
Chen Ranshai's husband took the baby daily, and Liu Zhiman fed his 8-month-old son to drink milk, and his movements were skillful and patient

author:Ten fingers tapping entertainment

Chen Ran and Liu Zhiman are very low-key from love to official marriage, if it were not for Chen Ran's participation in the recording of the reality SHOW "Newborn Diary" during pregnancy last year, few people know that the two people are husband and wife.

Chen Ranshai's husband took the baby daily, and Liu Zhiman fed his 8-month-old son to drink milk, and his movements were skillful and patient

Chen Ran, who gave birth to a son in July last year, in the blink of an eye, their son Romeo is 8 months old, on March 14, Chen Ran also shared a group of husbands with babies on his personal social platform, and wrote "Daddy's Daily Life", at the end of the article, he did not forget to cover his face and cry, it seems that he was also teased by the father and son.

Chen Ranshai's husband took the baby daily, and Liu Zhiman fed his 8-month-old son to drink milk, and his movements were skillful and patient

In the father-son photo, Liu Zhiman, who is ready to feed his son, sits on the crawling mat with his son Romeo, but where the 8-month-old Romeo is still as well-behaved as a baby, he is also twisted and twisted in his arms, constantly moving.

Chen Ranshai's husband took the baby daily, and Liu Zhiman fed his 8-month-old son to drink milk, and his movements were skillful and patient

In order to let his son eat quietly, Liu Zhiman also gave him a small bottle for him to hold in his hand, and soon the little guy quieted down and entered the quiet drinking mode. It seems that Liu Zhiman, who is a novice father, has not brought a baby in the past 8 months, and now he also has a wealth of experience in carrying a baby.

Chen Ranshai's husband took the baby daily, and Liu Zhiman fed his 8-month-old son to drink milk, and his movements were skillful and patient

Liu Zhiman, who feeds his son, is not only skilled in his movements, but also very gentle and patient in the face of his mischievous son in his arms. After feeding the milk powder, I did not forget to feed the little guy water, the mind is delicate, it is really a proper drop super daddy.

Chen Ranshai's husband took the baby daily, and Liu Zhiman fed his 8-month-old son to drink milk, and his movements were skillful and patient
Chen Ranshai's husband took the baby daily, and Liu Zhiman fed his 8-month-old son to drink milk, and his movements were skillful and patient
Chen Ranshai's husband took the baby daily, and Liu Zhiman fed his 8-month-old son to drink milk, and his movements were skillful and patient

I have to say that although Liu Zhiman is 5 years younger than his wife Chen Ran, he is really good at taking care of people. For Chen Ran, with her husband as a good helper to help with the baby, she is naturally a lot more relaxed. Chen Ran, who was in a good mood today, also took out a one-piece swimsuit and dressed up in a plaid shirt and walked at home.

Chen Ranshai's husband took the baby daily, and Liu Zhiman fed his 8-month-old son to drink milk, and his movements were skillful and patient

Model debut Chen Ran, eight months after giving birth to a child, she still maintains a hot figure, and her husband wears a couple outfit to appear in the camera together, handsome men and women are beautiful, the family has a high appearance, simply do not make people too envious.

Chen Ranshai's husband took the baby daily, and Liu Zhiman fed his 8-month-old son to drink milk, and his movements were skillful and patient

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