000, his sister there was 85,000, and his mother-in-law gave him 28,000.

Looking back, Zeng Hui smiled bitterly with some helplessness: I didn't know why I was deceived by her, since her family was so rich, how could I accompany me to Guangzhou to work and suffer hardships? So much money is now owed that it has not been repaid.

The 51-year-old man gave a house to marry a 40-year-old rich woman, and after 5 years of marriage, he collapsed: she said she could have a son

Zeng Hui now only wants to divorce, the money is not wanted, the house can also give Huang Li half of it, as long as it is not divided, but the sister Zeng Pei is still a little unwilling, Zeng Hui said, originally he did not want to be so anxious to find a partner, are the sister is too strong, so many years to manage him, and now to such a point of uncontrollable.

At this time, Zeng Pei is also very remorseful, she feels that her brother's emotional intelligence is almost zero, IQ has not read any books, the first marriage is because of Tai mu ne to fail, but the brother is very good, belongs to the practical and capable this kind, after the brother divorced, she can't bear to see the duty of the younger brother lonely old, so this will spend a lot of time to introduce the younger brother to the object, and do not want the brother who is not good at expression to be bullied by Huang Li.

Zeng Pei frankly said that she was kind enough to do the wrong thing, originally hoped that her brother would have a chance to turn over, did not think or fell empty, she also realized that she should not interfere in her brother's marriage, and should not put her brother's happiness on the future wife, the real happy life or rely on themselves.

In the face of such a situation, after the unremitting efforts of the mediator, Huang Li was finally contacted by phone, and Huang Li said on the phone that she and Zeng Hui had no feelings, both of them were mothers, and both were married, so she did not have too high requirements to marry Zeng Hui, but after marriage, she found that she could not get along with Zeng Hui.

Now since the Zeng family wants to make things bigger, then can only go through legal procedures, perhaps only in this way everyone will feel fair, Huang Li is not willing to accept mediation, and the lawyer has also expressed his own point of view, during the marriage, the man earns half of the woman's money, divorce needs to be divided according to law, and the property donated by the parents in marriage is also the joint property of the husband and wife, if there is no special agreement, the property should also be divided according to law.

The 51-year-old man gave a house to marry a 40-year-old rich woman, and after 5 years of marriage, he collapsed: she said she could have a son

At this point, Zeng Hui can only choose the court of appeal to end this relationship without feelings, but the original choice was wrong, so most of the time it will be a price.

In fact, two people who have no emotional basis, no matter how others match, will eventually be separated, strong twisted melon, will never be sweet, Zeng Hui's sister wants her brother to find a good wife, can salted fish turn over and have a son, Huang Li's mother also hopes that her daughter can have a good home.

But the two parties do not attach importance to this marriage, it seems that there is no opinion, perhaps this is also the sadness of the elderly people, always feel that the age has arrived, there is no love, only ok, but the coincidence can not be too sloppy, sloppy marriage, will definitely bring greater risks, their own carelessness, and eventually will lead to big mistakes.

Finally, I hope everyone can understand that marriage is not a child's play, it needs to be taken seriously by everyone, and when you tease marriage, then marriage will also tease you.

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