
Huang Lili, | of the winter holiday of the village principal: Dear children, wait for your safe return

author:Qilu one point
Editor's note: "The day is not everywhere, youth comes from just now; moss flowers are as small as rice, and peonies are also learned." "This is a true portrayal of the vast majority of small-scale rural schools. In the past 2021, the reporter went from Yinan to Yuncheng, and then from Zhuanhua to Yiyuan squatting, witnessing many educators with feelings taking root in the countryside, and they are working hard to make up for the gap with glimmer and help rural children grow better. The family sits idly and the lights are amiable, which is the ideal state for the Spring Festival reunion. In small-scale rural schools in many parts of Shandong, countless rural principals and teachers are rushing to the homes of students in remote rural areas that lead to the middle of the mountain, and they want to use their precious winter vacation time to go to their children's homes and enter their children's hearts. From now on, the Qilu Evening News Qilu One-Point "Youth Talk" column will successively launch the "Winter Holiday Memories of Rural Principals/Teachers", focusing on what rural teachers see, hear and feel during home visits, light up the dreams of rural children, and inject strength into rural revitalization.

The following is the winter holiday record of Huang Lili, director of Zhenxing Road Kindergarten in Yiyuan County:

The holidays have begun and it seems that you can finally relax yourself! One day, two days... I was silently counting, but I still seemed to think of work and thinking of our children. Especially when I see a safety accident, my heart will always be a mess: sorry for the people in the accident, will contact the implementation of the safety precautions in my kindergarten, and can't help but think of our children, what are they doing at this moment? Remember the safety protection knowledge that teachers usually teach during the holidays? Are they safe?

I convinced myself over and over again that I had made very careful holiday arrangements before the holidays, and we had taken into account the safety precautions and issued them to every family, and parents should be able to do it, right? In the usual one-day activities, the safety education of teachers never dares to relax, and the children should remember it, right? Even during the holidays, the class teacher reminds parents in various ways in the class group every day to remind their children: recorded in advance vibrato fireproof videos, epidemic prevention and control reminders... Can everyone see attention?

However, it is still tangled: will it be a long time, and some parents have relaxed their thinking? After weighing and thinking about it repeatedly, I decided to stir up the "fish pond": take a way that can make the children's parents happy to hear and then solemnly remind them? Therefore, I mobilized some teachers to carry out the holiday home visit activity of "looking for safety masters and publicizing knowledge into the house" in my park. It can not only understand the living conditions of young children during the holidays, but also publicize the knowledge of home safety for children and families.

Huang Lili, | of the winter holiday of the village principal: Dear children, wait for your safe return

As soon as the notice of this activity was issued, parents responded one after another, and the children competed to register in the class group with a young and cute voice. On the basis of the participation of the whole park, we randomly selected more than a dozen little babies according to the registration situation to start the activity.

"Teacher, teacher, Happy New Year!" When Mo Xuan of the third class saw us coming, he was excited and didn't know what to say, he was busy in the room, holding a fruit plate in front of us for a while, and then closely following behind his mother and asking vigorously:

"Mom, is the water boiling?" Hurry up and make tea for the teacher, right? ”

We couldn't help but be amused by his cute look.

I took his little hand and sat down, "Little baby, thank you for your warm hospitality. Now I'm going to ask you a few questions, okay? ”

"Good, good!" He looked up at me and said vigorously.

"When we go out to supermarkets and other places where there are many people, how should we do a good job of epidemic prevention?"

"Wear a mask!" He replied aloud, "I did it all." ”

"Can the children bring the kettle when the water is boiling?" I asked, pointing to my mother, who was busy pouring water next to me.

"Without their mother's help, children can't move the kettle and household appliances."

Looking at his serious look, several teachers in the same group laughed and gave him a thumbs up.

Huang Lili, | of the winter holiday of the village principal: Dear children, wait for your safe return

Five small safety problems in a row were not difficult for him, and I solemnly handed him the award certificate and said: "Congratulations, you have successfully passed the level!" Now you are the first batch of 'safety knowledge masters' in our Zhenxing Road Kindergarten! He jumped and jumped with joy with the award certificate and the small gift, which made the adults in our room laugh and laugh.

"Teacher, are you almost at my house?" "Teacher, I'm ready!" On the way, I kept getting calls from my children. Didn't expect our event to be so popular with kids.

Huang Lili, | of the winter holiday of the village principal: Dear children, wait for your safe return

In the home of Xiangcheng children, after we finished the Q&A, the child's mother took my hand and said: "Teacher, it is finally going to start school, you don't know, my little fifth class Meng Xiang thinks of teachers and friends every day, looking forward to going to school, that day I thought of their teacher Wang, and I wanted to cry!" I looked at the child hiding behind his mother with some shyness, and thought: This is perhaps our greatest satisfaction as teachers?

Chun Xiang's children answered the questions crisply and neatly, and he also led us to visit the exhibition of his works during the holiday: there were beautiful paintings, there were paper cuts, there were tigers made of space clay...

Huang Lili, | of the winter holiday of the village principal: Dear children, wait for your safe return

Downstairs from a resident, I met a child from our kindergarten, and my mind was moving: Do you want to test it? So he smiled and squinted at him, bent down and said to him: "Little friend, just now I saw that there is a candy man in front of the building, but it is interesting, I will take you to see?" The little boy smiled and nodded and said, "Okay teacher, but my grandmother is over there, I'll talk to her first." "It turned out to be recognized, I smiled and bent over, but I have to say that the children's sense of prevention is still very strong."

The most interesting thing is the grace of the primary class. This is a cheerful and polite little boy, and as soon as I finished my question, he slipped out of my side, stood across from us and said solemnly, "Teacher, when the head of the kindergarten is over, when the holidays are over, you tell us that the holidays should be meaningful, and I will show you now." The father and mother next to them explained with a smile: "This is just as soon as I heard that you are coming, I volunteered to do a debriefing performance." ”

"With spring and summer, with autumn and winter, I have grown up, but what is called growing up?" ......”

Huang Lili, | of the winter holiday of the village principal: Dear children, wait for your safe return

Mom turned on the stereo, and in the soft music, Enze seemed to be holding the microphone like a decent, and the voice was young and clear. My mind was pulled far and far away at this moment: this group of small class babies who had been crying and crying at the kindergarten gate a few months ago and refused to enter the kindergarten gate, now they have changed so much. What is growing up? In the eyes of teachers and parents, you can grow up safely and happily. It's good to see you grow up safely and happily!

The ninth, the tenth... From morning to sunset, on this day we walked into more than a dozen families, came to the children's side, learned about the children's situation at home, felt the children's happiness, and the parents attached importance to safety work. And the performance of the little babies made me extremely pleased, and their intentional or unintentional attachment to the teacher for the kindergarten made me deeply moved.

Safety and education are equally important, and health and growth go hand in hand. Finally, I can rest assured for a while, dear children, happy holidays, and wait for your safe return!

Huang Lili, | of the winter holiday of the village principal: Dear children, wait for your safe return
Huang Lili, | of the winter holiday of the village principal: Dear children, wait for your safe return
Huang Lili, | of the winter holiday of the village principal: Dear children, wait for your safe return

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