
Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

author:Phineas Quest Hall
Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

In the winter of 2018, in the ward of a hospital in Beijing, a rock singer who was once a powerful rock singer was facing the end of his life alone. This person is Zang Tianshuo, the singer who used "Friend" to impress countless listeners.

At this moment, his life is like a candle in the wind, but he stubbornly refuses to be visited by any of his friends.

Outside the ward, flowers and cards are piled up, conveying people's concern and longing. However, Zang Tianshuo remained silent, as if he had made a break with the world.

Why did the man who once regarded friendship as the most precious treasure in his life choose to bear it alone at the end of his life? What is the story behind this poignant choice? Let's look back on Zang Tianshuo's life trajectory and find the answer to this thought-provoking mystery.

Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

In 1984, 20-year-old Zang Tianshuo encountered rock music for the first time, as if struck by a lightning bolt, and a raging fire for music ignited in his heart. This encounter completely changed the course of his life, and he decided to devote himself to the creation and interpretation of rock music.

In the years that followed, Zang Tianshuo hungrily absorbed the essence of rock and roll, pouring his soul into every note. His music contains both the fireworks of Beijing's hutongs and the rebellious spirit of rock.

Day after day of hard training and creation, his talent was gradually revealed.

In 1995, Zang Tianshuo released a solo album "My Decade". This album is like a bombshell, exploding in the Chinese music scene. In the streets and alleys, people are talking about this unpretentious but charismatic new singer.

Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

His unique voice and sincere lyrics instantly hit the heartstrings of countless listeners.

Zang Tianshuo's rise came at the right time. The spring breeze of reform and opening up is blowing in every corner of China, and people yearn for spiritual freedom and liberation. Zang Tianshuo's music precisely satisfies this need, and his singing has a love for life, a cherishing of friendship, and a reflection on social reality.

As his fame grew, Zang's music career flourished. He has composed many popular classic songs, the most famous of which is "Friends".

With its unpretentious lyrics and touching melody, the song was sung at countless graduation ceremonies and parties, and became a spiritual symbol of the era.

Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

In 2000, Zang's music career reached an important milestone. At the 99th annual awards party of the Chinese Song Chart, he won three awards for best songwriting and top ten golden songs.

Zang Tianshuo, who was standing on the podium, had a firm gaze and a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. At this moment, he knew that he was finally standing at the pinnacle of his career, and his perseverance and dedication had paid off.

However, just as Zang Tianshuo was enjoying the joy of success, he didn't know that the gears of fate had quietly turned, about to take him in an unexpected direction.

This former rock star is about to face a major turning point in his life.

Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

In Zang Tianshuo's music career, "Friends" is undoubtedly an important milestone. With its simple lyrics and soulful melody, the song has been sung on countless occasions and has become synonymous with friendship.

When Zang Tianshuo's deep and powerful voice sings "Friends go together for a lifetime", it can always arouse strong resonance among the audience and arouse people's yearning and cherishing of sincere friendship.

However, Zang Tianshuo not only praises friendship in songs, but also interprets this precious friendship with his actions in real life. In the entertainment industry, Zang Tianshuo is known for his kindness and enthusiasm.

Many of his peers have been helped by him, and they respectfully call Zang Tianshuo a "loyal warrior among friends." This title is not a false name, but stems from Zang Tianshuo's sincere feelings and selfless dedication to his friends.

Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

There is one thing that fully reflects Zang Tianshuo's concern for his friends. When Zang Tianshuo's career was in full swing, his friend Xu Wei fell into severe depression.

Faced with Xu Wei's predicament, many people chose to stay away, lest they be affected by negative emotions. But Zang Tianshuo took the initiative to lend a hand. He visited many times and accompanied Xu Wei through the most difficult times.

They chatted about music and sang together, and Zang Tianshuo helped Xu Wei get out of the psychological haze in his own way. This sincere friendship was particularly precious in the entertainment industry at that time.

In addition to caring for friends, Zang Tianshuo is also enthusiastic about public welfare. He was always the first to step up whenever there was a need. In his opinion, the world needs more love and warmth, and he is willing to be the one who transmits this warmth.

Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

Whether it is participating in charity performances or helping people in need in private, Zang Tianshuo is dedicated to his best and never stingy with his time and energy.

However, it was this sincerity and trust in his friends that eventually pushed Zang Tianshuo to a low point in his life. He tends to be unreserved about his friends and believes in each other wholeheartedly.

This kind of trust, which is almost naïve, seems out of place in a complex business society, and also lays the groundwork for his future predicament.

Zang Tianshuo's conduct reflects his unique understanding of friendship. In his opinion, friends should be honest with each other and help each other. He often said that as long as a friend is in need, he will be the first to lend a hand.

Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

This attitude has earned him widespread respect and affection in the circle.

Looking back, Zang Tianshuo may sigh: In this complex world, can simple friendship still stand the test of interests? But no matter what, he always believes that sincere friendship is the most precious treasure in life.

This belief is not only his strength, but also his weakness.

Zang Tianshuo uses his music and actions to interpret the true meaning of friendship. His story teaches us that in this world, sincerity and kindness never go out of style. Even if we encounter setbacks, these qualities are still worth cherishing and persevering.

Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

When his career climbed to the top, Zang Tianshuo's life trajectory took a dramatic turn. In the early 2000s, he made a life-changing decision: he shifted his focus from music to business, and co-founded a venue with friends called Friends Di's Bar.

This decision seemed to be to expand his career, but it unexpectedly became a turning point in his life.

From the spotlight of the stage to the backstage of the commercial place, Zang Tianshuo's image gradually faded out of the public eye. What was once a passionate rock singer is now a busy businessman.

However, shopping malls are like battlefields, and Zang Tianshuo's simplicity and straightforwardness seem to be a disadvantage here.

Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

The operation of "Friend Di Bar" was not as smooth as Zang Tianshuo expected. Due to the divergence of business philosophy and the conflict of personalities, the conflict between him and his partner deepened.

Zang Tianshuo is accustomed to the straightforwardness of the music industry, but it is difficult to adapt to the deception of the business world. His trust and honesty with his friends are particularly vulnerable to the test of interests.

Finally, in a fierce dispute, the contradiction broke out completely. A physical altercation between Zang and his partner quickly escalated, culminating in Zang's imprisonment.

This news is like a bomb that caused a huge shock in the entertainment industry. Zang Tianshuo, who once touched countless people with his singing, now appears in front of the public as a prisoner.

Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

The contrast is so great that many people find it difficult to accept this fact.

Living behind bars gave Zang Tianshuo a lot of time for self-reflection. He began to realize that not all friends in this world were as sincere as the song sang.

Interests, money, can often easily shatter seemingly indestructible friendships. This experience was a huge blow to Zang Tianshuo. It not only changed the trajectory of his life, but also deeply affected his mentality.

The experience of falling from the peak to the bottom made Zang Tianshuo begin to re-examine his life values. He began to doubt what he once believed in and began to rethink the relationship between people.

Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

, a rock singer who was once sunny and open-minded, has become more silent and introverted, and there is more complexity and vicissitudes in his eyes.

Zang Tianshuo's story seems to be a concerto of life full of drama. From rock star to prison, from the spotlight to obscurity, such a huge gap makes people sigh at the impermanence of fate.

However, it is precisely these ups and downs that shaped Zang Tianshuo's character and attitude towards the world in the second half of his life, and also injected new connotations into his music creation.

After being released from prison, Zang Tianshuo is no longer the high-spirited rock singer. The years and experiences have carved deep traces on his face, and there is more vicissitudes and profundity in his eyes.

Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

Faced with a huge turning point in his life, Zang Tianshuo chose a new way of life and began a journey of self-redemption.

In order to calm the turmoil in his heart, Zang Tianshuo turned to the embrace of Buddhism. He began to study Buddhism, hoping to find inner peace through the wisdom of Buddhism. In the process, he learned to let go, learned to forgive, and learned to face the ups and downs of life with a peaceful mind.

This kind of spiritual sustenance helped Zang Tianshuo re-examine his life and find a new direction.

Although no longer active in the public eye, music has always been an integral part of Zang's life. He still makes music, but these songs are no longer as passionate as they used to be, but more calm and restrained.

Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

In his singing, there seems to be a touch of Zen, singing the vicissitudes of time and the true meaning of life. Although these works are no longer widely sung, they more deeply reflect Zang Tianshuo's inner world.

In addition to music, Zang Tianshuo spends more time with his family. He became more and more reticent, but the tenderness in his eyes was more pronounced. Occasionally, he would hum a few words softly, and the familiar voice still resonated in people's hearts.

This once powerful rock singer is now more like an ordinary middle-aged person, enjoying a simple and warm family life.

During this period, Zang Tianshuo is like a pot of old wine, which has been precipitated over the years and exudes a unique charm. His music and his way of life have an indescribable depth.

Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

Although away from the hustle and bustle of the spotlight, Zang Tianshuo seems to have found true inner peace, which is perhaps the most precious harvest of his life.

Zang Tianshuo's life is like a rock music with ups and downs. He used music to convey the power of friendship, but fell into a low point in his life because of friendship; He was once a rock star who was in high demand, but in the end he chose to face the end of his life alone.

Such a life trajectory can't help but make people think deeply about the relationship between friendship, fame and fortune and inner peace.

At the end of his life, Zang Tianshuo was diagnosed with cancer. Faced with this cruel truth, he chose a poignant way to cope: concealing his illness, refusing to be visited by friends, and carrying the burden of life alone.

Zang Tianshuo's last time: There are fewer and fewer words, and he doesn't want friends to visit him after suffering from cancer

Perhaps, in Zang Tianshuo's view, this is a kind of redemption for the past and a kind of protection for friends. He didn't want his former best friends to see his fragile side, and he didn't want them to grieve his loss.

This choice not only reflects his stubbornness, but also reflects another interpretation of his friendship.

Zang Tianshuo's story makes us have to think: in this complex world, how should friendship, fame and fortune and inner peace be chosen? The answer may vary from person to person, but Zang Tianshuo has used his life to tell us that no matter what stage of life we are in, maintaining sincerity in our hearts and love for music is the most precious treasure.

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