
Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

author:Phineas Quest Hall
Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

At the recording site of "Happy Camp", a trace of embarrassment suddenly burst out in the laughter. He Jiong smiled and threw a seemingly ordinary question at Li Xiaoran: "How do you think I will save your phone number?" Li Xiaoran replied easily: "It may be 'Xiao Ran' or 'Ran Ran'."

However, Xie Na's response was like a hammer, smashing into everyone present: "I didn't save Li Xiaoran's number."

In an instant, the atmosphere of the scene froze. He Jiong's smile froze on his face, and the audience looked at each other. Li Xiaoran's expression froze slightly, but he quickly regained his composure.

She skillfully resolved the embarrassment: "Because my number is easy to remember, Nana doesn't need to save it to remember." This sentence not only shows Li Xiaoran's high emotional intelligence, but also unveils the mystery of a decade-long friendship between girlfriends.

Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

Li Xiaoran and Xie Na's acquaintance stems from a common bond - Liu Ye. At that time, Liu Ye and Xie Na were in love, and Li Xiaoran was Liu Ye's friend.

After the three met, Li Xiaoran and Xie Na quickly became best friends who talked about everything.

At that time, Xie Na had just stepped into the strange city of Beijing, with a vision for her acting career, but she was facing many practical difficulties. is new to the city and unfamiliar with life, Xie Na's situation can't help but make Li Xiaoran feel pity.

coincided with Li Xiaoran having just bought a new house, and she had an idea and sent an invitation to Xie Na to live together. She said euphemistically: "I always feel lonely when I live alone, so it's better for you to move in with me."

Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

Xie Na gladly accepted, and the two began to live together day and night.

In the following days, Li Xiaoran was like a considerate sister who took care of Xie Na meticulously. Whenever Xie Na fell ill due to work pressure or environmental changes, Li Xiaoran always bought medicine as soon as possible and took care of her carefully; Every morning, Xie Na can drink the hot milk prepared for her by Li Xiaoran to warm her body and mind; In her spare time, Li Xiaoran will also accompany Xie Na to choose a beautiful dress and dress her up.

Even when Xie Na is busy, Li Xiaoran will take the initiative to take on all the housework, so that Xie Na has no worries.

One day, Xie Na brought back a lively and cute puppy. Faced with this fluffy new member, Li Xiaoran not only did not complain at all, but accepted it happily.

Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

She silently keeps the house tidy and often prepares delicious food for her puppies. The addition of puppies has added a bit of warmth and joy to this improvised "home".

During those days of living together, the relationship between the two grew day by day. They share each other's joys, sorrows, and sorrows, encourage each other, and grow together. The relationship between Li Xiaoran and Xie Na has long surpassed ordinary friends and has become close sisters.

Li Xiaoran's life is like a drama of ups and downs, full of challenges and opportunities. After graduating from the Beijing Dance Academy, she joined the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, where she met Chen Kun at the same time.

Chen Kun's dedication to the dream of being an actor deeply touched Li Xiaoran and stimulated her long-hidden desire to perform.

Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

With a longing for his acting career, Li Xiaoran made a bold decision - to quit his job in the dance company and embark on a journey to pursue his dream of being an actor alone.

However, the reality is not as rosy as imagined. Li Xiaoran, who has just entered the entertainment industry, can only make a living by running tricks, and struggles to grope his way forward in this highly competitive industry.

At the low point of his career, Li Xiaoran met Mr. Lu. This gentle and considerate man gave her great comfort, and the two quickly fell in love. However, the good times were short-lived.

Mr. Lu was addicted to gambling and soon squandered all his family property. Although Li Xiaoran chose to be tolerant, when Mr. Lu decided to give up the struggle and attach himself to her, Li Xiaoran resolutely ended the relationship.

Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

The blows of life did not break Li Xiaoran. Soon after, she befriended a screenwriter who was also in a difficult situation. The two supported each other in the predicament and fell in love for a long time.

However, when the screenwriter's career improved, he chose to leave Li Xiaoran. The failure of this relationship once again dealt a heavy blow to Li Xiaoran.

Just when Li Xiaoran was most lost, his old friend Chen Kun reached out to help. He matched Li Xiaoran and recommended several roles. The opportunity finally came, and Li Xiaoran successfully starred in the TV series "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind", which made the audience remember her name, and her career finally improved.

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on Li Xiaoran. While filming "A Fairy Tale in Paris", she met married director Sun Donghai. In the face of Sun Donghai's enthusiastic pursuit, Li Xiaoran resolutely refused at first.

Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

But when Sun Donghai resolutely divorced her, Li Xiaoran mistakenly thought that she had found true love and decided to respond.

Unfortunately, the relationship quickly deteriorated. Sun Donghai showed a strong desire to control, and even installed monitoring equipment at home to strictly restrict Li Xiaoran's social activities.

Li Xiaoran felt suffocated and finally chose to leave. However, even after the breakup, Sun Donghae's shadow continues to haunt her, and may even pose a threat to her new relationship.

After a short and thrilling romance with director Yan Po, Li Xiaoran's emotional life seems to have fallen into a quagmire. However, as the so-called willows and flowers are bright in another village, her high school friend Xu Jianing confessed to her at this time.

Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

After years of companionship, Li Xiaoran saw Xu Jianing's sincerity, and the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

After experiencing many tests of career and feelings, Li Xiaoran finally ushered in the spring of life. Her marriage is happy and her career has ushered in a second spring. With his ageless appearance and superb acting skills, Li Xiaoran continues to be active in the film and television industry and has won praise from the audience and industry insiders.

Li Xiaoran's life experience is like an inspirational biopic. She grew up in setbacks, was strong in hardships, and finally reaped a double harvest of career and love.

This experience of ups and downs not only shaped Li Xiaoran's tenacious character, but also allowed her to show extraordinary tolerance and wisdom in the face of friendship changes.

Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

Compared with Li Xiaoran's bumpy experience, Xie Na's acting career seems to be smooth. When she first arrived in Beijing, Xie Na was still an ignorant little girl, with longing, but she didn't know where to start.

Fortunately, she met Li Xiaoran, a noble person, and received meticulous care and support, which laid the foundation for her to gain a firm foothold in Beijing.

In 2004, opportunities loomed. Hunan Satellite TV's "Happy Camp" is openly recruiting hosts across the country, and this news is like a dawn, illuminating Xie Na's future.

She did not hesitate to plunge into it, and with her unique temperament and natural sense of humor, she stood out from the crowd of contenders.

Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

After joining "Happy Camp", Xie Na is like a fish in water. Her lively and cheerful personality, coupled with the tacit cooperation with He Jiong and other hosts, quickly won the love of the audience.

The ratings of the show are rising, and Xie Na's popularity is also rising. She has gradually grown from an unknown host to a well-known variety show queen.

With the prosperity of her career, Xie Na's love life is gradually getting better. She fell in love with singer Zhang Jie, and the sweet relationship between the two became a good story in the entertainment industry, attracting much attention from the media and fans.

In the end, Xie Na and Zhang Jie entered the marriage hall hand in hand, held a grand wedding, and fulfilled their love dreams.

Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

However, under the aura of success, the relationship between Xie Na and Li Xiaoran seems to have quietly changed. The once intimate best friends began to drift apart. Maybe it's the busy work that takes up too much time, or maybe it's the difference in life trajectories that separates the distance.

Before you know it, this precious friendship is beginning to be tested by Vanity Fair.

Xie Na and Zhang Jie's wedding became an important turning point in her friendship with Li Xiaoran. When Xie Na sent a bridesmaid invitation to Li Xiaoran, Li Xiaoran was at a low point in her life.

Not only does she have to deal with complex emotional distress, but she also has to take care of her ex-boyfriend Yan Po, who is hospitalized. Despite the bitterness in his heart, Li Xiaoran still gladly accepted the invitation.

Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

On the wedding day, Li Xiaoran endured the waves in her heart and put on the brightest smile. She carefully helped Xie Na arrange the wedding dress, calmed her nervousness, and witnessed the happy moment of the couple with the most sincere wishes.

Li Xiaoran's actions seem to be the last protection of this friendship.

However, when Li Xiaoran and Xu Jianing tied the knot, the situation took a dramatic turn. Xie Na politely refused to attend for various reasons, and this detail was like a thorn in Li Xiaoran's heart, becoming a landmark event that the friendship between the two began to drift apart.

As time passed, the former best friends gradually lost contact. Xie Na's circle of friends is constantly updated, from Chen Qiaoen to Ouyang Nana, and then to Zhao Liying, but only Li Xiaoran is missing.

Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

Sisters who were once inseparable now seem to live in a parallel world.

In a chance variety show reunion, the sense of alienation between the two became more and more obvious. Xie Na interacted with other guests enthusiastically, but she was particularly unfamiliar with Li Xiaoran.

Li Xiaoran responded with his usual elegance and calmness, but the complex emotions revealed in his eyes were still captured by the keen audience.

This once precious friendship seems to have passed quietly in the long river of years. Two girls who were once like sisters have now embarked on completely different life paths, leaving only a faint nostalgia and regret in each other's hearts.

Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

Time flies, and the once intimate best friend has now embarked on a completely different life path.

Xie Na, the former queen of variety shows, is now facing a turning point in her career. Her performance in "Happy Camp" has caused a lot of controversy, and her reviews on the Internet are mixed.

With the end of this ace show, Xie Na lost the stage she relied on to survive and had to replan her career direction. In this rapidly changing entertainment industry, how to maintain popularity and how to transform has become a difficult problem in front of Xie Na.

In stark contrast to this is Li Xiaoran's life situation. After experiencing the ups and downs of emotions, Li Xiaoran finally ushered in a double harvest of career and feelings. She has a happy marriage and is in love with her husband Xu Jianing.

Li Xiaoran only used one sentence to expose Xie Na's "real character", and how her best friend stopped interacting for 10 years

In his acting career, Li Xiaoran continued to be active in the film and television industry with his ageless appearance and superb acting skills, and won unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders.

Looking back, Li Xiaoran's words to resolve embarrassment in "Happy Camp" seem to hint at her attitude towards this friendship - tolerance and understanding, but she also maintains a certain distance.

This once intimate girlfriend relationship may make Xie Na reflect and understand when facing the current predicament.

Life is like a play, the former supporting role may become the protagonist, and the protagonist may also fade out of the stage. The story of Li Xiaoran and Xie Na is like a mirror, reflecting the fragility of friendship in the entertainment industry and the impermanence of life experiences.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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